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to me

14th December 2002

* alex finds out he can't edit webite from uni - alex has a more productive term

* hey, ive got three shakira albums. how many have YOU got eh???

no really?

how many shakira albums do you own?
none she's gay
none i'm gay
I AM Shakira + own all 7 + the new laundry service with extra dvd +bonus track + all my 37 unreleaed gems 2 b bought out yearly after i fake my death
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18th September 2002

* the parkinsons gig was absolutely immense in about 6 different ways.

*big gothic mark is on crutches :(

* the importance of being earnest is a good film. although it must be said that judi dench was as expected, the same as ever.

* still gardening

* beer bottling is going on as i type

* everything is groovy. hello lamp post. xx

* on a very very sad note. warren zevon is dying of lung cancer. exciteable boy they all said.

8th September 2002

* painting finished, gig attended, pubs visited, and now i am digging a garden full time.

2nd September 2002

* question of alex's 7th ikara colt gig attendance thrown into disarray by ticket tout. (aka. chops).

* new art project began. aim: to create a visual representation (and accompaniment) to the lyrics of the song "white city" by the pogues by painting 4 black and white semi-cubist pictures depicting a couple lamenting the construction of a parking lot as seen through the eye of a telepathic greyhound (in 4 different focuses of a powerfully equipped zooming camera), with tube-maps super imposed over the top.

20th August 2002

* indieboy jon's visit reaches the climax of a trip to the RHINO!!!! in which kat was not recognised due to different hair, emo adam VIRTUALLY got it on with like, 12 people, john did a muse guitar thing and alex took a photo of a girl in a creepy manner and probably has the police after him as he types.

boy wonder by speedy was played. WOW. also 41 shots live was discovered in alex's dads dvd collection and joy was experienced accordingly.

17th August 2002

* Adam visits from London, with chops.

15th August 2002

* Alex breaks first guitar string

14th August 2002

* Alex returns from holiday

10th August 2002

* Alex watches lagan twice and experiences aleviation from stress whilst driving to get beer and listening to rammstein with dad. holiday tomorrow.

8th August 2002

* Alex sees guns n roses boy on the way back from party. he is working at mcdonalds

7th August 2002

* party

5th August 2002

* good things 57: pigeons and good things 58: woodland officially born! as well as "the party tape" in all it's glory - feat. exclusive live track by john widdop

4th August 2002

* alex is forced to disown Uncut Magazine as his favourite publication due to shocking reviews of recent albums. basically: "Yoshimi and her boring robots with lots of filler tracks" by The Flaming Lips gets 5.5 stars and "best album released in uncut's lifetime"

Hawksley Workman and his mighty "(Last night we were) the delicious wolves" gets 2 stars. 2. and they say he is trawling glam rock bargain bins. THEY ARE WRONG!!!!!!!! AND I NEVERMORE WILL BUY THIS ACCURSED MAGAZINE!!!!! there is no hope. it is official.

POST SCRIPTUM i forgot to mension that the flaming lips should be sued, for the first track on the album, by Yusuf Islam, and by that i mean the writer of "Father and Son". it is shocking

* also: alex could't sleep last night and was well ill and hyperactive and felt the need to do exercises but couldn't for fear of waking people up.

* furthermore: alex is emailed by Oliver whatsisname local freelance journalist whom alex contacted to point out that it was not just Mojo readers in the Brooke southampton, last year, watching the amazing Workman and the huge Handsome family. Oliver seems nice.

3rd August

* alex considers libel action at being called "hustler" and "player hater" by mr bambam. vote below on the course of action you think is advisable

* party mayhem ends and regret at fornication with Edwyn is expressed by some random girl in the cathedral grounds. sympathy is due but at least neither of them were at the same party as alex.

What fate must befall the libelous adamski
a libel trial
a decathalon
let the gods decide
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