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Vanity Fair

Reasons Why I'm the Best

I would like to begin by saying that this page is not about me being egotistical. I just know that I have a lot going for me because of my intelligence, looks, and confidence. I have long wanted for a place where I could share the secrets of my success as a teenager and as an individual, so I have created this website as a gift from me to all of you. I hope someone's life will be touched by the tried and true advice I give. I have great plans for myself in the future and I know my goals will be reached since I have all the aforementioned qualities in my favor, the qualities of a winner. My faith in myself (and the Lord) has played a major role in getting me where I am. Many teens have struggled to find their niche in the world, and many find it with no trouble at all. But I was one of the unfortunate ones who couldn't seem to find my place. But since I developed the Vanity Plan, my life has dramatically changed for the better. I no longer have problems with inferiority or shyness. I don't have that constant need to please others, since by becoming popular I am doing what I want and what they want without even trying. The Vanity Plan can make a difference in your life as well. All it takes is confidence and some new clothes. Please follow the link to the Vanity Plan Site to find out how you can begin to turn your life into what you always wanted it to be.

I got my music Here!

The Vanity Plan
My sister's site. Lots of cool stuff!
