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“Like...” she swished her arms through the water while she thought. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Zac let out a small laugh causing his chestnut colored eyes to sparkle. “No.”

Ruby slowly nodded her head.

“You have a boyfriend?”

She shook her head no.

“Really?” Zac raised his eyebrows. “Why not?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just picky. I wish I wasn’t.”

“Picky? What are your boyfriend standards?” Zac asked as he began slowly circling around her.

“I don’t have standards,” she laughed.

“Well what do you look for in a guy?”

“Hmm... let’s see. Sense of humor is key. A guy has to make me laugh. Has to like the same movies as me. Um...intelligent, non smoker,” she listed.

“Mm hmm,” he smiled as they made their way towards the deep end.

“Um...doesn’t wear jean shorts,” she continued. Zac laughed at that comment. “Knows what he wants out of life, doesn’t listen to rap music or Britney Spears, plays guitar,” she slyly raised one eyebrow at Zac.

“Uh huh,” he nodded. “I like your list. Now what’s your favorite movie?” he asked.

“The Breakfast Club,” she answered. “John Hughes is a genius.”

“Yeah. Definitely. The Breakfast Club’s a good movie.”

“So do you have a girlfriend checklist?” Ruby asked.

“Let’s see,” Zac began. He reached up and took hold of the sides of the diving board. “Intelligence is key, I must say,” he said as he began to do chin ups on the diving board. “Along with intelligence comes sense of humor. They’re intertwined.”

“I agree,” Ruby said leaning against the wall underneath the diving board facing Zac.

“Um...” he held himself up for a few seconds before letting himself come down hanging in front of Ruby. “I have a thing for brunettes I’ll admit,” he smiled.

She raised her eyebrows at him resting her arms on the concrete behind her.

“She has to listen to good music,” he did another chin up. She watched as the muscles in his arms and stomach tightened every time he pulled himself up. He hung down in front of her again. “And like guys who play guitar,” he finished.

She smiled at him. “Pretty open minded list,” she said.

“Yeah,” he said dropping his arms from the board.

“I’d like to hear you play sometime,” she put her arms back in the water and floated closer to him.

“I’d like to see your paintings sometime,” Zac told her.

Ruby slowly nodded. “Kay,” she said just above a whisper. Zac nodded his head and licked his lips when he noticed Ruby look at them. Their deep breaths became synchronous as their eyes danced with eachothers. Ruby blinked causing water droplets to fall from her eyelashes. She reached up and smoothed his blonde hair down before gently placing her lips on his. She ran her hand down his thick ponytail as he pressed himself closer to her body and gently sucked on her bottom lip. She reached up to grab onto the diving board to keep from sinking since neither of them could touch the bottom. Her tongue met his and she ran it along his teeth. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against him. Their tongues mingled a little longer before Ruby pulled away slightly. She left him with a few more brief kisses before opening her eyes.

Zac cleared his throat and Ruby dropped down from the diving board as he kept his hold on her waist.

“I’ve uh,” she began quietly, “I’ve wanted that to happen all day,” she admitted.

Zac smiled. “I’ve wanted that to happen since yesterday.”

Ruby let out a small laugh and reached up to move a stray hair stuck to his forehead. “I’d like for it to happen again,” she said.

“Me too. And I’d like to hang out with you when I don’t look and smell like crap,” Zac said.

Ruby laughed and slid her hands down Zac’s chest. “Well I’m all for that.”

“Cool. Cause I know where you live,” he said placing his forehead against hers.

Chapter 5