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gab's birthday party was so ass kickin' that i decided to make a page of the pictures taken at this wicked event. most of the pictures are of gab with people...because it was her BIRTHDAY and this page is devoted to gab, the birthday girl! it's my present to her! hehe.

gab and lauren, early in the evening.

tanner and meghan.

gab and me!

curtis and sonia. unfortunately there was no cheeta suit this year. we argued over who looked more sexy in the cheeta suit - me or curtis. we debated going to steve's house to get it. curtis also called dave fontaine to see if he'd come over and perform a striptees like last year, however he was babysitting and his girlfriend would not appreciate it.

this is the bubbles doll that sonia gave me. i know it wasn't my birthday so i shouldn't have been getting presents, but sonia rocks and gave me this doll.

me, gab and mel...who had to leave early for the night shift at tim hortons. she was missed.

gab and matt G!

tanner, liz and matt. i think matt is pointing to the blue ink on liz's boob!

me and liz!

chris and joey.

matt is a very talented boy. not only does he play the trumpet, knows every word to every duran duran song, but he can also balance a broom on his finger!

i believe lauren was fighting with matt S in this picture.

aw gab, you are too cute! you'll never be able to keep your eyes open with my flash!

a party would never be a party unless liz got on the piano and played 'jesus is just alright'. freaks and geeks baby! wooooo!!!

*tsk, tsk, tsk* LIZ! what the hell are you doing SMOKING?! don't even try to hide that butt behind your back!! you naughty girl!!!


sonia, me and lisa.

joey and lauren.

it's the gurlz!! i'm wet in this picture because i ran through sonia's sprinkler a couple hundred times. wet white shirts are no good. but i was too drunk to care at this point.

woohoo! chris and tanner...nothing needs to be said about this picture. it speaks for itself i believe.

joey got a little jealous with what was going on between his boyfriend chris and tanner, so the two took it outside. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

lauren, we do not want a repeat of last fall at curt's party. i'm not gonna go there!

these guys came. man, i don't even know their names. i left soon after but apparently i missed out on the hilarity. "i know you want me yellow sweater", "stop screaming at me bush", "the alien's are coming". this kid was crazy. we had a nice conversation about my little ponys though.

i believe these boys are gab's "birthday present". hahaha!!!

gab, you are such a little flirt. it's okay. it's your birthday. have your cake and eat it too!

wouldn't they make the cutest couple. teeheehee!