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Welcome To the future home of Wheel Of the Phoenix

Goals and ambitions

Websites that you may like
Kemetic Orthodoxy
LiveJournal-Wheel of the Phoenix online support group
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!
Wheel of the Phoenix email group
Catnip Radio
Blue Crash Kit

Welcome to the future home of Wheel of the Phoenix. Please pardon our dust as we get up and running. If you have any comments or questions, just drop an email to me with Wheel of the Phoenix in the subject line. Thanks so much and stay tuned for updates :) We offer support regardless of lifestyle, disability, orientation, religion, economic status, oe gender. If you work with us, our only rule is that you treat each other with dignity and respect. This is a place of healing and sanctuary. Support and advocacy without borders is our goal. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!