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“You ready for this?” Ruby called out positioning herself behind the serving line at the tennis court. “This has ace written all over it, baby.”

“I’m ready,” Zac said leaning forward with tennis raquet in hand.

She tossed up the ball serving it Zac which he promptly returned. She hit it back and he ran for it hitting it into the net.

“Damn,” he breathed out.

“Ha,” she said meeting him at the net to retreive the ball. “Come on, man,” she said standing back at the serving line. “This isn’t ping pong,” she shouted at him.

He laughed and bent over resting his hands on his knees. “Woman, you want me to play for real? Cause I will,” he told her. “I’m taking it easy on you.”

“Okay then,” she smiled walking forward. “Let’s play for real.”

“Care to place a bet on this?” Zac asked meeting her at the net.


“Winner receives oral sex from the loser,” Zac said crossing his arms over his chest.

Ruby laughed looking up at the sky. “Alright. It’s a bet,” she said reaching out to shake his hand.

Zac returned the handshake. “You’re going down,” he said pointing his raquet at her as he backed up. “And I mean that,” he smiled.


Zac held his tennis raquet between his legs and tightened his low ponytail. “This is it, baby. Miss this and it’s blow job city,” he grinned bouncing the tennis ball on the court.

Ruby laughed and positioned herself behind the net holding her raquet. “Just serve the ball, blondie.”

Zac got ready to serve it. “Last chance,” he said.

“Ohhh God,” Ruby called out in an exaggerated moan as soon as he tossed the ball up in the air.

Zac completely missed the ball and dropped his raquet on the court. “Dammit Ruby,” he laughed.

“What?” She asked with innocent eyes. “What happened to your serve, ace?”

“Why don’t you just keep your mouth shut until we get back to your house?” Zac said picking up his tennis raquet.

“Why don’t you just serve the ball so you can lose,” she said bouncing side to side ready to hit the ball.

He threw the ball up and hit it over the net. She ran for it and returned the ball which he backhanded to the other corner of the court. She ran across the court barely missing the ball.

“Yeah,” Zac cheered raising his arms in the air.

“No way, man. That was so out,” she said walking towards the net.

“That was so in the line. It was good, don’t even try,” he smiled running his arm across his forehead.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said walking with him to the side where their stuff was.


“Oh,” Zac breathed laying his head back as he sat in the chair. “Fuck, Ruby.”

Ruby ran her tongue along the underside of his dick and closed her lips over the tip. “Mm,” she moaned causing him to shudder from the vibration.

Zac tangled his fingers in her hair and gently pulled her head closer to him. “Mm, baby don’t stop.”

She swirled her tongue around his length and massaged her hands up his thighs. She moved her hand over to gently squeeze his balls before he came.

“Mmmm, God,” Zac said panting heavily. “Holy shit,” he moaned covering his face with his hands.

Ruby sat back on her knees and swiped her bottom lip with her thumb. “Was that good?” She smiled.

“Mm hmm,” he sighed. “Thank you. You’re great,” he said sliding his boxers back on.

“You’re welcome,” she laughed as she stood up. “When do I get my rematch?” She grinned picking up her tanktop.

“Well since we only have two more days together..” Zac said quietly while he pulled her onto his lap.

“Yeah, I know. I think we’ve been avoiding talking about what’s gonna happen once I’m back in New York,” she said.

“What do you want to happen? With us?” He asked running his hand up and down her thigh.

“Zac,” she sighed. “I think a long distance relationship is pretty much impossible.”

“No it’s not.”

“Zac,” she looked into his eyes. “Have you ever had a long distance relationship? It’s so hard and it hurts so much.”

He nodded while staring at the floor. “So what are we supposed to do?”

“I think we should just chalk this up to summer love and go our separate ways. As hard as that is to say - I think it’s best,” she said smoothing down his hair.

“Can I still call you and stuff?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

“Of course,” she smiled. “And I’ll call you.”

“But we can see other people.”

She nodded.

Chapter 23