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UofN - Pune @ Lonavala

Welcome to this U of N Pune photo tour premier website! This site is a photo tour of Lonavala and the U of N campus only. The official main website of the U of N Pune @ Lonavala can be found at

This site displays many photos of YWAM India's U of N in Lonavala (near Pune), India. Also featured are photos of the nearby area and the city of Lonavala. These photographs were taken in 2004 and 2005 by Dave Brodie. Most are displayed here in large size so you can feel like you are right there! Of course these photos are best viewed when you have a good internet connection.

Many YWAM courses are offered at U of N Pune such as DTS (Discipleship Training School), CDTS (crossroads DTS for families and those 35 and up) SBS (School of Biblical studies) School of Office Administration (SOA), Humanities School, School of Performing Arts and many more! The beautiful U of N campus is located on a wonderful property only 10 minutes from the Lonavala railway station. Lonavala is midway between Pune and Mumbai.

U of N Lonavala Campus
U of N @ Lonavla campus map
Main building - part 1
Main building - part 2
Main Building - part 3
Main Building - Interior (2004)
Main Building - Interior (2005)
2004 Crossroads DTS
U of N campus workday
Omega Hall
Dining Hall - part 1
Dining Hall - part 2
Dining Hall part 3
Dining Hall part 4
Garden area
Badminton court
Miscellanious photos - part 1
Miscellanious photos - part 2
Front campus area
Plants around campus
Flowers around campus

Nearby area & Lonovla
Road in front of the U of N
Nearby Railway crossing area
Neighborhood near the campus
Lonavala Train station
New & Old Lonavala - part 1
Old Lonavala - part 2
Old Lonavala - part 3
Open Market in Old Lonavala
Chikki shops
Lonavala Dam
Lonavala Lake

Main pages
U of N Pune @ Lonavala photos page
U of N @ Lonavla - Home Page

Click to show YWAM / World Christian Book resources

Webmaster of this U of N Pune @ Lonavala website - Dave Brodie.