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All of you in the US, I am possitve it is fucking frustrating living in the state you do, and i am sure the very thought of your government makes you rage.


Spare a thought for us poor souls in the UK, though poor is probably the wrong word. We have been enlightened. I come from Canada, I moved at the tender age of 8, and immediately was suffocated by the english way of life. It disgusts me. If they disagree with something, for example, I walked into a restaurant, I order some soup.

What I get is a luke-warm piss tasting bowl of paste.

I (Kindly) asked if i could get a re-fund.

There was a look of shock, the restaurant grew silent, and they proceeded to tell me to go fuck myself.

Anywhere I went, same scenario.

The English simply put up. They put up with their shitty lives. They put up with their shitty jobs. They cope.

I Say FUCK THAT, I say FUCK COPING, I say FUCK PUTTING UP, And I say FUCK YOU IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! Take the innitiative grow a fucking backbone, and improve your life, cause it's ending one second at a time.

Forget what other people think, forget about conforming, forget about who and what you are, because they mean nothing. You have to realise that someday you will die, untill you realise this, you are worth nothing. As an anarchist, you have to give up, let go and set yourself free. Only once you have done so can you do likewise to others.

Do you think what you're told to think? Do you buy what you're told you want? You are just your governments fucking finger puppet. A statistic, noted, filed, and forgoten about. Being a true anarchist is'nt a weekend retreat, it isn't a fuckig semanar, It's only after disaster you can be resurected, and it's only after you've lost everything can you do anything.

We have no name, yet our members call themselves TEAK's crew:
You stick thermite on a local MP's car, you are one of my brothers.
You smoke-bomb a Labour rally, you are part of the crew You let go, and you are my blood.

Being a part of our crew, we are changing things around here, the time for revolution is now, this is our time. I have lead over 2000 members Nationwide in the successfull breakdown of our government, something major is on it's way. Watch the tabloids.

If you acually want to make a fucking DIFFERENCE then contact me, and you could lead the US, using the lessons we are learning here in the UK to a better future.

Oh and by the way, that restaurant is now out of business. Burnt to the ground. Coincidence?

I think not.


This web-site is re-education for the un-enlightened, and a refresher course for you veterans out there. We are out of action at the moment due to legal reasons. Stupid Pricks. But hopefully will be back in action soon enough.

Here's a taster: The anarchists cookbook

For those of you interested in becoming a member of our newest American Chapter, contact us.

Contact: TEAK