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Thought Menagerie

Welcome one, welcome all. Although I see this as more of a welcome selective few type of thing, but oh well. This is my, Steven Morris's Thought Menagerie. Now, if you do happen to know me at all, then you'll probably know my affinity with the band Sixpence None the Richer, so we can all thank them for the idea of the site name and not my creativity of thinking it up. Some may notice the Page-Hit Counter down below. Please just ignore it, I'm sure someday it'll actually climb to the double digits, but don't expect it. It's just another way for me to come along and hurry somewhere to be disappointed when I see it hasn't changed. I mean, after all, every time I write a new story I usually am rushing to a select few to let them read it anyway, so this site might just be a waste of time. Only time will tell I guess.

Now, I realize that this website will and is pretty much plain. There's not much to it and the idea of there being pretty pictures is nil. (Well, except of course for the one Chagall that I have on this page) I'm going for simplicity here because there is going to just be one thing here of significance: writing. Now, if you can actually stomach my writing, maybe not think of me as a psychotic freak because of it, then more power to you. But please please please realize that that is all this site is really devoted to. My thoughts. I supply you with two seperate links that will wisk you away to Nonfiction and Fiction, and in all honesty, the choice of everything is just up to you.

If a story touches you in anyway, believe me I've heard it all, feel free to write me if you wish. I will supply a valid email address where you can reach me and drop off your many complaints and the occasional "eh. it wasn't bad." So I guess I've wasted your time long enough here, just click away and enjoy your trip through my mind. Good luck. -Steven

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