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okay, after three unsuccessful attempts at other crappier servers (i shan't name names) i finally seem to have a website that works. this is about me. and what i think. and what i like. and dislike.
i suppose i'll start with a list of bands i have been in or played with. by the way, ignore that ad up top.

. this was a joke band that wasn't too funny. it was started by a guy with no musical talent at all that i know of. i was the last to join. we called ourselves a hardcore punk/metal band, but we all knew we weren't. All of us (well, almost all) had nicknames:

Sam got that name because he wore Abercrombie. So we made fun of him. Cruel, i know. but he had it coming. i think a subconscious reason i was dubbed "Death Metal" Ben was because i was the most straitlaced of the four. verbal irony, you know. i did write our only recorded song in existence, though: "I Will Eat Your Soul." Maybe I'll scan in some of the stickers i made for the group...

. a band started (i think) by my friend steve and his friend seth. i played drums for them at the Pizza Bistro on the evening of Eye to I's last show. one day steve and bill from eye to i came over and we played for hours. i screwed up the tape and then steve tried to fix it and he fixed the problem but created a new one. i don't care. EL UPDATO: I have MP3's of Cauldron, sloppily encoded by me from their tape. My Napster username is swirlsbeforepine. Citizen_Aim has them too, but not as many. But her connection is faster. Take your pick.

Ad Infinitum. This is Cauldron plus Alex Amer on drums. I played bass when Seth didn't want to at Thorpapalooza on May 20, 2001. It was mostly new songs. Only one Cauldron song was on the set list.

The Band I Was In With My Friend Jesse. We played a monty python song, some nirvana, and a song he wrote. Yippee.

The Band I am about to be in with John the Ex-Lutheran, aka DJ Fat Paley. We are planning at least three songs: a cover of What a Wonderful World, a tongue-in-cheek white-boy rap song, and a really funny Christian song. I will try my darndest to keep all posted on this.

okay, that's it for now. i have about 1158 mp3s. i have punk, techno, bluegrass, mathrock, indie, anything that i like. i enjoy not paying for music. if you see any html errors or spelling errors, please let me know. i am real neurotic about stuff like that.

21 august. i have something funny to put here. i got some crappy mp3's for my sister on her birthday, and sometimes people get them from me on napster. once a person was downloading a britney spears song from me, and he IMed me.

i stayed up late last night writing short reviews of every cd i own. that's 69 cd's. 70 once Kid A comes out in october. perhaps i shall put a few on this page.
okey dokey this is gonna be my links section.
this is the straight dope. it is interesting. i go here for mp3's. reviews of stuff.
IUMA. i forget what is stands for, the something Underground Musicians something. oh well. tired of the same old crap that corporate staions have to offer? too far away from your old favorite radio station (cough cough)? give this a listen.

this is a photograph of the hand of mine that got to shake lou barlow's hand.

all this morning i had a song stuck in my head. it was No Tan Lines by Pavement. here are the words:

deviances anticipated
triple-x or at least r-rated
san tropez the middle of may
theres no tanlines tonight, no tanlines tonight,
but trench it rev it its time to share
spit in the sauna will be come close
with yooouuuuu ohhh yeeeeaaaahhhh

princess with a cold-killer instinct
winked at me from across the ice rink
leather uppers soft for the spins
but she gives it away without a rest
language barrier in the motherland
language barrier in the Pathan grain
yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh ohhh yeeeeaaahhhh
you will be my candystriper
junior leaguer bedpan wiper
convalescent enema essence
i live to be gray, i live to be gray!
ba ba ba dop ba ba ba ba dop etc.

i suppose i could have worse songs stuck in my head.

i just realized that i have no life. oh well. more time for me then, eh?

i attend high school at a somewhat large suburban high school near myrtle beach.

also on this page is an IM between my friend bryan and my mom and dad. it's wacky.

22 august.
i think i know more than my anatomy and physiology teacher.
i hate my keyboarding class
tra la la.

here is another funny discourse between me and my friend Jeffrey's brother Matt. Allusions to Super Duper Death Destroyer and Wesley Willis abound.

i am a christian.

i am straight edge. and no, i do not draw that "x" on the back of my hand. my body is not a canvas.


Books I Have Not Read but Really Should Before I Graduate
Fahrenheit 451
The Red Pony
The Pearl
Of Mice and Men

Today I had to work on the creek. (If you click on this link to see a way-too-big picture of the creek, be prepared for a long wait.) That was so awful. Ow ow ow. Anyway, I went to the Carolina Forest/Conway football game last night. Oh my YHWH. People down here take football way too seriously. It made the game not as enjoyable. But why are you listening to me prattle on about a sport I don't play or even completely understand? Because I am talking. That is why.
I added some more conversations.
40,000,000 daggers.
My right hand is looking pretty nasty right about now from all that hard manual labor.
At the football game there was this guy who was kinda scarin' me. He was screaming like I have only heard on heavy metal recordings. I thought his throat was gonna burst or something. My father and I concluded that he must be an avant-garde performance artist who was playing this elaborate, and frightening, joke on the people in the stands. He reminded us of the late Andy Kaufman, so we referred to him as "Andy" for the remainder of the evening.

1 Sept.
Well, we had a pep rally today. I hate pep rallies. Always have. They are loud, and not the good kind of loud like at a concert but the disturbing kind of loud where you have this perpetual buzz in your ear and all you want is for it to stop. They always get people acting stupid and not the good kind of stupid like at a concert, but the bad kind of stupid where you get the feeling that if whoever has the microphone/megaphone/whatever tells the Unwashed Masses to, oh, say, kill the star quarterback of the opposing team so they won't win the big game tonight, that they will do it. With gusto. And a clean conscience, too, because they've got spirit WHOOOOO!
You get the picture.
And also I don't like rap music either.

On a happier note, I finally made my first copy of a CD today. Actually, it is a copy of two CD's, Transmissions from the Satellite Heart by the Flaming Lips, and Starlight Walker by the Silver Jews. I had to take one song off the Flaming Lips CD because if I didn't, they would have been too long.

Political Essays.

My guestbook.

The MP3 of the Month has been restarted. Huzzah! This month's song is a techno remix of the immortal classic (haha) Burdens of Infatuation by the now defunct Eye to I. This particular song is remixed by . . . me. Yeah, I am plugging my own work. That's why I have a webpage, silly. This is a zip file, so just unzip it . . unzip it good! I can't believe i just said that.

The following are things that I lost when I moved and have not yet been able to find.

Today in keyboarding, Chad said to me, "I'm gonna put something on you that even butter can't take off!"
O . . . k . . .

i have been having these extreme mood swings lately. hmm.

i applied for a job at Food Lion.
i think i got the job.
i did. i am a cashier.

i just downloaded a song that was described to me as "hardcore emo." it turns out to be hair-metal. a pox on their collective houses.

I got my Dreher yearbook a few days ago. The senior quotes are among the most insipid junk i have ever read.

As I was returning from putting some glasses in the sink, i went back outside to get more dishes (because we were eating outside) and i saw my grandfather laying face down on the driveway with broken glass everywhere. He had tripped and fallen. He is all right, but it scared the crap out of everyone. As I was sweeping up the broken glass, I found one of my guitar picks in the rubble. I just felt like telling that story.

You know what i noticed? That they teach us Civil Disobedience in school, they make us read it, study it, and answer questions on it, but you and i both know that they would have a fit if we actually tried it within the school. It's true.

I have given up trying to find a church here. They are all not what i want in a church. so i guess i will be reading on my own on sunday mornings.
I am almost halfway through Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series. I started reading it in late December. Okay, now I have finished it. 2061 wasn't too good, but the others were pretty interesting.

My my. Look who's been neglecting his website. Well, in the way of news, my grandfather and uncle died two weeks ago, so I went to their funerals. While at my granparents house, I learned that I may be going to Thailand with my uncle and his family next year, after I graduate. I am going to keep a journal there. I am thinking of calling it the Thai-ary. Get it? Yeah, I know, it was a bad joke.

i hope this works. my font. if for some reason you wish to use it, know that there is no zero. you just have to type a capital O.



Let me tell you all about jazz. If you are ever in a quandary about what to do on a rainy afternoon, and you decide to watch a movie, my suggestion is to try to select a film that is driven by intelligent dialogue, a meaningful theme, or dazzling cinematography, rather than a bloated piece of Hollywood tripe featuring big name celebrities, clichéd plots, gratuitous frontal nudity and irrelevant violence.

last updated 25 feb 2003 16:51 EST.