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“Would you like to come in?” Ruby smiled while she put the key in the front door.

“Absolutely,” he agreed wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

“I have had an amazing time with you this weekend,” she said leading him up the stairs.

“Me too. I wish your mom went out of town more often,” he said following her into her bedroom.

“Mm hmm,” she said leaning in to kiss him. She gently touched her lips to his as he ran his hands around her waist. As she slipped his bottom lip between hers she briefly sucked on it as she trailed her fingers along the back of his neck. They slowly advanced towards the bed and climbed on top of it.

Zac rolled half-way on top of her as his hands roamed down her body. He reached down as she bent her knee beside him and he ran his hand down her thigh. She tangled her fingers in his hair and lifted her hips to press against his.

What was intended to be a usual round of incredible sex ended up a half-hour long make-out session. Zac decided it was about time to go and breathlessly pulled away from her. “I should go,” he whispered right above her face.

“Okay,” she said tucking some of his hair behind his ear.

“But I can’t stand up yet,” he smiled rolling over on his back.

“Well take your time,” she laughed. “So you coming over tomorrow to mow the lawn?”

“Yes ma’am. But then I have to help Mom babysit so I can’t stay very long.”

“Aww, I’ll miss you,” she said propping herself on her elbows.

Zac took a deep breath and sat up. “I’ll miss you too. I had a great time this weekend.”

“So did I. A really great time,” she smiled standing up.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked getting up.

“Yep. Tomorrow.”

“Bye sweetie,” he said wrapping his arms around her body in a hug.

“Bye,” she smiled squeezing him back.


“God Zac,” Ruby moaned from underneath him. “Harder.”

“Mm, you feel so good,” Zac breathed shoving himself farther into her.

“Oh my God,” Ruby closed her eyes tightly and grabbed the pillowcase behind her.

“Ahhhh, damn,” Zac yelled out thrusting himself into her one last time.

“Holy shit,” Ruby said out of breath. “God you’re good.”

Zac smiled rolling off of her. “Only because of you. Oh man,” he sighed covering his face with a pillow.

“You wear me out, boy,” she said pulling the sheet around her shoulder and turning on her side.

“I wish I didn’t have to go home,” he said sitting up. “But I do.”

“Well I’ll give you a call, alright baby?”

“Certainly,” Zac said searching under the covers for his boxers and putting them on. “I’ll see you later.” He leaned over her and kissed her cheek.

“Okay. Bye,” she smiled before kissing his lips.

“Bye,” he said sliding his Umbros on and slinging his t-shirt over his shoulder.

Ruby smiled to herself and closed her eyes for a nap.


Ruby was up in her room working on her painting when she heard her mother come home.

“Ruby?” She called out.

“Hey Mom,” she replied. “I’m in my room.”

“Oh,” her mom said climbing the stairs. “Well you got something from the Museum of Modern Art,” her mother smiled holding up an envelope as she stood in Ruby’s doorway.

“Oh my God,” she said with wide eyes. She stood up and took the envelope. “I can’t believe it,” she said carefully tearing it open. She unfolded the letter and scanned over the introduction. “Oh my God, I got it,” she exclaimed raising her eyebrows.

“You got the internship?” Her mother asked excitedly reading it over her shoulder.

“Yeah,” Ruby smiled as she continued reading it.

“That is so great,” she said kissing the side of Ruby’s head. “Congratulations.”

“Oh my gosh,” Ruby’s forehead creased.


“Your first day of work is July 1st,” she read. “A complimentary plane ticket is enclosed and housing will be provided on the New York University campus,” she continued. “I start July 1st? That’s like, Monday.”

Chapter 21