I'm the bitter buffalo


Album Reviews

Albums I Own

Albums I Want

My Pretty Pictures


And I, Pretending To Write

I'm not gifted in web design. SO I jacked this from THE MAN HIMSELF...../lycos. Yeaaaah. I'm proud of it though. I managed to look semi-able to write HTML. I am CEK. That is how I will refer to myself throughout this site, and those of you who know me, yeah, I just don't wanna get raped.

This site is a forum for my opinions, my writing, my musical tastes, and my whining. It's more or less for myself and so I feel more public about things, (once the whole world can read it, its easier to say to close friends...funny how that works)

I really want for people to critique me. It'll be fun! Act like you know something about writing....then say "CEK, YOU SUCK" or "CEK, I love you. You are fabulous!" But nothing inbetween.

I write poetry, free verse, reviews of albums, brief rants, alongated rants, and website intros. I love writing. It is my passion. Journalism is absolutely fabulous and I hope to someday write for a liberal publication, or an indie rock magazine.

I want to go to MU for Journalism after high school, but doubt I'll make it in. OH geez, I gave you my life's aspirations and goals....silly me! Well, forget all that, read my crap, laugh, cry, hit the back button, hit alt+F3, whatever.

Have fun!