Conversations With a Duck

Y The Last Man : Sup Duck?
Duckman: nothing much freshness. Just keeping it read with some RHCP.
how about you?
Y The Last Man : Sitting here, with some Dylan. And being quite bored I just realized...
Duckman: oh wow, no PS ? ..
Y The Last Man : PS?
Play Station? Party Songs? Pink Sundaes? Popular Sadists?
Duckman: Pink Sundaes? they have those now .. man I'd go with those.
Y The Last Man : Sounds pretty good eh by? Like a swift kick in the teeth
Duckman: Well, not really .. I don't think I'd like one of those .. well .unless it's some sort of slang for sundae's I'm not aware of .. .. I guess I'm just not hip.
Y The Last Man : As hip as a manduck could be I'd imagian.
Ever think that maybe when you wake up tomorrow your entire life up until now would be a massive fucked up dream? Like that oddessy show...what a shit show....
Duckman: I hated the oddessy. . man it sucked .. if that happened with me .. well I hope that I really am something successful and not a bum.
Y The Last Man : I'd be pretty pissed off I think...because then in the real life I would tell people stories of things that I thought had happned to me but really it was just a fucked up dream,and like I woukld go on and on, and people would be like "What the fuck?"..I'd be so damn confused all the time. Probably go on some sort of killing spree, and fuck some shit up.
Duckman: Yeah, then you wake up going from dream to reality and you can't tell the difference so you just flip out and blow yourself up in what you think is the dream but it's actually reality ..
Y The Last Man : ...I'm kinda scared to go to sleep now...
Duckman: or are we sleeping right now ? ...
Y The Last Man : Well...I don't know...
Duckman: Well I guess we wouldn't know, until we wake up ...
Y The Last Man : IF we wake up
Duckman: yes .. we could stay asleep forever, but when we die we wake up in our real life....and that is what happens continuously..forever.
Y The Last Man : Well, if we are in fact awake right now, we could just stay awake and see what happenes...of course after a while we'd probabyly have to stop blinking as to not risk falling asleep, and then out eye balls would dr up and fall out of our heads..which would probably make us go to sleep...thus starting the cycle anew.
Duckman: yes, eventuallly you have to fall asleep, or pass out .. then we go back to being awake .. or asleep .. what if your next dream you try and stay there ?
Y The Last Man : Well as is it YOUR dream, I'd say you have some sort of subconscience control over what happenes. I'm sure you could will yourself to stay there...but that may present a number of probelmes of it's own.
Duckman: Yeah, what happens when your body needs to eat ?
Y The Last Man : We could life off our own body fats and what not for awhile...but without water it would only be a matter of a few days before it dies. But thats assuming we need our bodies to dream. Conscience could be a seperate entity all together that is just using our bodies in some sort of strange symbiotic Venom...maybe even without our bodies we could exist in the dream realm.
Duckman: Yes, maybe our physical body is held in some sort of flux while our conscious mind exsists on it's own by using the subconscious mind as some sort of conduet to the dream realm, where it can survive as a living creature itself rather then being contained into a body.
Y The Last Man : Very Possible, even more so if we are indeed in the dream realm right now, and perhaos have been for the last several years. That would mean our physical bodies are long destroyed and we have little to no way of regaining them or the life we may have once lived in to the "real world"
Duckman: If that is so, then this is our real world now, for we can dream in this world too .. or maybe we are like ghosts in the real world when we dream. or there are conless number of dream worlds.
Y The Last Man : I didn't think of that, it could be like Sliders, everytime we dream we go into a new Dream World, and if we have the forsight I suppose we could consciencly exist there, as we do here. perhaps we are some sort of interdream travelers.
Duckman: That would be pretty fantastic, If we could move our whole consciouness into that dreamworld instead of just traveling there with just our sub-conscious.. we could jump from one to one .. wow.
Y The Last Man : We'd be Immortal. Omipotent. GODS I say!
Duckman: wow.. maybe we could even travel into different times in the different worlds and predict futures and steal technology .. wow..
Y The Last Man : Yeah, if we could dream jump from dream world to dream world, I don't see how we couldn't go from person to person either. We could invade Stephan Hawkings dreams, or anybody for that matter...our knowledge would be irmeasurable.
Duckman: yes, and would we jump from people's dream worlds? we only know what is in this dream world .. could we only jump into people's minds who have physical bodies left? .. or do we just need to harness are jumping abilities.
Y The Last Man : Practice makes perfect is the saying I do believe.
Of course, if all this is true, then there are obviously over such travelers with other such notions that would probably want to set up a dream worl society and government and put a stop to our dream/mind traveling.
Duckman: Yeah then we'd have to fight the dream priest warriors that are trying to put a end to our mind dominating ways. That is why we have to practice more.
Y The Last Man : Yes, we could refine out skills so much as to be the most powerful in the Dream Worlds and destroy all who oppse us.
Duckman: yes, until we have the ability to harness the fact that anythingis real in dreams so we have the ability to create matter .. and even though they know it's not real so they think they can't die we study the black arts in destorying consciounesses,.
Y The Last Man : Which shant be that hard. A RAY GUN or sorts would put a end to their phun-stopping ways.
Duckman: yes...good old ray guns .. then we'll live as kings...damn hell ass kings!
Y The Last Man : DREAM kings at that.
Duckman: yes .. if we really are dreaming right now all this could be real ..
Y The Last Man : I'm pretty tired though...which I assume would mean I am awake.
Duckman: I am still pretty asleep then, you must be getting ready to wake up .
Y The Last Man : Or maybe we're just extras in somebody elses dream. Kinda like that movie...where everybody watched Jim Carrey
Duckman: Oh yeah, I saw the outer limits episode..or twlight zone..whichever..but what if they wake up ? .. do we all just die or become extras in someone elses dream ?
Y The Last Man : Beats me...
I'm sleepy...Ima go t sleep in a few minutes...
Duckman: I think I might get something to eat then play some video game, waste some dream time.
Y The Last Man : Have Phun Duckie.
Duckman: II will, thanks! .. sweet dreams.. or .. see you when you sleep again ..
Y The Last Man : later