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LINKS Commentary(Wednsday, april 23 2003 )RECAP (of the last 3 months of The Wiseguy)

Well Well Well, I know its been awhile but really, Come on,who's been to this site in the last 3 months???????Yeah thats what i thought. but hey it don't bother me. i Got as much of a fan base as George W. Bush.(thats my political Humor)But Boy do I have F loads to talk about so im going to get right too it. When I last left you I was poor and sad. Now im Poorer and Getting Happyier. You see both my parents lost there jobs within 1 month of eachother and To put it other word, I NEED A JOB. Any job. Besides fast food. No fast food. But the good news is they got a job at the same place they were at just for like $7 pay cut. Its a big blow but my familys strong and we'll get over this. Wheres the wrestling. Well I've been outta action for the last 4 MONTH!!!!!!! the worst 4 months of my life. With and with out wrestling. I thought it would be easy to take a break. I WAS WRONG. But im back going to the IWA(1333 west 5th AVE)Gym in granview. And I gotta say No rust has stuck in. I'm as good maybe better then i was before. WEird? I think so. All this time off has gave me a chance to work on Charater Develoment and even some New moves. Like my new Sicilian Neck TIE. From what people tell me its great so im going to hold on to that. Another great thing that im doing that i love is the IWA hotline. I love cutting promos more then wrestling it self. And I finally got bull(IWA owner and the baldingist man I know) to give me a spot on the IWA hotline(470-3893)and press option 1 on fridays. If and only your in the local Columbus/Ohio area.

You know I dont think the WWE fans know how to choose a WWE superstar. Why am I saying this? Because Matt and John Won Tough Enough. When in Fact it should of been Johna and ERic. Now if you read my last update you'd know that i had a 50 bet with my good buddy Kyle that We could pick the winners before the show started. He picked Matt I picked Eric. And He won. Big freakin deal!!! But I'm a man of my word and I gotta pay. but I asure you that if Al snow and then would of picked then it would of been a whole different story.Damnit.!!! I guees the next thing I should talk about is somthing I'm trying to start here soon(aka when I get a Job)I want to start a street team. I wanna give my shirts (when i get some)Away too people and basicly have sorta an underground fan base. Get my tapes out there and get an underground buzz. I need some feedback here on this. Go to the F3 Fourm and Tell me what you think of that. Cause if its a bad idea just tell me. So go do it now. NO No NO wait read the rest.

Now last but not least. I have nothing more to say. thats how much of a life i have i cant even Finsh 3 paragraphs in 3 months. Oh well as time goes on I may make it 4. But I doubt that italy will have 4 colors to there flag. And now your momment of zen ***Quote of the Week***

"I can ride the donkey up the mountain"

Peace outta the ghetto Tony Galloway"The Wiseguy