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“Thank you for dinner,” Ruby said as Zac took her hand and lead her out of the chinese restaurant.

“It was my pleasure,” Zac said squeezing her hand. They got to his car and Ruby stood backed up against her side of the car holding both of Zac’s hands.

“So what do you wanna do? It’s still light out.” Ruby proposed.

“Hmm. We could....” he laughed. “There’s not much to do here in Tulsa.”

“This is true,” she laughed.

“You wanna just go back to my house and hang out?” Zac offered.

“Sure,” she smiled.

Zac leaned in to kiss her and she released his hands running hers up his chest. His hands went around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her hand trailed up his neck and she traced one finger down his newly shaven face.

“Mmm,” Ruby mumbled pulling away from Zac. “Let’s go,”she whispered.

“Kay,” Zac whispered back opening her door for her.


“Hey Dad,” Zac greeted tossing his keys on the kitchen counter. His father was at the kitchen table eating brownies with three younger children.

“Hey,” his dad said surveying the brunette standing next to his son. “You must be Ruby,” his father smiled and stood up.

“Hi,” Ruby went to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Mr. Hanson said returning the handshake.

“Those are my sisters Jessica and Avery,” Zac pointed to two blondes with wet hair dressed for bed. “And that’s my brother Mac.” Mac was another blonde boy whom Zac had decribed over dinner along with the rest of his family.

“Hi,” Ruby smiled and waved.

“Hi,” all three of them shyly greeted.

“So you wat anything to eat or drink?” Zac offered.

“No thanks. I’m fine,” Ruby said.

“Okay,” Zac said going to the fridge and taking out the milk. He poured himself a glass and stood at the counter. “So where’s Mom?” he asked.

“Giving Zoe a bath.”

Zac nodded.

“So Ruby,” his father spoke up causing Ruby to break her stare from Zac. “Zachary says you go to New York University.”

“Mm hmm,” Ruby nodded. “I just finished my first year.”

“Wow. That must be exciting studying in New York. That’s a big change.”

“Yeah. But I love it. It feels good to be home though.

“We’ve been to New York,” 7 year old Mac spoke up.

“Yeah?” Ruby raised her eyebrows at Zac’s youngest brother who looked just like him. “What did you guys do there?”

Mac proceeded to tell Ruby about how they saw the Statue of Liberty and The Lion King Broadway play and the museums. After a few more minutes of talking to Zac’s dad, Zac dragged her away upstairs to his bedroom.

“Dad’s a talker,” Zac said loading a Grateful Dead CD into his stereo.

“That’s okay,” Ruby smiled surveying the walls of Zac’s room. His bed was made with a wine colored bedspread. He had a tan couch on one wall and his bookshelf and stereo on another. Burgandy and cream colored wallpaper covered the walls half the way down and the bottom half of the wall was painted an eggshell color. His acoustic guitar was leaned in one corner and a tower of CD’s stood next to the stereo. He had a poster of the Beatles crossing Abby Road along with a Grateful Dead poster. “Your room’s cute,” Ruby said studying a framed picture of Zac and his two older brothers on his nightstand.

“I cleaned it just for you,” Zac smiled and threw himself on his bed.

“Well I appreciate it,” Ruby grinned as Zac pulled her around the waist back onto the bed. She let her shoes fall to the ground before curling up next to Zac. They laid on their sides exchanging innocent kisses when there was a knock at Zac’s door.

“Zachary?” His mom’s voice called out.

Ruby got off the bed running her hand over the top of her head. “Come in,” Zac said putting his feet on the floor.

“Hi,” his mom greeted sticking her head in.

“Hey mom. This is Ruby,” Zac gestured toward her.

“Hi, Mrs. Hanson,” Ruby smiled.

“Hi, Ruby. Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” his mom smiled back. “Zac I just wanted to let you know that Isaac called while you were out. I think he wants to do something tomorrow night.”

“Cool,” Zac nodded. “I’ll give him a call tomorrow.”

“Alright,” she whispered. “Well I’m going downstairs,” she said giving Zac a warning look.

“Bye,” Ruby said.

“Bye bye,” Mrs. Hanson said leaving the door open as she left.

Zac laughed and shook his head. “This house is crazy like, all the time,” He said taking his shoes off.

“At least you have your own room,” Ruby said sitting on the couch.

“Yeah. That’s a good thing.” He reached over and picked his guitar up.

“So how long have you been playing?” Ruby asked.

“Um, about four years,” Zac said strumming a few random chords as he tried to match the song that was playing.

“Showing off for her?” Taylor asked appearing in Zac’s doorway. Zac looked up giving his brother a go to hell look.

“Hi Ruby,” Taylor smiled.

“Hey,” she smiled back.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Zac asked in an irritated tone.

“No buddy,” Taylor grinned. “I live life to continuously embarass you.”

“Great,” Zac replied unenthused.

“Hey give me a break I just got off work,” Taylor said coming into the room and flopping on his back onto Zac’s bed.

“How was it?” Zac asked.

“Some ole, same ole,” Taylor sighed. “I made like, almost 200 dollars in tips.”

“Wait, was this at the strip club or the restaurant?” Zac asked before laughing as Taylor shoved him.

“This girl also left me her number at one of my tables,” Taylor said pulling out a folded up napkin.

“So why don’t you go call her? Now. In your room,” Zac said. “Why don’t you go to your rom and give her a call.”

Taylor laughed. “Okay, okay. You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said slowly getting up.

“Are you sure?” Zac asked aggrivated.

“Hey you know mom won’t let you close your door with a girl in the room,” Taylor said as if Ruby wasn’t there. “Not like you ever have girls in your room,” Taylor smiled before Zac threw an Adidas sneaker at him.

“Bye Tay,” Zac said.

“Later kids,” Taylor said before heading off to his room.

“Sorry,” Zac told Ruby. “He’s not always a jerk. I think he’s just jealous.”

“Ah, that’s okay,” Ruby smiled. “I’d be jealous if my younger brother was gorgeous too.”

Zac opened his mouth but instead let out an embarassed laugh and looked at the floor. “That’s not what I meant,” Zac said quietly while blushing.

Chapter 10