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Dining Hall - part 1

View of the interior of the U of N Lonovla dining hall.

View of the dining hall from the back garden

U of N Lonavala Campus
U of N @ Lonavala campus map
Main building - part 1
Main building - part 2
Main Building - part 3
Main Building - Interior (2004)
Main Building - Interior (2005)
2004 Crossroads DTS
U of N campus workday
Omega Hall
Dining Hall - part 1
Dining Hall - part 2
Dining Hall part 3
Dining Hall part 4
Garden area
Badminton court
Miscellanious photos - part 1
Miscellanious photos - part 2
Front campus area
Plants around campus
Flowers around campus

Nearby area & Lonavala
Road in front of the U of N
Nearby Railway crossing area
Neighborhood near the campus
Lonavala Train station
New & Old Lonavala - part 1
Old Lonavala - part 2
Old Lonavala - part 3
Open Market in Old Lonavala
Chikki shops
Lonavala Dam
Lonavala Lake

Main pages
U of N Pune @ Lonalava photos page
U of N @ Lonavala - Home Page