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TAkE Me aWaY

HEy! Me hErE! BEt yOu'd nEvEr gUeSs tHaT It wAs mE! ANyWaYs. HoPe yOu lIkE My sItE. FEeL FrEe tO LoOk aRoUnD, bUt dOn't tRy tO StEaL My bRaIn fRoM ThE CoMpUtEr. WeLl, AnY OtHeR InFoRmAtIoN YoU WaNt tO KnOw iS PrObAbLy iN OnE Of tHe pLaCeS BeLoW. CHeCk tHeM OuT! COmE BaCk aGaIn.

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hear the radio in my head