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Redwoods National Park - Northern California - 2002




A Family Web site!

The immediate Whitener Family goes back to the birth of our father in 1913.  Herchel Wilburn Whitener was born as the eldest son of Hiram Wesley Whitener and Flora Olive Rape in Wheeler County Texas.  Herchel was followed by one brother, Wayne,  and two sisters, Lena and Flossie.  Herchel spent his early years on a farm located 1 1/2 miles east and 1 1/2 miles south of Kelton, Texas.  As a young teenager, he spent a number of years living with his grandparents, Hiram Anthony and Francis Ida Tate Whitener on the original Wheeler County farm east of Kelton.

Herchel's grandfather, Hiram Anthony Whitener was born 26 February 1861 in Booneville, Arkansas and his grandmother, Francis Ida Tate was born 26 February 1865 in Cass County Texas.  Approximately 1905 or 1906 the Hiram Anthony Whitener family moved to Wheeler County Texas, 3 miles east of the community of Kelton, Texas.  Hiram Anthony died 19 June 1934 and Francis Ida died 5 December 1955.  Both are buried in the Kelton Cemetery located 1 1/2 miles east of Kelton, Texas.  Hiram Anthony was the fifth of nine children born to Wesley Jones Whitener and Nancy Caroline Rogers of Cherokee County North Carolina.  




This is a picture of Herchel with his wife's brothers.  Left to right is Herchel, Archie, and Shelby.












Picture taken in late 1938.  Left to right is: Vivian, Wesley, Glen, and Herchel.






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Genealogy Website

A link to a Genealogy list for Weidner and Whitener

Photo Album

Online photo album with family pictures prior to the 1950's.



Updated as of:  04/30/04                                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2004 - RY2K Media