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'Doctored' photo scandal rocks HK entertainment industry Print E-mail
Written by Vicci Ho
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Story Categories: censorship, China, Film, Hong Kong, Internet, music, People, regulation, TV,

HONG KONG – A series of obscene photographs that appeared online seemingly featuring various local celebrities has sent shock waves through the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

On Sunday, pictures of a young man and woman seemingly taken during sexual intercourse, appeared on a popular news discussion forum. Images bear close resemblance to Edison Chen, a Canadian-born Hong Kong singer and actor who has minor roles in Hollywood pics such as "The Grudge 2" and the upcoming "The Dark Knight," and Gillian Chung, one half of Hong Kong pop duo Twins.

The images were quickly removed from the site, but copies quickly circulated through email and were reposted to some 400 other Websites.

A day later more appeared. These seem to show Chen receiving oral sex from television actress Bobo Chan and others with Chen and Chung in different positions. Still others apparently showing award-winning movie actress Cecilia Cheung at Chen's apartment have slowly been released on various Internet forums in the following days.

Representatives of the stars in question insist the photos are doctored and are seeking legal advice. The Hong Kong Police say they are investigating two reported cases of publishing indecent materials on the Internet. Local papers reported that the Police are working with Interpol as well as Internet forum administrators and Internet service providers to provide information on users who have posted the photos.

Many in the Hong Kong biz have publicly denounced the pictures and their publication. The Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild calls the incident not only "tragic for the entertainment industry, but for all Hong Kong people. Such immoral behavior is poison to the minds of youth today."

The Guild is also calling for the government to take more action in curbing indecent and obscene behavior in the media. In 2006 naked photos of Chung taken in the changing room of a Kuala Lumpur concert venue appeared in a Hong Kong tabloid paper caused an uproar in the industry.

The photos of Chen and his 'conquests' have captured the attention of Hong Kong, with many people apparently trying to prove the authenticity of the photos. Although the more responsible newspapers are still describing the photos as 'doctored,' many experts and industry insiders believe the photos are unlikely to be fake.

The incident has political ramifications too. As Police have issued warnings that distribution of such photographs is likely to be in breach of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance, which could carry a jail sentence and heavy fines, operators of Websites and Forums have moved quickly to delete pictures. But many sites have engaged in blatant self censorship and removed any discussion of the incident. That of course has got the free-speech brigade riled. "Nothing is allowed to be discussed, whatever happened to freedom of speech? When did Hong Kong become China?," one forum user asked.

Over the border in China distribution of the pics is spreading like wildfire, despite a recent SARFT initiative to crack down on Online obscenity. A file purportedly containing all the photos is reported to be being downloaded at the rate of 10,000 times a minute.

this sex guilt is insanity. it makes everyone sick, it
contributes to the opposite of public health. for once,
i wish someone would ask the benevolent and kind Chia school of taoist understanding what THEY think of all the censorship behind everything? sexual repression simply creates neuroses, as the energy that should be going into what is the MOST NATURAL of things and the source of all human life gets DIVERTED into various headaches.

it's not like it's just broken out now. but in a way, NO ONE HAS EVER HAD SEX BEFORE.
meaning sex in a state of enlightened acceptance, loving sexuality without someone coming to try and control the whole thing with a judging "absolutely not" that is based on a sort of self rejection that makes us all sick.

each generation gets a new try to fix the problems, but in the meantime, slavery, the lamest sort of pornography and a sense of people feeling that they could get much more out of experiences. it needs reevaluation...







BUT WHAT IS THE CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS? WHY SHOULD ANYONE WANT TO BE A PART OF WHAT INVITES US?religion for people who blaspheme, for people who curse.

a "True Church" - get ordained and if you want you can get tax free 401k stuff. You can become a Reverend Doctor in the Forbidden Sciences (READ THE FINE SQUINT! READ! READ!) yet -- established in the earliest tearstained and rage-hot years of the posthip,
a "real-itchin'" where HATE is allowed. foul language and partying, excess.

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." - William Blake.

MAKE YOUR OWN RELIGION! based in part on "channelings" by late author Robert Anton Wilson ("Schroedinger's Cat" "Cosmic Trigger" "Illuminatus!" The Church Of The SubGenius comes with its own real-seeming Fake "Doktrine" -- be a "Rewardian" "Ivangelical"
"Holocaustal" "Rewardian" -- SELL SHIT and MAKE MONEY.

Bizzare Biz!

Weird real seeming "catechisms" and "doctrine" profound and surprising. Deep talk about Weird Stuff, and also -- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, the grinning face of a nonexistant superior salesman and conduit to "the Gods." Squeamish? Want to Stop Being That Way? Tired of Normality?


from humble if insane origins in Texas in the uber dull late 1970s the cry came up for Something To Do. Talk of Ancient Astronauts and Conspiracies ("In Search Of") happened a lot, and a guy LOST HIS FUCKING MIND and started dittocopying and xeroxing things.

ONE GUY ALONE decided to mail shit out and wait to see if other LONE NUTS would write him back.
Sure enough it happened and alliances were struck among the almost not sane and wild with panic.

Someone suggested: "start a religion. Declare yourself immune. If you act like a dumbshit, maybe they'll treat you like an equal. How does anyone know Jupiter's not a REAL SPACE GOD, sitting up on Planet Jupiter behind that Red Spot, STARING?"
People giggled and the giggling alone was enough for people to feel like they had begun a COUNTER CONSPIRACY.

"I pay TAXES! I WORK LIKE A DOG! No one UNDERSTANDS ME! I'm PISSED OFF! My TRUTH is so WILD I need to LIE to get people to PAY ATTENTION! I need SLACK!" was the complaint by the time the feverpitch reached the banal and unsatisfying year 1980 and like wildfire, or crabs, the Church of the SubGenius was Happening. Bizzarely a HEAD appeared, and then ANOTHER HEAD and the lore began, of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, the man who could Sell Time to a Clock. Things got out of control. Hunter Thompson and Ken Kesey were invited, and they brought DRUGS. There were GOVERNMENT INSPECTIONS. How much could THE CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS TAKE????

comedian, standup, comic, guy at the show who opens for that band, dude you gave coke to back stage who didn't snot it all up because, well, coke is expensive, and ice cubes up your nose is not cool.

influences: margaret cho, (hating) howard stern, ernie kovacs, dave chappelle, kenny everett, catherine tate, kate isitt until i realised how stupid she was, eddy izzard until he got rich and became a snotting english cracker of the type who are despised on their own fucking royal island. getting my cock sucked at hardcore shows. william gibson. tracey lords. not having to smoke crack because i am psychic. death. (the band and what we can all expect)

--- PUNX


According to Aversion, NEW YORK DOLLS will release a
new live album, entitled "Live at the Fillmore East",
this spring. The CD, recorded during a two-night stand
at the New York venue in December, will be available
from the act's merch table on its upcoming tour, and
will eventually turn up in stores in March from a
still-undisclosed label.

It's the second live album the band produced since its
2004 reunion. The initial shows yielded "Morrissey
Presents: The Return of the New York Dolls"
(Attack/Sanctuary). Founding bassist Arthur "Killer"
Kane succumbed to pneumonia shortly after the original

NEW YORK DOLLS have announced dates for another North
American run. The trek kicks off February 12 at Rams
Head Live in Baltimore and runs through mid-March. The
dates are as follows:

Feb. 12 - Baltimore, MD - Ram's Head Live
Feb. 14 - Philadelphia, PA - New Alhambra Arena
Feb. 15 - Asbury Park, NJ - Stone Pony
Feb. 16 - Boston, MA - Paradise
Feb. 18 - Toronto, Ontario - Phoenix
Feb. 19 - Buffalo, NY - Tralf Music Hall
Feb. 20 - Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom
Feb. 22 - Detroit, MI - Majestic Theatre
Feb. 23 - Chicago, IL - Double Door
Feb. 24 - Minneapolis, MN - Fine Line Music Cafe
Feb. 26 - Denver, CO - Gothic Theatre
Feb. 28 - Boise, ID - Big Easy
Feb. 29 - Portland, OR - Berbatis Pan
Mar. 01 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Plaza Club
Mar. 02 - Seattle, WA - El Corazon
Mar. 05 - San Francisco, CA - Fillmore
Mar. 07 - Los Angeles, CA - Henry Fonda Theatre
Mar. 08 - Las Vegas, NV - Jillians
Mar. 09 - Anaheim, CA - House of Blues

NEW YORK DOLLS in 2006 marked their return after an
extended hiatus with the critically acclaimed album
"One Day It Will Please Us To Remember Even This",
available on Roadrunner Records. The group has since
parted ways with the label.

THE NEW YORK DOLLS consists of original members David
Johansen (vocals) and Sylvain Sylvain (guitar) with
Steve Conte (guitar), Sami Yaffa (bass), Brian Delaney
(drums) and Brian Koonin (piano).

all in all, most people don't feel too sorry for bugs.

"phux" "punx."

a novellette about how some Nazi punks from the East Coast got totally shocked and wound up in jail for being stupid.
unless reading is too much for your mind, in which case bye.

if you have a problem with: wicca or wiccans, pagans or astrology fuck off completely. if you worship satsn, i have absolutely no problem with that. just GO KILL YOURSELF NOW don't fuck with me because I believe you should ROAST in hell with your boyfriend, El Diablo.

because: THAT'S INSANE.
also if you respect or tolerate marilyn manson, go DIE TERRIBLY SHITTING BLOOD.

i am also hardcore off line. so please, fuck me, but don't fuck WITH me. I'll find some way of making you wish you'd been able to think twice.

punk means thinking. yeah, that too.
i sure as fuck can't think for you and i think that proud stupid punks who know nothing should hurry up and die because it's better for scenes.

no two pump dumpers or people who can only speak in "seXxOrz" geekspeak.

if you are manic you need a counselor and being trained as such, i can do that.
but basically, this is the 'we are not brain dead' area.

you have like ten chances to go fuck with someone else.Because they are antichrist...because they are Team Satan, they are the aberration of desolation, those who currently rule the British Empire and by proxy, America and the world. The greatest evil that has ever lived, the darkest and most hard to penetrate darkness and the most glaring, impersonal and unloving light of all, all combined to rule with what they will call until reduced to absurdity "the divine right of royal blood" until they are deposed by HUMAN action.



you can see the SVASTIKA if you look closely. that's the active denial system's star ground unit, there to hammer the lower ionosphere and all us people with millimeter waves, which are basically thick greasy microwaves.



make no mistake -- thses psychotronics are here to make life miserable, to render people all robotified. the other side is the frankenfood, the genetically manipulated things like Diet pepsi (aspartame by Don Rumsfeld) and other genetically augmented products.

the reptile lacks the mammalian brain. not so the advanced mammal, which has both the limbic subcortex and the mammalian supercortex. but when the human being isCONSTANTLY ASSAULTED by these psychotronics--

the most cold and ruthless decisions seem okay and good, and compassion seems wasteful and "too schmaltzy".

i tend to only work with humans.



the above graphic is limited. it does not show the synthetic missile shield stretching beyond england to every cell phone tower on the planet, creating the HIPAS field, a field of synthetic microwave energy that covers the planet

- global warming: HAARP and its sisters, HIPAS & ECHELON hammer the ionosphere with terrawatts of microwave energy a day.

thus, the Luciferian Illuminists seek to cause global civil disorder, perfect for a global martial law with whoever represents the current ruling interests in Draconian control. If you allow this to happen by way of denial or inaction, who can help or for you?

when you were warned when there was ample time for action, and you craned your neck skyward rather than taking care of things at home?


very new!


the jailers cannot cultivate such ways of seeing and remain jailers.

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This is G o o g l e's cache of as retrieved on Feb 3, 2008 18:41:00 GMT. G o o g l e's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web. The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current page without highlighting. This cached page may reference images which are no longer available. Click here for the cached text only. To link to or bookmark this page, use the following url: Google is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content. These search terms have been highlighted: rewardian Scientists Against Slack From: "nu-monet v7.0" Date: Wed, Aug 11, 2004 If it's to get them to do overtime at minimum wage jobs, I bet the "gene treatment" was methamphetamine. Procrastinating monkeys were turned into workaholics using a gene treatment to block a key brain compound, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday... -- I don't know what you're talking about. I've never met you before in my life. That story sounds like utter bullshit. I wasn't there and it wasn't me. I am *not* in denial. Shut up. --nu-monet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (popeblack) THESE MONSTERS HAVE LOCATED THE ANTI-SLACK GENE!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Zapanas They sound mighty happy about it, too. -- Zapanas Grand Master of the Satanic Conspiracy You have to agree that cars are readily available, and easy to conceal in a school's parking lot. - Fred Ziffel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (AssCo Assc) << I bet the "gene treatment" was methamphetamine. >> That's some rewardian that'll make the damn monkey non-rewardian real fast. Look what it did to the Japanese gene pool from giving it to their army during WWII. We give it to OUR army NOW, by the way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "alliekatt" No no. Just the Anti-Rewardian gene. The Emergentiles still have their Slack. Up one level Back to document index Original file name: Scientists Against Slack.txt - converted on Saturday, 25 September 2004, 02:05 This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters;

Current Mood: [mood icon] disappointed
03:31 pm - own my whole middle finger poseur. own it...and rule.


until the end of the world

aww, punk's dead?

what, you just noticed?

Punk: died under typical fatal dmage when a young man, younger than
Jello Biafra but older than Good Charlotte, stuck a gun in his own face
to get away from YOU.

Punk was savagely SLAIN by someone too hardcore to out do, who was also
sensitive and pretty and loved emo.

Now this:

is alive and well

[lost in
time...lost in space...and meaning...


[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | unseen_dont
be fooled

someone...please console of
the best bands in the world is about to be ruined and commerciallized.

i know this is VERY stupid seeing as both of you have no idea who these
people are...let me explain, i have to do that alot...+SUMMARY+

Germs. punk rock band. late 70s. known for chaotic shows,stuff like
that. evolved into a real talented band with awesome songwriting.
singer/writer = Darby crash. he was fucking awesome and i love him and
it would be one of my dreams in life to meet him or see the band if he
didnt do a suicide heroin overdose.

okay. i heard a germs doc
was in progress. i was like, fuck yeah ill watch it. i got exited.

then i read about it...

i guess its going to be this big load of hollywoood bullshit starring
fucking shane west and bijou philips and all that.

god....i almost cried at the thought of all the stupid bitches going to
see it, not because they know and love the germs, but because its
portrayed in the fucking commmercials as a "punk" movie....i can
totally see that happening...

look...i Love the germs...

i dont want that to happen.

you think darby himself would want that idiot playing him if he was
alive? fuck no! damn, shane west was in "a walk to remember" for christ
sakes,hes the hottest thing in hollywood, hows hes supposed to be a
fuckin punk legend?

theyre desecrating the spirit of darby, man!!!


i fuckin object!!!!

germs shirts are going to become a commercial fashion thing, just like
ramones shirts.

when they have no idea what the hell....

just like the chicks wearing pistols shirts because the pistols were
punk. when they know nothing. theyd be scared of how these people relly
what...well do what they did on south park to stop "indiana jones" from
being remastered. go...and STEAL THE FILM REELS AND BURN THEM!!!!

please im completley serious this really disappoints me.

god save the germs.


later if you try to be nice to teh self hating geekposeurs they act
like they OWN. and you have a circle a, huh? wow. my mom had one back
in the seventies, dick holes.

the problem of not knowing what punk's aboput but
wanting desperately to LOOK punk and have a punk seeming record
collection at all costs is -- the more deperate you get, the more
obvious the pose is. something real is in there but it is buried
layers and layers of MTV2, HOT TOPIC pose.

and well, since you neither were alive during the times when it was
real and more crippled and loud than dead as it is now -- nor care --

you don't have a chance. it barely had a chance when it mattered.

i wake up this afternoon and i know that there are real nazi punks down
the street. they pose like anarchists but that's just an expression,

they hate everybody. do you think hating everyone is cool?

what they are is easy to suss, it;s called being prejudiced.
having a set opinion of everyone before they ever meet them.

i was THERE when it mattered. so when i see the most desperate
who want to be punks (there's no shame in being a wanna be. noone who
is anything made it without being a wanna be. no one is borin with
liberty spikes and tattoos. not even ozzy.)

but, like have fun "protesting" and "organizing."

behold the power of...cheese...

meaning here sentimentality, emotional expression,
things that make
your chest hot if you are open about feelings and make you sneer if you
are emotionally retarded. "socially retarded' was the expression dale
used to discuss geeks who could't cope when we were teens. it
the best way to describe geeks and losers who hate emo and worship
marilyn manson and that whole crude crowd who are right about
everything and so, so righteous about it.

abuse babies

"hate emo" means: you are emotionally retarded,
like boom-boom who is
learning just how much a person can crucify themselves with the "i am
beauty and you're the beast" attitude. dale did that to a lesser degree
but she was soo beat down and smart that she was brave enough to take
personal responsibility for a lot of her emotional problems -- and thus
came off more fenced in by inculcation than geeky or socially
retarded. in fact; dale could basically get along with people she
didn't like much.

looking back i wonder if it waas because...she didn't like anyone too
much. and i wonder if i don't know why...

later the truth: assholes do vex me, she said coldly. but she could
keep it in perspective. 'cause she was an abuse baby, like me and
probably like you. but not being a racist -- as many people were
in the eighties when racist lizards led by the idea of gordon geko
completed their Reaganized Rise to power...

But the idea is "cheeze" which is what the emotionally retarded call
things that show emotions besideshate. cheese..and the abuse babies,
which is definitely the band name, the brand name, teh scand name.

The Abuse Babies. like when i am lyiricizing on the the street litle
four yearr olds walk up and sit down. because it is songs about
misery and human innocence. when i play little kids start dancing like
it's a celebration -- that's how i know that i am good. that and the
blazing self hating envy of the moronic and guilt-generation addicted.
who will die.(they lie a lot to cover up their defects.) but the idea
is will cheese still be an operating term?

when i killed the takamine it was either that guitar or me. It
almost me. and I killed the takamine to kill my conne tions to all the
acid nazis i had discvered myself surrounded by -- all the shitheads
who pretended to know me after the Project disbanded for the last time.
'oh, yeah, I know him, he's...' and they would start rattling off their
distorted perception of the facts often it wasn'; just ungflattering
-- it was character homocide that i heard aboutlater from racist s,
assholes who stiopped being punk, or Steve, who actually knows me and
isharsh on everything and most on himself. steve KNEW me and is
allowed. Now he is al bundy but that';s not the worst victory. steve throws down like a pro.

Cryin' Bryan is al bundy too. but i gotta make music. and of course
even though i like the name i am still wondering cause it could be said
that Abuse Babies rule. Dubya is an abuse baby. that'
the pattern drinking like a suicide, anything to get away from YOU, old
man...dubya's not allowed to say or his inner child will get the
whipping of his life.

'Now go down to the farm, george, and bring me
3 nigs times four. can you remeber that dummy?"

"yessir." off he scuttles to do what Bush Dady commands. (a

"cheeze" because it is the people who "hate emo" that suck more
emo -- because it is the emotionally frozen who hate emo bands and
ignore the insidious talentlessness of corporate ass ouls who take and
give nothing and make a killing -- in the case of TLC getting eight
cents to the disk, literally --

do you speak Libra?Libra: I BALANCE

because it is the people who hate emo who suck and because we all die
without emotions, and emotional denial causes stroke and cancer --
proven! -0- i am left reevaluating again, like the reevaluations that
led to me divorcing their little scene and killing the Takamine
(still my favorite guitar!)

i had to kill all those old patterns that i associated with those
shitheads who hate everyone and "don't want anyone making a Scene."
and yet are the first to jizz messily "oh, yeah..thi is a big music

as if hall and oates were still up and comers.

no one there gets out alive, as werkheiser was swift to notice and
out --

"if you want to make anything happen here," she said with utter
, "you have to go elsewhere and do it."

as i realised in Panic Town where i peaked on the fretboard, discovered
new techniques, i was hitting plateaus in that thin air, writing songs
and of course, laughing at obvious sun allergic nazi punk geeks.

cheeze: i should really stop considering it cheeze.
birthday times
agiood time for core reevaluation and putting EVERYTHING
back on
the drawing board, back burner. i have these songs that are byui,ding
up, though, like themagma dome.

i have a three hour show building up like mt st helens and of course
there are the problems - chops aren't up vocally to do more than a
fortyfive. chiops aren't up. no gigs and not even atthat stage of
looking for gigs. justplaying the street is fine. low tech
works because i LOVE analog, i love hiss and room noise and people who
try to spend money to sound professional and who almost lack soul
entirely -- well, money won't buy them love, will it? they know
and it makes them into slanderous assholes. i love weasels. weasels are
my cousins. i of coruse am a mongoos. that cat bitthe hell out of
snake. no lie. i heard the screaming.

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Don't beat kids, Mr. NWO Bomb Manufacturer."

-- Knights of Nye
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Old 06-03-2007, 09:13 PM GrannyMoon Says Today Is: GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Freya's Day

Energy: Female Ruler: Venus - Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!
Today's Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex
Today's Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique
Incense: Saffron, Verbena
Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris
Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green
Colors for Tomorrow: Black
Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
Candle: Green

Moon Moon, Mother Moon Monthly Moon Phases
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Moon

The Waxing Moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or healthy, protection, divination. Any working that needs
extra power, such as help finding a new job or healings for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

Waning Moon Magick: From three-and-a- half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. From the Full Moon to the New is a time for study,
meditation, and magic designed to banish harmful energies and habits, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.
Feb. Moon Phases
Full Moon (Quickening Moon) on the 20th
Lunar Exclipse on the 21st
Moon Moon, Mother Moon
Lunar Lore
Instead of chatting with them in the dusk,
he wandered about the woods, whispering to the moon.
- "The Red Fairy Book" (1890).
The shadowy hour melts into purple day ;
And, through Aurora’s fields of azure air,
The crimson stream of morning pours its way,
And tints the snow-clad hills with colors rare.
- Ernest Warburton Shurtleff, in the "Old Farmer's Almanac" for 1911.
Crops planted on the increase of the moon will surely flourish.
- Encyc. of Superstitions, Folklore & Occult Sciences of the World.
)0( )0( )0(

Lady ...

You heal by look and touch
and thought.
You heal by herbs of earth.
You heal by day and through the night,
in sorrow and in mirth.

You heal by breath of Spring and Fall.
You heal both flesh and soul.
You heal the spirit beyond hope
he's venus as a boy

he's venus as a boy

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October 15th, 2007

02:21 pm - mysterious JEAN GREY magazine now uploading

... 7's Eyewitness news anchor Marc ...
450 x 338 - 62k - jpg
R. Buckminster Fuller is an invisible influence on global politics.  As we all know there is little serious investing or consideration of worldpolitik without accounting for the military-industrial complex -- and the militaryindustrial complex is the biggest hiring force internationally, no matter what city, country prefecture or empowerment zone you're in.

It's a short jump from any real and serious industry to the military-industrial.  In the United States where people are taxed heavily -- injury means hospital, means tax.  Tax comes out when you make any purchase -- and that means -- despite the calls of "stop thinking about the way business is done and invest" coming from the System  -- that the military industrial complex gains or loses depending on how much tax is extracted from the purchasers' credit.

Buckminster Fuller created an 'anticipatory design science' based on the idea of an eventually emerging responsible global public.   Militaryindustrial minds are stopped cold by the potential application of Fuller's science because "Bucky" DID NOT INTEND for his scientific innovations to be applied for martial means.  Simply it was not his intent!

In so thinking he took a cue from Einstein, who died regretting that he had ever gotten involved in military work -- and Tesla, who famously died impoverished and mad after having been ripped off and slandered by Mr Edison and Mr Westinghouse.

As such, Fuller's innovations have not found their way into every home as yet.

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"Like i care. go away." Jessica Alba, The GhostWave Network

Hit 'Delete' to Prevent EDD Disaster

The volume of e-discovery and its costs continue to rise for corporations, law firms and even solo attorneys. This phenomena has triggered a plethora of articles on the pitfalls and potential problems in EDD for the uninitiated or unaware. Frequently missing from the discussion, however, is practical experience and analysis from the trenches. This article addresses key EDD issues and pitfalls in a particular case involving 44 million pages of electronic records and a jury verdict of approximately $570 million, with a focus on the consequences of retaining too much electronic information and ways to solve problems that plague large companies in e-discovery.

Also see:

Interactive map of Humbert Humbert's travels around the United States in the 50s

Although Lolita's first printing of 5,000 copies sold out, there were no notable reviews, and the book would likely have gone unnoticed for some time had not respected author and critic Graham Greene, in an interview published in the London Times, called it one of the best books of the year. Greene's statement outraged John Gordon, editor of the popular Sunday Express, who responded in print, calling "Lolita" "the filthiest book I have ever read" and "sheer unrestrained pornography." The British Home Office ordered customs officials to seize all copies entering the United Kingdom and pressured the French Minister of the Interior to ban the book. On December 20, 1956, the Paris police did just this, and Lolita remained banned in France for two years.

Photo of Nabokov taken at Cornell in 1955, the same year "Lolita" was published in France   

Alerted to the controversy, American officials initially withheld two copies of Lolita, but the U.S. Customs Bureau soon released the confiscated copies to their owners, an act that effectively authorized publication of the novel in the United States. The first American edition was issued without incident by Putnam's in 1958. "Lolita" was an enormous success, the first book since "Gone With the Wind" to sell 100,000 copies in the first three weeks of publication. The lack of outrage over the book in America might be attributed to the tenor of the times: sex, and even teen sexuality, was 'in.' Elvis Presley was gyrating to the top of the pop charts and films like "Blackboard Jungle" were glamorizing youth and even juvenile delinquency. Parents were uneasy, but they had more glaring affronts to middle-class values to worry about. "Pedophile" was not a term one read in the morning newspaper. A cynic might add that "Lolita" is a complex and often tricky book, and that only the most fanatical Philistine, intent on ferreting out every incidence of filth, was likely to read it to the end.

  But even the laziest prude can sit through a film, and it is the two film versions of "Lolita", the first by Stanley Kubrick in 1962 and the second by Adrian Lyne in 1997, that have provoked the most controversy. In 1962 Kubrick had to deal with both the Production Code (the censorship arm of the Hollywood film industry) and the Roman Catholic Legion of Decency, a film ratings group that wielded considerable influence over the studios. In a 1972 Newsweek interview, Kubrick said that had he realized how severe the censorship limitations were going to be, he "probably wouldn't have made the film." Twenty-five years later, while studio and distributor response to Adrian Lyne's "Lolita" was cooly cautious, the conservative press and public in both the United States and abroad were strident in their criticism. As one studio executive reportedly told Variety, "Pedophilia's a hard sell."


Mail Sent By SHAHAB
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Talented Cameron Diaz :The Savvy Channel Flipper Girl
MAIL SENT BY SHAHABThere's something about OJ.


but what if it was the Mob?
MAIL SENT BY SHAHABWHAT IF MR. SIMPSON'S WIFE had an alarming cocaine habit?  Not that he might not have shared that habit -- but with Novonty and other robotic talking heads asking "why" when this has been going on since 1994 -- with certain computer-based journalists guiltily lip-flapping with no trace of objectivity -- given the United States' racist, slavery-ridden past - how do we know that the Mafia did not perfectly set up Mr. Simpson?



MAIL SENT BY SHAHABWe as a nation would have to throw out all of our previous judgments and start over -- because if a bunch of criminals DID do what we have indicted, tried and SENTENCED Mr. Simpson for in the court of public opinion for the past ten years -- that means that a real American hero of sport has been sabotaged and savaged by a biased and bungly corporate media -- and that the real killers are out there for hire, waiting to do the dirt on some other Hollywood star that likes coke.  And life.


MAIL SENT BY SHAHABDon't say it's not about race, because whenever it is, that's the first thing that guilt ridden American media brings to the forefront, and in this case, the media are a part of the circus. It is about race -- and it's about the throwaway fresh faced blondes that Americans love, love love to make dumb cruel jokes about.  We're stupid, we take up space, we can't be trusted because we bleed and don't die.  But Nicole died, didn't she?  We know that the United States is a misogynist place: the glass ceiling remains and it remains to keep people in their place.Hey - did you ever hear about people disliking a couple because they didn't look right together?  For a smart girl like me this one's a no brainer.  They didn't look right together -- to the bigoted and male-dominated American media.  So Nicole Brown Simpson has not gotten a fair trial yet.  Just like all the people who were saying that Courtney Love-Cobain deserved death by lethal injection before the paint on her late husband's pine box was dry --



Okay, here’s my question: If male Hollywood celebs were running around flashing their “peckers” at photographers, they’d be charged with indecent exposure, non?
How is it that a rash of tarty female celebrities can get away with flashing their, um, lady parts?

Fresh from jumping off the marriage train (again) Britney Spears is reportedly the latest (washed up) star to join Hollywood’s “no underwear wearing club.”

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Wow...just get out of the house.
  "Bjark is a real witch. We're sort of scared of him. He cares so much, you know?"
Caroline Rhea
Melissa Joan Hart
actors. (you have a doctress, pig?)The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.



doctor cock's fatal blonde

resistance films

she heard about his behavior
she seduced him and bit his dick off

then she left and didn't ever get caught.
the end.


most of us discordians carry a sense of humour somewhere.
so why don't you humourless geeks fuck off? we were having fun. kthx.

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Apparently there are words like 'prejudice' and 'misgenation' that are not allowed to make it onto MSNBC and other providers anymore -- because they would be politically correct -and who wants to be like THAT?

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very new!

very new!

(anarchists only.)

October 14th, 2007

06:03 am - you killed my brother you pig
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Kurt Cobain
You are Kurt Cobain! You're grundgy, twisted and very talented. You have a certain charm and individuality that sets you a part from many. You are beautiful! Oh, he died in 1994 from a gun shot wound to the mouth. Suicide. ..

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IN 2002


The Use Of Trauma Based Mind Control To Create Mind Control Slaves For The Illuminati Ruling Elites

Richard Cheney or Dick Cheney was White House Chief of Staff in the WH Administration of the Pornographer, Mafia Shill and brutal male and female rapist, President Gerald Ford from the 1st of January 1974 and then became Defence Secretary to President George H.W. Bush from the 20th of January 1989 to the 20th of January 1993 which is the period in which the Reptilian Illuminati Familie’s First Gulf War began on the 2nd of August 1990.

Dick Cheney will be sold as the “man of experience” to support the “drive” and “vision” of the young would-be president, George “Dubya” Bush. This “experience”, however, is, in truth, the ability to take orders from people like the brutal gangraper and male rapist Henry Kissinger and the knowledge and experience of how to impose Psychotronic Mind Control and Occultic Mind Control that is really in the mainstream Trauma Based Mind Control and how to torture and rape mind controlled men, women and children.

In my book Trance-Formation of America i give details over many pages about my horrific experiences with the pig Dick Cheney, a man who brutally abused me, as he has done endlessly with thousands of Mind Control Victims who were mainly children and women however there were some young men as well. In all these Illuminati Mind Control Programs the need to use brutal rape was essential to fragment the Mind Control Victims Subconscious Mind for enslavement purposes just as is done through EMF Transmissions and Trauma Based Mind Control in prisons around the world where Wackenhut Security Services as a wing of the CIA like Bechtel is, train prison officers and prison gangs to rape and torture inmates with Cat Alters and Sexual Programming that creates even more trauma, fear and endless Mind Control.

Dick Cheny liked to play the Most Dangerous Game which involved traumatising the victims to then split their Subconscious Minds and Mind Control them. They are sent out naked into a forest with a fence around it and then pursued by dogs and people like Dick Cheney, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, carrying guns. They do this to little children also as well as young men, alot of the time who are Black.

Cathy O’Brien recalls:

“Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the “thrill of the sport”. He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizng mind-control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occured upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull in Wyoming and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Dick Cheney’s Subconscious Programming as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me: “I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two-legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this and he unzipped his pants to reveal his huge, oversized penis, right down to your throat and then mount you."

"Which do you prefer?”

"Blood and sweat became mixed with the dirt on my body and slid like mud down my legs and shoulder. I throbbed with exhaustion and pain as I stood unable to think to answer such a question."

“Make up your mind,” Dick Cheney coaxed. Unable to speak, I remained silent. “You don’t get a choice, anyway. I make up your mind for you. That’s why you’re here. For me to make you a Mind, and make you Mine/Mind. You lost your Mind along time ago. Now I’m going to give you one. Just like the Wizard of Oz gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me.

"You’ve come such a long, long, way for your brain and I will give you one.”

"The blood reached my shoes and caught my attention. Had I been further along in my programming, I perhaps would never have noticed such a thing or had the capability to think to wipe it away, but so far, I had only been to MacDill and Disney World for government/military programming. At last, when I could speak, I begged: “If you don’t mind, can I please use your bathroom.”

"Dick Cheney’s face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat, choking me while applying pressure to the carotid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled: “If you don’t mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you - Kill you - with my bare hands. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. I’ll kill you any time I goddam well please.” He flung me on the cot-type bed that was behind me. There he finished taking his rage out on me sexually."

"On a long trip back to Michigan, I lay in a heap behind the seats of the Suburban, nauseated and hurting from Dick Cheney’s brutality and high voltage tortures, plus the whole Wyoming experience. My father stopped by the waterfalls flowing through the Tetons to “wash my brain” of the memory of Dick Cheney. I could barely walk through the woods to the falls for the process as instructed, despite having learned my lessons well from Dick Cheney on following orders. “
Kathy                           Marc
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Kathy Change

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Kathy Change (1950 - 22 October 1996) was a West Philadelphian performance artist and political activist who killed herself in an act of self-immolation on the University of Pennsylvania campus in 1996. Born Kathleen Chang, she legally changed her name to Kathy Change to indicate her commitment to political and social change. For 20 years she gave colorful one-woman street performances on Penn's campus and around Philadelphia to protest the government, during which she danced, sang, played the guitar, waved handmade flags, and made speeches. In a packet of her writings that she delivered to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Daily Pennsylvanian, and several of her friends and acquaintances on the morning of her death, she explained the rationale behind her suicide:

“I want to protest the present government and economic system and the cynicism and passivity of the people…as emphatically as I can. But primarily, I want to get publicity in order to draw attention to my proposal for immediate social transformation. To do this I plan to end my own life. The attention of the media is only caught by acts of violence. My moral principles prevent me from doing harm to anyone else or their property, so I must perform this act of violence against myself. . . . It is a waste of energy to get angry and gripe at the government. The government must be replaced with a truly democratic self-government of, for and by the people. Those working in industries essential to maintaining life should democratically take over their workplaces and organize an emergency economy to supply the needs of the people. The rest of the people should meet in their communities to organize a new directly democratic community-based self-government.”

Change was briefly married to Chinese American writer Frank Chin.

University police officer William Dailey was subsequently honored at a 1997 ceremony held by the school's Division of Public Safety, for attempting to prevent Change's suicide. A speech given at the event cited Dailey's "heroism under emotionally stressful and physically dangerous circumstances". Dailey was attracted by the flames from Change's immolation, and when he determined that the source of the conflagration was a person, he ran forward, pushed her to the ground, and extinguished the fire by rolling her and smothering the flames with his patrol jacket.[1]
YOU RAPING TRASH.  GO TO HELL.  BUT FIRST: GO TO JAIL.,%20Spirit,%20New%20Science%202007/Mark_and_Cathy.jpgProject Monarch by Ron Patton

The code name for this operation was Project PAPERCLIP.[4] One of the more prominent finds for the U.S. was ....catalters may come out at this level. ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Project Monarch Part 2

catalters may come out at this level. .... Intelligence Agency’s MKULTRA Project Monarch mind control operation” This documented autobiography contains ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Monarch Mind Control Methodology

Monarch Mind Control Methodology for programming Manchurian Candidates for Social Violence in ... Kittens and cat alters are frequently the sexual alters. ... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Project Monarch

MONARCH may have culminated from MKSEARCH subprojects, such as operation SPELLBINDER, which was set up to ....catalters may come out at this level. ... - 64k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.

There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across! They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s.

These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-levity trains that have speeds up to 1500 MPH.

Several books have been written about this activity. The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground.

They have nuclear powered laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. (Note: The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. 80) has a color drawing of 'The Subterrene,' the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock.)

The Black Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. There is much hard evidence out there. Many will react with fear, terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long.

Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights, or are you going to stand up and say enough is enough?

(anarchists only.)

03:45 am - ...for the beer...
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.this is the dawning
of the age of
your hairy ass.

by bjark!
ride the wave of heart and mind, ride it!

ride it into truth and understanding. observe the naysayers who will say no while saying they say yes.
observe them, maybe they will see you and awaken. ride the wave of heart and mind towards new universe, follow the streams worth knowing.

ride with caring and belief, ride the tide of passion and understanding where nothing is unmade, there is no death, how cloud they understand with closed hearts and minds shut tight!

don't ignore them, they will lie so righteously,


ride the wave of heart and mind

follow a lactic lay line
into a spiral network
to behold
great central sun,
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you've never done this before
with someone so much like you.

read the music.

here i own nothing, here i am no one's slave.

here i breathe pure love
i am made of liquid light
no devil to damn me
no chains to wear

 here i, you, me, free to breathe and fly,
free to pretend, infinite vision,
just to be, become blissified and awakened.

ride the waves of love and real eyes asian,

away, past the naysayers, some will say yes
and come along, buoyed
by love and good, good feelings,
 ride the wave and evolve for the heaven

of it,
 love sweet love
buoying our destinies together
 as fantasy and family towards clear
horisons of loving light...
i lost your email address
but as you know
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i got your number
and he wishes that she would lie to him
cause he doesn't want to know
what it means when she says goodbye to him
and he has to let it go

i left her behind so may years ago...knowing, i have know all this time at the rockiest moments andthe most angushed tearful times, know there ws a way, that the pessimists could not see and that the optimists, well, wha is their problem, why can't they make it real?

i left beautiful jen behind, or let her go, whatever, so so long ago, in 1991? she went away on her spiritual is so like me to let people go but not put them out of my experimental mode of life. soulmate, soulmate, that wonderful word...but
it means more to me than
'you keep those hands where i can see 'em';
they don't want me to think. they don'ty want you to think...they are so fucking twisted, what can i do to help? PARALYZED.

Satan hates everyone.
hard to believe...
living in delusion, most of us, in pitiful delusion, for such a long in delusion, so divorced from the truth of heave, which was only ever LOVE, ture and accepting, perfect love, a love without fear, a secure love, a love divine and so so natural, a love that never fades...

so deluded! centuries, generations, millins of years! practically forever. so divorced from love. what can I do?

the soulmates wanted each other...even now I canfeel The Great Goddess telling me dshe loves me, and wants to be with can we go on living in denial? we cannot, and we MUST survive, because love is real.

the nightmare fear, the heart attacks...the horror of denial. i have lived a thousand holocausts at the cruel handes of denial. but love must prevail. Oh, yes, my friend. somehow there is ultimately only a way!

the plaintative voices...
"I wish there was a way."
"there ought to be a way."
"if there were only a way!"
"sigh...there's just no way."

"if only it could all work out some how?"

My true love, her name is Goddess, Her name is God, her name is Aquarius, her name is CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE. many envy her beauty, her good nature, her stellar wit and charm. and she is so so divine and good, she is so wonderful. yet...The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

it means the most infinite in trusts and understandings, it means free, free, free because you said you loved me and i believe it. nothing changes that.

BALANCE is the cardinal rule of our art, our Art

art: picasso, anais, sexton, love, toriyama
Art: The Kingdom of Ridiculous truth
Art: Thou Art: Art Thou, wherefore art Thou. "I am that Am: (i guess Thou Art, Art Thou Not? Thou Art, Indeed and In word and in divine Action.)

Art:The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.does one truly create, or do I just take the base components that the Makers and the Providers have left around, and shape manipulate, until what i have seen is thee for others to see...i am unsure, i will allow my self to assume i don't know so that I can learn, can discover, what is the Way if not the process, the path, the place between here and there and the stops in between?

In Which I Am Totally Good

"what's wrong, love? why do you weep so?"
"I just feel so OLD, Bjark," she confesses to me.

She is, we are both old. older than our skin, older than skin itself, she and I.

 she cries like I cried, Utopia freaks like we are. simply we remember
a better time, lifetimes and lifetimes ago...she is my goddess and i will, i will stay with her, if there is a way then she must benefit first.

her happiness, my happiness..all mixed in together. I hope we do not die in traffic before heaven awakens on earth, i hope we don't miss our rocket
to the Moon Kingdom. No bones, I am in love.

she is benevolent, and nurturing, and she dreams, and laughs, and is bitter, and can be vindictive, she is God and she is human, and perfectly imperfect, and once upon a time not so long ago (i hear the Typicals with their jealous hateful the hated Magic!) she was the only person in the universe...we were making love to completely different people and even I was
gone, she is supreme kung fu and divine sharing, and she has NEVER ASKED ME TO WORSHIP HER ONCE. she is so way awesome, i love her to life i love the stuffing into her. yeah, she's jealous. guess i take the salt with the sweet. there are questions i wonder at the answers too,The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. so sweet and good, now she is fading into a rear view mirror and i can't take it, i want to say i would rather die than be deprived of her, but i have honor.

no one should get denied their desires
no one deserves to be hurt.
everyone should get what they want the most.
the squeakiest wheels should indeed get
greased. such "heart" denial is NOT
gonna play in the age of aquarius.

(anarchists only.)

03:41 am - watch out for Filthy McNasty! Earth Wind and Fire
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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

(anarchists only.)

October 13th, 2007

01:27 am - anarchists only, the sign on the wall said. why?
02:41 am - 01:49 pm - Lord SinnerStar: GAME OVER STARRING EXACTLY WHY.

the nembutsu priests were not demons,
and that is more than opinion. they were
not demons, nor demonic. neither were the
men with swords forcing their actions,
which they mistakenly deemed as karmic.
the impersonalists of northern india who sat
repeating rituals of hatred for the great mother
however were exactly brahmanic impersonalists,
and so ahriman and great shaitanya figured into their
evil magic. they were the throat cutters and wife burners
of sut. they of course despised buddhism for daring
to reject impersonalism for the deeper understanding that
is the way that daishonin, ascended master of in the
tumultuous thirteenth century, preached.
The image
but they failed to neutralize his love for japan,
his devotion to sun, his effort for more than nihon,
but all sentience. utterly. even now the impersonalists
repeat the same lies, with dishonor and certain mortal fate
their SOLE real reward. and THAT is more than opinion.
The image
the peaceful and openhearted Dravinder President recently
shared the problems of the subcontinent with the world.
help us, he said with a smile. he is a President, not a New Stone
Age "Raj" like Prince Charles -- and that's why he shared the problems
of the subcontinent with the world.

the brahmanic priests of impersonal
attacked the nembutsu priest with deep vigor
and with the psionic venom of those who were
give in to demon worship. that is also not opinion,
but the way in which conditioned tiered "culture" was forced
on the West as well as Nihon and other countries in the Orient.
The image
the year was 12xx. Daishonin, born a bakuramin, none the less
attained to great skill as a meditator and thus is as hailed today
as Ambedkar, not Japanese, but a Indian National, is hailed.
It is devotion to the one who rejected caste and kingship, Shakyamuni,
that Ambedkar and Daishonin Nichiren find themselves as equals in the sangha.

but the "work of demons" goes on -- in other nations now.

and as we contemplate the ugly brutality and racism of hugo chavez
and his partners in international socialism, George Bush and Fidel Castro,
once again we know the contemplation of demonic action under the guise
of right to rule the planet, or of religious piety.

thus the people in Greece regretted trusting General President Papadopoulous.
But the CIA had sent him. The people got to die.

Papadopoulous died too, famously, in jail, of cancer.
The Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 was a massive demonstration of popular rejection of the Greek military junta of 1967-1974. The uprising began on November 14, 1973, escalated to nearly an open anti-junta revolt and ended in bloodshed in the early morning of November 17 after a series of events starting with a tank crashing through the gates of the Polytechnic.

Greece had been, since April 21, 1967, under the dictatorial rule of the military, a regime which abolished civil rights, dissolved political parties and exiled, imprisoned and tortured politicians and citizens based on their political beliefs .

1973 found the junta under Papadopoulos having undertaken a "liberalisation" process of the regime, which included the release of political prisoners and the partial lifting of censorship, as well as promises of a new constitution and new elections for a return to civilian rule. Leftist elements were thus given the opportunity to undertake political action against the junta.

Picture of students demonstrating on 17 November 1973 in Athens as it appeared in many Greek and International newspapers at the time.The junta, trying to control every aspect of politics, had interfered with student syndicalism since 1967, by banning student elections in universities, forcefully drafting students and enforcing non-elected student union leaders in the national student's union, EFEE. These actions eventually created an anti-junta sentiments among some students, such as Geology student Kostas Georgakis who committed suicide in 1970 in Genoa, Italy as an act of protest against the junta. With that exception, the first massive public action against the junta came from students on February 21, 1973.

On February 21, 1973 law students went on strike and barricaded themselves inside the buildings of the Law School of the university of Athens in the centre of Athens, demanding repeal of the law that imposed forceful drafting of "subversive youths", as 88 of their colleagues had been forcefully drafted. The police were ordered to intervene and many students were reportedly subjected to police brutality. The events at the Law School are often cited as the prelude to the Polytechnic uprising.

The student uprising was also heavily influenced by the youth movements of the sixties, notably the events of May 1968.

On November 14, 1973 students at the Athens Polytechnic (Polytechneion) went on strike and started protesting against the military regime (Regime of the Colonels). As the authorities stood by, the students, calling themselves the "Free Besieged" (Greek: Ελεύθεροι Πολιορκημένοι), barricaded themselves in and constructed a radio station using laboratories equipment) that repeatedly broadcast across Athens: "Here is Polytechneion! People of Greece, the Polytechneion is the flag bearer of our struggle and your struggle, our common struggle against τhe dictatorship and for democracy!"[1] (Greek: Εδώ Πολυτεχνείο! Λαέ της Ελλάδας το Πολυτεχνείο είναι σημαιοφόρος του αγώνα μας, του αγώνα σας, του κοινού αγώνα μας ενάντια στη δικτατορία και για την Δημοκρατία transliterated as: Etho Polytechneio! Lae tis Elladas to Polytechneio einai simaioforos tou agona mas, tou agona sas, tou koinou agona mas enantia sti diktatoria kai gia tin Dimokratia). Leftist, later to be politician, Maria Damanaki was one of the major speakers. Soon thousands of workers and youngsters joined them protesting inside and outside of the "Athens Polytechnic".

In the early hours of November 17, 1973, the transitional government panicked,[2] sending a tank crashing through the gates of the Athens Polytechnic. Soon after that, Markezinis himself had the humiliating task to request Papadopoulos to re-impose martial law.[2] Prior to the crackdown, the city lights had been shutdown, and the area was only lit by the campus lights, powered by the university generators. An AMX 30 Tank (still kept in a small armored unit museum in a military camp in Avlonas, not open to the public) crashed the rail gate of the Athens Polytechnic at around 03:00am. In unclear footage clandestinely filmed by a Dutch journalist, the tank is shown bringing down the main steel entrance to the campus to which people were clinging. Documentary evidence also survives, in recordings of the "Athens Polytechnic" radio transmissions from the occupied premises. In these a young man's voice is heard desperately asking the soldiers (whom he calls 'brothers in arms') surrounding the building complex to disobey the military orders and not to fight 'brothers protesting'. The voice carries on to an emotional outbreak, reciting the lyrics of the Greek National Anthem, until the tank enters the yard, at which time transmission ceases.

According to a contested[citation needed] official investigation undertaken after the fall of the Junta, no students of Athens Polytechnic were killed during the incident. Total recorded casualties amount to 24 civilians killed outside Athens Polytechnic campus. These include 19-year old Michael Mirogiannis, reportedly shot to death by officer G. Dertilis, high-school student Diomedes Komnenos, and a five-year old boy caught in the crossfire in the suburb of Zografou. The records of the trials held following the collapse of the Junta document the circumstances of the deaths of many civilians during the uprising, and although the number of dead has not been contested by historical research, it remains a subject of political controversy. In addition, several civilians were left severely injured during the events.

On November 14 The uprising triggered a series of events that put an abrupt end to the regime's attempted "liberalisation" process under Spiros Markezinis. Papadopoulos, during his liberalization process and even during the dictatorship, attempted to re-engineer the Greek political landscape and failed repeatedly. Ironically, in his biographical notes published as a booklet by supporters in 1980 it is mentioned that he attended Polytechneion, the prime Engineering School in the country, but did not graduate.

Taxiarkhos Dimitrios Ioannides, a disgruntled Junta hardliner,[3][4] used the uprising as a pretext to re-establish public order, and staged a counter-coup that overthrew George Papadopoulos and Spiros Markezinis on November 25 the same year. Military law was reinstated, and the new Junta appointed General Phaedon Gizikis as President, and economist Adamantios Androutsopoulos as Prime Minister, although Ioannides remained the behind-the-scenes strongman.

Ioannides' abortive coup attempt on June 14, 1974 against Archbishop Makarios III, then President of Cyprus, was met by an invasion of Cyprus by Turkey. These events caused the military regime to implode and ushered in the era of metapolitefsi. Constantine Karamanlis was invited from self-exile in France, and was appointed Prime Minister of Greece alongside President Phaedon Gizikis. Parliamentary democracy was thus restored, and the Greek legislative elections of 1974 were the first free elections held in a decade.

17 November, the date of the event, later became the name of a Greek terrorist group, in reference to the uprising.

November 17th is currently a school holiday in Greece. Schools and universities stay closed during the day. The central location for the commemoration is the campus of the Polytechneio. The campus is closed on the 15th (the day the students first occupied the campus on 1973). Students and politicians lay wreaths on a monument within the Polytechneio on which the names of Polytechneio students killed during the Greek Resistance in the 1940s are inscribed. The commemoration day ends with a demonstration that begins from the campus of the Polytechneio and ends at the United States embassy.

The student uprising is hailed by many as a valiant act of resistance against the military dictatorship, and therefore as a symbol of resistance to tyranny. Others believe that the uprising was used as a pretext by Taxiarkhos Dimitrios Ioannides to put an abrupt end to the process of ostensible liberalization of the regime undertaken by Spiros Markezinis.
^ Etho Polytechneio
^ a b "Past present" and quote:Markezinis had humiliated himself by 'requesting' Papadopoulos to reimpose martial law in the wake of the November 17 uprising at the Athens Polytechnic , Athens News, 4 October 2002
^ "Greece marks '73 student uprising", and:the notorious Brigadier Dimitrios Ioannidis now serving a life sentence for his part in the 1967 seizure of power - immediately scrapped a programme of liberalisation introduced earlier and: His was but to do the bidding of a junta strongman who had never made a secret of his belief that Greeks were not ready for democracy. Athens News, 17 November 1999
^ Ioannis Tzortzis, University of Birmingham "The Metapolitefsi that Never Was: a Re-evaluation of the 1973 'Markezinis Experiment'" quote 1: Thus the students 'had been played straight into the hands of Ioannidis, who looked upon the coming elections with a jaundiced eye. quote 2: Ioannidis said to Pattakos 'we are not playing. We shall have a dictatorship, send all our opponents to exile on the islands and stay in power for thirty years!'

(anarchists only)

The image

in the end, i was glad that Lord Anus had decided to take complete shelter in lies.

The image Lies are no shelter. when Bruce Li comes to kick your ass for poisoning Bruce Lee, if you bring bullshit and not kung fu, you are a dead man.  That is why I was glad, in the end, that Lord Anus decided to fully immerse himself in bullshit, to internalize dishonesty and lies, so that he could decieve others.

Hiding not far beneath an insidious patina of lies was a impotent misogynist. His commonlaw wife has to go down with and on that relationship.


take a penny, leave a penny

but the best revenge ain't taking any.

the very worst thing that pornography does is worse, worse by far
than its objectification of the human body. pornography in the mind
of the lonely addict extracts LOVE from the sexual act.
erotica does NOT do that. it is so much more than a simple hair to split
as the idea is love, simply love and art commingled -- rather than the raw
cheapening objectification.
 The image
the sleazy hide away.  the system of tax and of course the dangers and lonliness
of prostitution, sex slavery and worse damage.  pornography because of the stigma
of its illegality and the utter lack of a sense of innocence surrounding it invites
the idea of violation. child abuse.  all the ugly human feelings.
erotica has to do with love and the sexual act.  the male chauvanist 'dominator' personality type
has almost no where to hide in the arena of eros - as the sense of the colour pink, the idea
of softness and deep love as opposed to seduction and domination and the descent into rape
-- when there is the idea of criminalizing the sexual act the idea is to GO FOR IT and throw
caution to the wind -- but always, that attitude is oppressed.
how The image are we to then discern?  
how are we to know the difference?  questions of freedom and individual right come to mind. 
where can we say 'this is the truly erotic, not pornographic, but artistic, beautiful, non exploitative'
and some other form of expression is purely pornographic?
always, always we can tell by the faces. are people being abused?  are they miserable?
and someone people can't tell. it's really about the heart.  pornography, sleaze, smut -- these are
words that people toss around to judge, generally...but also slasher flix, the sort of things where
the women actually die -- we are all familiar with 'snuff' -- we have heard of it if we don't know of it
or have not exposed ourselves to it. 
the world is a changing place. some say that one paradigm, the paradigm of domination, is giving way to
a paradigm to partnership and balance -- to which an attention drawing group assert psychically "BULL SHIT.
THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN." to the idea of people - male people and female people -- be-come-ing partners
in life .  the champions of the militaryindustrial will never admit that people can actually be harmonious without
a dominating polarity, and that polarity is male, they will always insist -- male, as well as Caucasion, they will add.
inwardly, privately, schizoid.

desiring machines

In the Anti-Oedipus, subtitled Capitalism and Schizophrenia, volume 1, and first published in 1972, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari engaged in a radical critique of Freudianism. Like their contemporary, R.D. Laing, and like Wilhelm Reich before them, they linked psychic repression with social repression, and sought to recover the revolutionnary quality of desire . The image

 "Desiring production is situated at the limits of social production; the decoded flows, at the limits of the codes and the territorialities; the body without organs at the limits of the socius." (Anti-Oedipus, pp 175-6) (the socius is the abstract machine of society -- Massumi) .The image

Renata Wing is and was everything to Hollobecque, The image she was gifted, angry yet serenely angry, like a statue of rage, she was a thinker and a doer, a rulebreaker but a tasteful, cultured rulebreaker. And she could choose things: she was cultured but so not bourgeois....
 The image

I was a stripper, a dancer, go-go, whatever, before I met these people and whipped 'em all into shape. That's how I met Kathleen, It was such a weird day. No, that's right (laughs;) it was Nighttime. And I was working, I was stripping, I should say, at The Bunker, the place that gave the best tips back in the eighties. And all the girls were like; I can't wait to get enough money to go to college! So I was like; well fuck. They're stupid.

What do I want to waste all this money for, so I can get some lame ass job doing what somebody else wants me to do?

I was a little heavier then. 
I danced all I could and saved the money. I dumpster dived, food stamps…whatever. This was before I met Holly. By the time I met Holly, well…I had a lot of money in the bank from squatting, dancing, collecting welfare…being a good girl…

that is how i got so skinny!(she crosses her skinny legs.)
Since then I have been painting and living off my earnings. I still dance. but not for horny old men who just drool. Except Holly, of course, but it's hard to make him horny - he is obsessed with his work which is why he is an excellent companion, he's so undemanding, very sociable, but - anyway that's pretty much my story? Is this thing on?

(laughs again) Kathleen? Well, Kathleen was there too, and it was Kathleen, well she convinced me that I should keep painting. I was doing art then, but I was scattered, unbalanced. Now I - well I owe her everything, I love her to death. Absolutely? She's a great great lover, painter, speaker, dancer? Oh you got to see her dance, my god! Anyway, she can speak for herself, but I will say this much: if I had to share a man with any of the other sluts in Philadelphia I might be scared, but Kathy's my main man, you know what I mean?

(Renata is clearly something weird. She begins biting her toenails and continues talking while the interviewer holds the microphone silently.) All the world's a stage they say. And there are no small parts, and Kathleen…she's the star of my show. I so adore her.The image

Sally Dubrovnik Loves Her Job

I turn the key to let myself into the place. the thing is the way he lit it. I mean, I never started noticing the lighting in people's houses as much as since i started shacking up with Mark.
Mark is in the kitchen cooking eggs, I can smell it and it smells good.
"Hey, slutface," he calls out without turning around.

"Hey, whore! How you doing baby?"

It was a real surprised cause Mark was at the stove wearing a towel, he must have just came out of the shower. And i didn't know from the picture which was the first i saw of him but he has a really smoking body....since we started going together we play this game of calling each other whore, slut ass, sick's a game...dinner smells good...

" tonight the night?"

"oh yeah," i say.
"I'm down if you're down."
 "I'm down." i say without pretending. Mark and I have so much fun together, in bed, pretty much all the time it's pretty chill.

it's great. i'm always in this crazy good mood...oh, yuou know what I mean, it's too much to explain.

well, can we have some, uh." says Mark looking into the oven, some dinner first? babe?" and he shuts the oven, turns it off and turns around to face me. He has tatoos of constellations on his shoulders and ribs, it's pretty sexy...he is standing there in the towel...

and we kiss.

it's really nice. all day long i was shopping and thinking about this moment, rehearsing it in my mind. and we kiss and it's nice and then pull down his bath towel and grab his stiff penis...i look into his eyes and push the tip of it up against my panties...and he smiles. i know he can feel the heat and dampness...and i playfully push the head of his penis against my damp vulva...

then i suck his dick.

i take it into my mouth a little at a time, while i cup his balls and his ass, oh, he has such a nice firm bum!

and i just suck the tip of his dick for a while...

and then he says, "baby, i gotta turn off the eggs."

so I stand there and watch him cook the batter for egg foo young and we just chill. soon Mark pours some wine on top of the food and we sit down to eat.

then we are sitting down drinking and eating, drinking the purple wine he always stocks up on...we drink gallons of it...I'm always pissing! it's hysterical.

so while we're noshing i ask him "so or we gonna be live tonight?"

he looks concerned. "I was thinking about it...i was thinking we could tape stuff for later...but if you wanna go live tonight, we can do that." he smiled, wanly. "oh, you're so easy to get along with!"

he takes a big slug of wine. "I was thinking we could edit what we do tonight later with that cool app, remember i showed you last night, baby? all the shimmering, dancing colors." was some computer program, Mark knows more about that stuff than i do...but it was awesome, like a liquid lights show across our bodies as we make love...for the camera...on the island the middle of the warehouse floor.

"so you wanna do this tonight, love?" he asks me quietly.

"yeah, tight, lets do this. let's go live. can you get that two-way-talk thing going again? that was wild."

I'm excited.The image

it's like...Mark used to be a junkie, but he somehow totally cleaned all his shit out and got like super healthy...he drinks a lot of wine, but that's like...i could get really used to this drinking wine all the time...oh fuck...i have...

"Yeah, that's all part of the deal." and he smiles.

we have been putting on sex shows and making money off the web for like months now, it rocks...he and i let people basically jack off and watch our webcam, where we fuck, and they can watch and listen!...and really that's what we do. it fucking rawks. it SO beats working.

so today is a day, an average day in the life of Sally Dubrovnik, porn star. It is kinda lowbrow glamourous, which is just fine...

basically Mark and i are self-styled "philosophical whores." i mean, down to the details. all of our friends are whores too. it's like a secret family...what mark and I do is actually kind of soft core ...

(they make love. pans show psychedelick lighting that is so advanced, it renders the senses buzzed as they make fabulous love with extreme sensitivity and obvious real caring for each other. the viewer realises as he or she watches that this, this! is what makes erotica different from the gross and demeaning mass market porn. here we see sally and mark getting down like people who really love each other, and so fashionably lit you don't question the sumptuousness of their apartment... and neither do the other voyeurs that the view changes to show. we see all over the world people are tuning in to the mark and sally show...sometimes' it's what one expects: lonely men furtively jerking off...but we also see:

a young punk couple looking kind of clean and sharp, piercings and cool threads. they are eating popcorn and watching the show on their computers.--

a sarariman and a young woman sit legs folded chatting and mildly shocked but smiling at the scene on the screen...

basically mark and sally determined to take the world by horny interrracial porno storm, without leaving home. they have done it but now, now that we have seen--

because mark and sally have a relationship untouched by petty jealousies; they by graces both met each other and were too wise to give in to that sort of thing-- sally is so happy that mark came right out and said to her --

"what you do with your body is your own business. as long as you come home every once in a while...when we have the show to put out."

so theirs was a relationship unhindered by the social jealousies and petty deceptions that harried most people in relationships back in 2003.

meanwhile...let's hurry back to the home of Steve Haley, Mari Popodopoulous and the harried Henry Salk. Harry And Mari are coffee-ing: Steve is in London at a shoot. Their surrealist friends are about to stop by and as always when Renata and Holly show up life, always interesting, becomes just short of a laff riot--

in a voluminous nothingness of all ness, in a stattic spin that is always moving

deeper than paradox and just as cool; it IS paradox-- the male and the female in the constant in-out play of universal energy attain each other again and again. they are the original pair of opposites; they need each other and love is what they do best.

Randal Hollobecque.

never felt quite at home in the country of his birth, "always on the outside looking in~u.s.a." tatooed in black ink on his left calf. he feels like a european living in america. they put him in an insane asylum after a drunken binge.

he stayed for five days and they let him go with a clean bill of health.
"You're an artist," the shrink said, "now go make art and don't ever come back.

Hollobecque did exactly that. it was his last trip to an insane asylum.

Traded beer and shots for absinthe.

Hollobecque, histrionic and portly, bearded and wild, wildeyed and wildminded, a dramatist.

the plays kept coming and coming when he stopped drinking, he was a sharp playwright with a sense of mise en scene in a place that respected revivals and dull, dull comedies, shakespeare out the ass.

Holly had created "Shakespeare in the Parkinglot." for the masses and the masses had come, suddenly he was Hollobecque the Dramatist, the days of gutter sniveling and spare changing seemed gone behind him.
and love, Love!
"I'm not optimist at all, you shit smellers. I'm REALIST-- i never sold out to statist tyranny or neo-Stalinism like you boring jaded punks! ARRGH! I am REAL! YOU'RE so PESSIMIST that you sold out, you betrayed anarchism, you filthy jokes walking about smelling of tournament stinkfinger. what a bunch of pessimistic -- ugh. I am simply something, that one thing which you pessimistic fakes could never respect, relate to or deal with and I am most common, there are always MILLIONS like me at any given time. if you weren't living in such a filthy vacuum of pessimism, nihilism, antiintellectual self deception, and denial you would see me, but whatever, you worshippers of spineless and hatefilled are really just far too bad, get behind me! I'll be like you, then I'll do everything in my power, I'll humble myself before the great creator gods, I'll do all I can do in the name of love and art and divinity to NOT be like you short of dying to please you envy-twisted WRETCHES, so mote it be! you guys rebel pointless, you tiny turd factories, God love ya. I'm an ANARCHIST. You just don't get it. there's nothing for me to rebel against, everything is okay. I am free. I was BORN that way! This isn't a brag it's a ffucking statement of fact! ARRGGH! HULK SMASH! Fuck you shit smelling soldiers of the state, socialist dirtcores! All of you have property of hell tatooed on yer, you stink! Go dive into a dumpster and forget how to get back home! Crust and rot! why should I rebel, so I can conform with your shit stinking stylelessness? Dumb assholes. really, words fail me. So would you like to come in? Fifteen dollars. (Flips them off. They leave, shaking their heads and appearing stunned.)

In the form of a slip of a girl, the strange and fey Renata who gave him chills and massages and love, sweet love.

He has written play after play and now he is in hiding in a West Philadelphia warehouse; no one of his old circle of desperately jealous artists, "lesser lights" he calls them out of a sense of fairness, their petty jealousies and aggressively inhumane reactions mean only a way to avoid getting projects done, and Holly has to finish product.

Hollobecque is seated in the small cafe once called China Sky, the converted apartment that had been a cafe but had become a residence for his friends who are in the attic making love, his friends, Mari and Henry.

"Why don't you just do it?" Blurted Holly characteristically.

Henry was weeping and Mari's brow was frinkled like the edge on view of the Inquirer.
"Steven wants that, you know."
Mari blinked dully.

"Why do you think he's staying away?"

"Holly, you fucking liar, you should know your place."

"Oh shut up, Henry, you sulking bitch," mortified Hollobecque totally.

"Look; i don't need this sort of drama as fuel for plays. I talked with Steven. A long time ago before he left for Turkey. He loves you both and never meant to come between -- look...I'll help."

Henry blinked through the tears as Holly, all six feet and 200 pounds of sweating Jew genius strode with purpose over to the television.
"THIS is your problem." The bombs were exploding, orange plumes of light and smoke in the sky. He grabbed the plug and yanked it out of the television.
"Hey..." said Mari, a little dejectedly...but the hint of a smile was beginning in the corner of her mouth.
"We were watching that."
"Exactly. You're stupid. Your taste is in your ass. make love not war. go do it--" and here he pulled the belt off his pants in a swift motion somewhat surprising in so large a man -- "or i will beat you like a angry black woman in the checkout at thriftway. i'm serious. i've had it with you two and your guiltridden bullshit."

"But," stammered Henry, "But Steven --"

"Cares!" Interrupted Hollobecque. "Look. Think back to 1994. Remember? when it was Mari and Henry, and Steven,
though Mari was weird?

"I have known you all all this time. And I talk to Steven. He and I ... we are waiting for you two to mature as artists and stop whining about how you must suffer for your art. Steve WISHES you two would fuck. The tension has driven him away. you think he HAS to go to fucking Istambul to make his art? He wants you to get over it.

"Now I am gonna have some coffee. You two are evicted from the downstairs."


Looking at her for all these years, i did indeed lose years of my life. I GAVE those years of free choice and free will and open hearted acceptance of who and what SHE was, for all those years. And now I am a man free and a man at peace with the reality thatin this life and in future lives within this life, I will see her only in memories, reflections, daydreams, remebering her as she was, someone who I barely knew, but sort of like, someone whome I eventually came to realise that I could perhaps never truly know in any intimate way, intimately as in the clothed, upright intimacy of one who simply shares the inner recess of his soul. NOT FOR YOU is posted on every inch of HER being:The image SHE is not for me and so hope has not died.

Hope is impersonal, hope has not died. And hope, my true FRIEND never wanted her, hope wanted the love of a lifetime that could stand all tests and rise glorious in the morning of fire and water, rise glorious and rejuvenating giving all the sweet beautiful things that love can give.

Love is different things to different people, though, love, and security...have different meanings to different people.

I locked the door of the cafe tonight, even though it has been a former cafe and a home for refugee artists timid and enjoying their sweet privacy, their refuge from all that is impersonal and functionary, bleak and without lovingness, that cafe is home to the artists now, the refugees from cardboard culture.

but i had haunted the place until tonight. I locked the door and left my final shift behind me tonight; I allowed myself to stop being there. Dreams don't die but they are dreams, malleable...i left Candi's icy coldness and material shallowness there, I left Candi's mindless jealousy and race baiting capitalism in there and locked that door tight behind me. I locked Snehal's naivete and conformist thoughtlessness there, her insensitivity to emotional needs not her own and her addiction to corporate cuolture I locked in there, I locked Snehal's shallow appraisal of me in there too, she will never know how deep i truly am!

And I am not so deep, I have flaws, migranes...

I left Sivani's schizophrenic coldness and counter-culture inability to achieve (oh! but she can earn the state's MONEY) -- i left Sivani locked inside the cafe hating half the human race, I locked her in there, i locked Henry and Steve and Michael and Lars baying at the moon like wild wolves hot for cunt, it is in the front but assistant manager does NOT have combo to safe!

I locked the door and slipped the keys in the mail slot; left my phone book on my sloppy desk along with my dead false ego and all those contacts.

I left the cd player on, New Ghost and The Wrecking Co and red paint people will cycle until the thing melts, til the laser eats the disc and the wheels fall off. I left that place behind tonight.

It was two am and usually it would have been time for the after bar rush.

I had had my coffee, though, and that was the point. The years were long behind me when all those things mattered. i left melissa's sundrenched lipstik prints on the wall underneath two coats of paint and a heartfelt fare well, I took my heart with me though, I am going to need that...

But I left the rest behind, i left the Amber I remembered back in her private booth smiling cryptically, her hair down past her ass, not saying much and blowing my secret name in smoke rings, i left her inside and I know she is happy there. i left her in there with a roll of quarters for the jukebox, i locked that cafe up TIGHT!

I left the place but before i locked up for the last time i made a point of grabbing that carpet knife and sneaking up on the teevee with deadly purpose. i grabbed the cord and cut it. no one will be able to fix it because i used up all the duct will never play again unless poltergeists invade the pace, the set is PERMANENTLY DISCONNECTED as far as I am concerned, and I am concerned.

it is about there being a way of life that is open and free and loving and free from the compulsive graspings of Moloch, a life lived unconsciously to satisfy the cravings of a jealous, conceoted DevilGod who takes and owns and covets and never ever shares, it is about HER of course but she -- well, when i found myself saying to myself, or was it my higher self, the one with the secret name that only Amber knows (she is free, she has the keys and a roll of quarters, i hope she goes well with it and takes it full circle)--but I thought about her and her major choice -

and the still small voice said to me directly -

'forgive her, she knows not what she does'

then i left the cafe with twelve names and four calendars and frou-frou foxes in midsummer fires and i locked the double locks and i slid the keys into the mail boxes.

there are some paintings in the basement, but i remember them.


And now Hollobecque is at China Sky, the cafe that someone will eventually reopen.

He is waiting...waiting for the right moment, waiting for the opportunity that seems too good to pass up and has no snapback potential.

he is waiting because there is so much going on, he is waiting because for him, it already is a cafe. he has the coffee and the cigarets, and the bad politicians are making asses of themselves on teevee.

Soon the trials will come, more fun than anything on already and Holly will smile and coordinate entertainment at china sky cafe, and renata will make cunning little cupcakes that look like dead heads, Mari and Steven will bicker over the books and Henry will stare and wait for tips and make paintings at the rate of one per millennium...god he's slow, muses Hollobecque.

other things will happen. Renata is skin popping again and what the hell to do about that. it turns him off and she won't get counseling. sure she paints wonderfully but he wonders if she would be better without the--

The image

The image

The image

The image (anarchists only)

Current Music: Gorillaz-Clint Eastwood

(anarchists only.)

October 11th, 2007

10:10 pm - pork steaks up me bunger!

pork steaks up me bunger! [Mar. 1st, 2006|10:34 am]


the talented tense
an open letter to liz phair
 you ess eh?

and i am doing this
why? because i decide long ago that
nicola was my ideal name for a
daughter. like YEARS ago. so
anyway that is far from the only reason. i
recognized another intellectual in the mirror and decided to pay some
attention to it, it looked abused and under appreciated. that rots...

so anyway: what i noticed was how out fron
The image t you
were about showing you'd discovered something...that is what made me
conscious of the infamous credibility gap.
the real cred gap, not Harry Shearer's secret rock orchestra, but the gap between cred in women rockers and "real" rockers.  I know it's not that way, and so do Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Lucy Lawless and the Great Kat but I put it that way so that you, Liz, can see the point I am making about how the industry doth suck.  When chauvanists dominate, sincere artists of any gender suffer. Ask Phranc or Michelle Shocked.  they would agree...

when people do things and someone steals their thunder.

what is going on right now in
the world , from my drummer/keyboardist/lyricist perspective is this: the sound of twenty six billion people all zipping their minds shut as our leaders ineptly waste our tax.

The image

in a functioning world --

 don't you think that real
honest to god and country anarchists would be a more visible force on the world scene?

doing more than getting pathetically busted at marches

or "rocking the vote?" what happen?

"not necessarily" is a fine answer as many of our sort
simply wish to live and not be noticed. you don't seem like one who
dosn't wish to be noticed. i actually told myself to ignore your space
here -- as i LOATHE myspace and fully intend to pressure hack it out
of business
. Tom seems greedy and quite slack/arrogant...and his reach
is glommy, extending from california into every nation with online, and
he is just tom.

i loathe it, not YOU but "myspace' and the huge lie of "geek chic"  as a cultural phenomenon.

that is neither here or there. but --

beings aid i wonder why you, looking and coming off the way you do, or did in the more crucial nineties,
aren't in a band i have heard. the answer is blowing out your arse --
they won't book anything controversial. that
is how hard our current
rulers intend to rule for the next hundred years. do you agree? what's right with this picture?

if NIRVANA came out this year they would founder in
discount bins and be unheard because he hurt them with his poetry and
contributed to global consciousness.
the industry has never wanted that.
it's why there will never be another beatles, and why Oasis stop just short of Spinal Tap-ville.

same goes for the Pink Floyd.

to a lesser extent, sting --
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
as Police were - in their heyday -- what green day are now. Green Day Styles: Punk, Alternative Rock
  Billie Joe Armstrong - vocals, guitar
  Mike Dirnt - bass, vocals
  Tre Cool - drums, vocals
  John Kiffmeyer - drums (pastmember)30th year, brings musicians together with free-swimming whales
and dolphins to explore the potential

you seem to
understand rock, you know that trends repeat.

but see the length of my
letter? it's barely long at all.
it's a NOTE. but the systems of "the west" have made a point to
limit the
expression of human intellect -- as they are low minded and cunning and
 correct well gathered m themselves as "chic geeks" could actually make a
difference -- so big they'd have to add encyclopedia articles.

a big difference as in eclipsing what beats and hippies
did to the world. embarassing and also improving situations for all
coencerned. i wish i could say i were a socialist but i am not. I
understand Marx though and i realise that socialism SAYS that it is
about the poor and workers -- but truly is about ensuring permanent
revolution. "as in 'Join the Nike Revolution! Join the KFC revolution!  Join the Dell (C) Revolution!"

what is happening in iraq right now is Marx and Engels'
handiwork -- turgid war and insurrection the only constant and the big
money maker. and that makes...our young musicians...less fun
and that much more anxiety tinged in

dark moments where we wonder what
we are going to do
and if it's going to be secure for us...

but maybe you are different. you seem to have a sense of self esteem
and that is rare.

in my scene i was shunned for this reason -- when riot grrl was
happening i started actively helping the femme artistes in our locale.

reaction was negative
and charged with pig venom.

the masculinists who were in
the worship of

male evil
did NOT want grrl
rocklets to get any slack.

what happened by

what happened to elastica? loved that band.

Elastica's 1996 Xmas Card

was looking forward to a chance to getting to know what they were
about. no sign of them.


i can't get a 'clear channel..."

i kept doing what i was doing. i am an amateur
The image --
i can't let them suck the love i feel for the arts out

or even the .arts --


dissing your bullshit
set-up since 1969.



brings all the grease to the trap


you are BONY AND WAXLIKE. you were so, so good at sounding just like

you knew just what to say

just what we wanted to hear.

you didn't fight when the votes were all counted (but we should just
get over ourselves and lok forward to our next chance to fucking VOTE,

man, too many people are tired of pretending.

  yeah, you worship Something. 

You went to school Somewhere.

You looked at Bush and "argued" Gore. 


And Blood and Guts.

 hate you a lot...


"I live here."

was all these, like french guys, right, Meat Wad?

Uh huh.  You the detective. I'm jus' tryin to avoid bean stepped

the French guys DIED cause their
country got microwaved.

uh huh...

MICROWAVED, Meat Wad.  it was THE
HOTTEST SUMMER IN MEMORY and they had just informed

the American president --

Adolf Hitler?

No, we
don't SAY that, Meat Wad.  We are Americans, and we have to LIVE
here. we say 'Alfred E. Neumann" or Furious George

aw, I love that monkey and that man in the yellow hat.

yellow pants, Meat Wad.  it was
PEOPLE DIED becase they bounced microwaves offa the -- dammit let me
show you.

and the homeys all screamed --

what is HAARP?

Uh, i won't tell you. You know me...I am
a loyal American. that's right!

we don't have time for
"conspiracy theories."

i love N. O. and you know as well as i do that it's time to get back

to the business of running the jews out of germany.


"I HATE you so much right now, Mr.


not dissin ya

cause i'm missin ya

nas is the luckiest man

fuck jealousy.

!dirt money!
cleaner than

the god damn

board of health

with cetaceans


What We Do
Our Projects
Animal Protocol

Belly of the Whale

Sample Page


Our Projects

is a 501(c)(3) U.S. non-profit. Support our work with a tax deductible
donation by credit card, and we'll send you a print of your choice from
our gallery. Click the button for details.


Can we all
agree to stop calling Physeter macrocephalus by the idiotic name of
"sperm" whale?
Read this editorial
to find out why. The Interspecies cachalot
documents a whale's
version of a drumming circle.

© 2005,

re-create the human relationship with animals. Our best known work, now
in its 30th year, brings musicians together with free-swimming whales
and dolphins to explore the potential for interspecies communication.
promotes an aesthetic model
coexistence between species,
the objective of healing the
species' emotional, spiritual, and cultural ties with nature. Read our 2006
to potential donors.

The Interspecies Newsletter for February:
current newsletter

describes howler monkeys as audience, Greenpeace's theater, new wavelet
graphs, humpback
whale gratitude, and a musical
from our Belly of
Whale Project

View the Interspecies Art

our library...

1. Animal portraits by Jim Nollman depicting an
energetic perception of nature.
Click the porcupine or
the wavelet to receive a print in return for supporting our work.

Explore our reviews page,
which may contain the internet's largest collection of nature media

Do whales
possess a language? Click here
to start a multi-page explanation of what this language may look like.
Or learn about technology
to unravel this language .

2. Mark Fischer adapts a graphing technique
called wavelets as a visual tool for interpreting whalecommunication.
This wavelet depicts a one-second-long orca call.

  • Listen to musical excerpts from our 
  •  Belly of the Whale project
    which now involves seventeen composers from 10 countries. Their music was created entirely from audio samples of whales, dolphins, seals, walrus, fish, and even lobsters.

  • Listen to some of the 400 audio
    used to create this music. You can download the entire
    source library to use these sounds in your own music.

  • Here's
    a creative use of our library of animal calls. Listen to this .mp3, Last Days,
    about dying with dignity, that features an interspecies interaction
    with wolves.

  • Check our index of all the audio
    available on this site. This includes some stunning musical
    interactions, for instance a
    Tibetan Lama chanting
    prayers with wild orcas.

our online newsletter?

The image

The image
to communicate with the people who are really making a difference.
is beyond that...

also it would be pretentious of me to pretend i was not
intellectual. so much so that when i speak the world i am sure to
harden the 't'.

here in the States Bushites are constantly projecting "all
intellectuals are homosexual" -- it's a culturally frozen time, a
wasteland, bringing Reagan out of the grave to rule with skeletal frozen
hands. not so cool. 
nazi punks fuck off. cat

so anyway i'd like to be friends. or more than friends, jam
electronically on tunes.

the dream layout i am imagining is coming to a node and getting a
friend and instantly having a two way voice and picture hookup with NO
LAG. "blag" -- blog lag.

and then you can set up and i can set up and we can jam
on tunes in a lennon mcartney thing. it seems incredible because the
marginalization of women in rock is total. i fully intend to be the
only boy in an all girl post punk act soon and not have to do it in


so anyway i am also

<-and well
that's all i wanted to say.

linkpost comment

unedited headlines [Feb. 28th, 2006|01:09 pm]


Britney Takes Katrina Victims Shopping

NEW ORLEANS - rock star

spent part of Mardi Gras with a group of Metairie
students whose lives were upended when Hurricane Katrina devastated the

The idea is that the Industry is crucifying Ms Spears.It's the typical
game of getting the talent to take the fall for the graft and waste of the Industry.
Other stars like Mel Gibson and Courtney Love have also seemed to flame
out publicly like Ms Spears -- but the industry, well, "the man behind the curtain"
is conveniently camo'ed.  For now.  -cat

Standing in the French Quarter surrounded by St. Catherine of Siena
School dancers wearing "Gatorettes" uniforms, Spears talked on
ABC's "Good Morning America" of her recent "surprise" meeting with four
older students from the suburban New Orleans school.

On a recent morning, the girls sat down to breakfast with City
Councilman Jay Batt, thinking they were there to discuss the effects of
Katrina. Then Spears walked in, greeted with squeals.

"It was awesome. I will never forget it," said 14-year-old Lindsay

Hernandez, who lived with 21 relatives and friends after her home was

Spears took the girls shopping and to dine at one of Cajun chef Emeril Lagasse's
restaurants for some Southern comfort food, including fried chicken and red
beans and rice.
There, the conversation turned from shopping to Katrina.

"We had to go to a shelter," said Auntrell Prosper, 17, who still
has Beyonce posters on her bedroom walls in her devastated home. She
now lives with her family in a trailer.

Spears gave the girls fleur-de-lis pins on blue ribbons, and she
surprised the school's dance troupe, the Gatorettes.

"It was an honor to be here with all of them," Spears said.

what happened?  A basically Nice Girl gets raped and crucified
by an industry known for graft and sleaze since the days of Alan Freed.
And for now, sadly, they get away with it.  It is still "not cool to be
politically correct." 
well, enjoy being wrong and trendy...

(anarchists only.)

02:17 am - that job or something like it.
because he's a fucking nerd with money. being a greedy, ambitious smirking nerd
doesn't make him a superior nerd. The idea of such a thing is absurdity in itself.

he is Conor Knighton, Absurd Nerd.  I realised that Bill Gates was sending a bad message -- that if nerds mastered greed, people would "magically" respect them. He's a thumbfingered moron and his machines make stupid, beeping 1983 sounds. But I don't want his job.

Gates is an arch criminal who deserves to go down harder than Martha Stewart. He deserves to go down Ivan Boesky hard, Al Capone hard and I know how, why and am pleased as punch that, uh, NO,
I am not the only American who hates Bill Gates!  I would like to see the greedy shit go down for dedicating his autobiography to Adam Smith/Weishaupt, author of Wealth of Nations.

 For THAT reason, as this broken piece of electronic shit sits unhelpfully in the kiosk, and I have to push Start to turn it off because geeks are counterproductive.

Lost in their vacuum, they really think it's "weird" that people would have a hostile reaction to them.
THAT is testimony to Gates' deep influnce -- as a capitalist, not as an engineering innovator.

But it is Knighton who annoys me now, because Knighton is the smirking supercilious nerd that is inspired by a greedy reptile like Gates.
(I can say "greedy reptile", right?)
Action Alert
Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At   ?


Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.

In the U.S. media, so far only Alexander Cockburn, columnist for The Nation and co-editor of the newsletter CounterPunch, has picked up on the story. Cockburn's column on the subject is available at

The story is disturbing. In the 1980s, officers from the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council's Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration's Central America policies.

A senior US official described OPD as a "vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory." (Miami Herald, 7/19/87)

An investigation by the congressional General Accounting Office found that OPD had engaged in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities," and the office was soon shut down as a result of the Iran-Contra investigations. But the 4th PSYOPS group still operates.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

CNN has always maintained a close relationship with the Pentagon. Getting access to top military officials is a necessity for a network that stakes its reputation on being first on the ground during wars and other military operations.

What makes the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that the network allowed the Army's covert propagandists to work in its headquarters, where they learned the ins and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS officers working in the newsroom did not influence news reporting, did the network allow the military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission against CNN itself?

For instance, one PSYOPS officer worked in CNN's satellite division. According to Intelligence Newsletter, rear admiral Thomas Steffens, a psychological warfare expert in the Special Operations Command, recently told a PSYOPS conference that the military needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence" over regions where special operations were taking place.

An unofficial strategy paper published by the U.S. Naval War College in 1996 and written by an Army officer ("Military Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force Multiplier") urged military commanders to find ways to "leverage the vast resources of the fourth estate" for the purposes of "communicating the [mission's] objective and endstate, boosting friendly morale, executing more effective psychological operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and enhancing intelligence collection."

ACTION: Please write to CNN and ask why the network allowed government propaganda specialists to work in their news division.

CNN's Aaron Brown reported the story (12/1/04), admitting that "none of us
are particularly comfortable when we're talking about things, about ourselves if you will."

Brown also made another, even more revealing comment:

"There is an important and explicit bargain between the press and the Pentagon in a time of war. We don't do anything to endanger the troops or operations. They don't lie to us. Each is essential in a free society and each is made more complicated by the information age, but it seems that sometimes in an effort to mislead the enemy the military has come close, very close, to crossing the line and misleading you."
THAT is why I want Knighton's job. I am sick of Reaganomics, of trickle-down voodoo, and deserving work I can't get close to because I am NOT a greedy, eggsucking Young Republican like Knighton or fucking Obama, for that matter. Sick of it enough to angle and pitch for work I deserve, because I am qualified to direct and produce electronic news gathers, and Knighton is qualified to wear a turtleneck sweater in the middle of fucking summer. I pity those he is trapped with.   Geek chic is a fat lie.

I don't like it much. It, like Gore's 2000 election bid, is promising,
then annoying and disappointing. It is about as geeky and non-informative as, which most people realise is an industry joke and an unreadable bloggy mess that is as left-biased as the known corporate media is right biased.

But being a straight ticket Democratic voter, I am used to accepting deep disappointment as what we get from our candidates. Sadly, but realistically, like watching Jimmy Carter and Mike Dukakis get outhustled by a vampirically greedy George Bus. features a basically sixty percent youtube coverage base, "helpfully" veejayed by smirking nerds. (No, not that's not online yet, to my knowledge. Run. Snap it up...)

basically they are weak nerds with few exceptions.

With the exact same disappointing weakness of Al Gore pulling punches all through the debate cycle with GWB, -- mostly powered by google and youtube -- basically stops short of real hardcore reportage, doing its best work in a vein reminiscent of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Meaning it is informative, but to the media savvy, nothing we didn't already know comes up. For that we must surf, dig or hack.

It's the perennial disappointment of Al Gore, and in microcosm, the disappointment most loyal and politically conscious-to-savvy Americans have with the Democratic party. Where's the sting? Where's the follow through?

The difference between true hardcore activists and geeks remains consistent and as wide as the Thames, or the Nile. Wider.

Conor Knighton is a basic Dominator Model of conscious white racist, self consciously geeky.

Racists can't make even SLIGHTLY racist jokes without it being embarassing. It is just more of the reasons American Democratic voters have to be truly disgusted with the changeover-in-surface-appearance-only since the 2006 midterm elections. I wish that was only an opinion.

with the skill of Al Gore refusing to fight for the voters who went to the polls for him in 2000, will be geek - sleazy and not report on real hard news,

they will stop short and go geek with paranoid "jokes" but not actually
go hard-news about the WEALTH of information they have at their disposal. when i want political humour, i, uh, turn on, uh, hang on...
oh, yeah. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.

Gangling young and upwardly mobile NURDS like Conor Knighton are just uncomfortable and depressing...thinking of the power that Google Current could have to change the American situation, every weak nerd reference and ethnic "we was just playin' y'all" put down just makes me want to brick the teevee...and also makes me sad for America. It is disappointment.

The market share seems highly anticipated, destined to rise.
Filthy Lucre, anyone?

which actually IS the sound of capitalism strangling itself.

it will be interesting to see which of the geeks goes legit

as did famous hassle victim Daryn Kagan after extricating herself from bloated asshole Rush Limbaugh.

what's really cool is KNOWING that they are geeks and insufferably proud.

geeks are not robots. they are slavish dolts when it comes to sucking up

for societal approval and never doing ANYTHING to deserve it -- which explains

why people want to give them wedges and smash their glasses.

the geeks will make geek calls, and because they are at a male dominated corp,

they will become more and more boldly geek and infuriating to the few lovely women who they have trapped.

predictably, they will quit, enriched by their lessons in how not to be geeks.

which i also get from depressingly bad modds all the time.

-bad mods, mad mods.

poor moderators: never step in to keep conversations going.

like impotent presidents, like Gerry Ford was famous for, they ONLY

ever use veto power. no stepping in to keep conversations going.

no introducing and welcoming new members. rarely participating in conversations that

don't interest them. and when they use veto power: there is the power of google.

for example: if Mark at emperorsclothes.netcom (not a real site!) has an article

that is sort of a whistleblower - expose type of article, and a non it-getter of a mod

at colbert's cyberspace portal decides that he doesn't like it on political grounds,

like a nerd, he'll just delete it and call it a day.

but like a non genius -- and THIS is why people despise geeks -- he will delete the thread

and think that nothing came of it. At which point Mark Potok of the Southern Labor Resource

Board, a world class journalist posting anonymously, simply puts the cached page with a link

into his subscribers' only fanzine for the MILLIONS of people around the world who love Potok's style

as an established force in political journalism. As in seminal.

as in Colbert's geek mod embarassed Mr. Colbert in the sort of insider journalistic circles

that the REAL Stephen Colbert pays attention to. Exit one stupid geek mod. Razor quick.

In this way there is a sort of Darwinian cull to the electronic media world, a cull that Marshall McLuhan and other

semiotic critics predicted in the 1970s when videophones were science fiction.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.________________
next:  the cyberpunk timeline, from Norbert Weiner to William Gibson

(anarchists only.)

12:40 am - Shadow City Secret Heroes
a Vampire.
the King of Vampires
a lone Slayer
a Photographer
The Sun
The final arbeiter of justice

06:07 am - local nazi punks
they are a hate group basically. unwashed and out of touch, the best one can hope is that a few wake up and see that they are living in not the Third but the Turd World, the world of conceited postpunks, hatefilled and proud of their stench.

they won't wash their ass holes!

local Nazi punks full of American pride and Socialist rhetoric.
race hating. self hating. seig heiling and smiling.

they are not quite transparent but they are full of themselves. i did mention the stench. sometimes they have hate filled Nazi bands loudly blaring their hate with unintelligible or even no lyrics -- lyricists that have style and can write verse that can be sung usually have hearts and won't embrace the punk National Socialism of the modern day. they've been fucking off since 1977. faster you little punk shits.

i fault myself no longer -- for years, though I subtly blamed myself for not speaking more directly on what anarchism meant to me, I let the self-hating antithought vibe mute me as took...hindsight...20/20 as ever! to connect it; the diaspora, the exodus of the real anarchist punks. without naming names: the clssless objectivist slut whocould sing and dance, and was a glassyeyed riot of beauty and punkness to behold. i hoe they never catch her, i hope you are in Paris sucking cock and getting free drinks orwhatever you do. the dreadlocked twins who just chilled out well, they smelld but they smelled good, like funky vegan dreads and sweat. the smell i associated with cool punks, it is body odor but the smell of SHIT is missing.

basically, my old friends were different, even if they did consider socialism valid they would wipe their asses with almost total frequency and accuracy; these new nazi dirt punks though i went to the march and all of a sudden the stench of bitter recognition assailed my nostrils and i knew i was in the wrong line. i looked in the direction of the asinine stench and horror gripped me.

now i am a stoic existentialist. i

 may never tell a person in this neighborhood out loud that i am anarchist again until these shit crusts dry up and blow away.

and of course to say they suck is an insult to little babies and sewer drains worldwide.
words fail me! and i know there are shit crust nazi dirt punks like this all over the world. what "scene"?

12:13 pm - The Stupid And the Serious
episode one: the Gay-Space

we join our ongoing saga of selfloathing and unwashed alcoholism at the home of chain smoking depressoid and coffee underachiever Basque Etcase.

Basque is simply depressed. He whines and groans into a microphone.

(the part of Basque will be played by Mr. William Corgan in this photomanga.)

fucking commies. i wish they were russian communists, at least they know how to drink. or french communists at least they fuck like rabid minks. why, oh why did it have to be these bullshit american fuckers? they smell so damn nasty...unwashed filth.

Basque holds his nose and snots into a wastebasket across the room. close up/interior of wastebasket revealing a truly disgusting scene. close up...blurs...

and we are suddenly in a small room filled with black clad youths who appear grim and hurried, as if being chased by an oppressive force.

we watch for thirty seconds as the youths, all clad similarly in black with few decals, absence of bright colors, expressions range from none to frowning concentration. voiceover:

vox:there is a hope for humanity, and if there was ever a grim time in the world it is now.

the assembled book packers move swiftly, they flow around each other with the easy movements of people used to each others' reactions. boxes are filled with books and taken out the front door.

outside there is a stoop. we see two men in jeans and t-shirts, one shirt says (frag 2) and the other says (frag 3), these are Black and Gray, the musicians called the frags. but they are not playing music.

(frag 2) my throat hurts.

black(frag 3) mine too.

gray: (a rusty croak)
 why does your throat hurt?

black(a hoarse whisper, sounds much worse off)
i was here last night screaming at the socialists. they are all deaf though.

gray:(laughs; it sounds tortured)
oh. (beat) i just have a cold

cut to- interior of room. Ruby Tuesday is standing at a table packing books. she has peircings and wears black like the rest of them but her red scarf stands out noticably.
(readers' note: the part of Ruby Tuesday will be played by chick x.)

does anyone know what time it is?
(silence, sound of books being packed. no reaction.)

 hey, look I need to know what time it is...(echoes off of walls)

(agitated now)turns to Johnny Righteous, who is packing books carefully)
 Johnny Righteous. what time is it?
(JR Ignores her; she taps him on the shoulder. JR WHIRLS SUDDENLY AND SCREAMS IN A LOUD VOICE:)

(shock in the room. everyone stops and looks around.)

cut to: outdoors. the frags are standing by the wall beside the gay-space.
in the background one tiny girl, clad in black, can be seen carrying an box of books almost as big as she is. every few minutes she passes through the background teetering and barely getting the giant boxes in the back of the van.

how'd you get a cold?

i think I have scurvy.

you kidding?

you know there;s another march tomorrow.

 i was thinking of getting a brand.

 (dryly, as if only somewhat interested in what Black is saying)

 what kind of brand?

i don't's really just for the pain than the image. i mught just get some scribble scrabble you know?

(Purple walks up. She is dressed in black but skintight revealing black her figure is sexy and slim and curvy in the right places. Purple is a notorious lesbian slut, opinionated, pugnacious and outrageous.)

hey black, hey gray.

hi purp.

(tries to speak, begins coughing fitfully)

(Purple has a tail. it swishes)
so what's for misery today?

inside purple's brain.
black: you know i really could use a drink. do you have any money?
purple: i have food stamps.
gray: let's get some food, sell the food and buy forty ounces of beer.
purple:sounds cool. you guys wait here. i'll be back. (exit.)

we follow purple down an alley and across alot. in a quick montage we see: her go into the theftway (the sign actually says theftway in giant red white and blue letters) with a handful of foodstamps, she comes out with a bag. she sits cross legged and sells to passersby
a two watermelons
a sack of potatoes
a can of ghoulash
purple: okay let's get some beer.

my eyes turn to dust and fall out of my head over and over with a dizzying rush of feelings i don't wish to lose or deny.county seat
bjork is probably god. be kind to her

we met online.

how many times do people say that?

je rappellerai toujours la "caisse quinze" parce que la caisse quinze était un amplificateur. le joueur de guitare était shreddy et égotiste. il a mis en marche son maréchal ŕ DOUZE. le monde augmente et se rétrécit simultanément. je rappellerai toujours la "caisse quinze" parce que tandis que j'étais forcé de crier par un sm-58 puant dans cette vieille caisse faible pour le quelque les PUNKS NAZIS de la guitare COINTELPRO d'autres weedhead étaient Doublethink, faible, boisson jusqu'ŕ vomis, sexe boiteux faible, me vante, obtiens éclaté, j'ai chanté et ai crié. - je me rappellerai toujours la "caisse quinze" parce qu'avant et aprčs la répétition j'a su que plus vous pauvre étiez plus vous deviez dur travailler et que lŕ oů vous étiez, un certain pinkape ricanant appellerait Dali un showoff, appellerait des showoffs de X, de Y et de Z pour révéler tard. - je suis allé travailler et ai joué le ciel ou la Las Vegas ŕ plusieurs reprises. et non, je ne veux pas une petite amie. ce qui ? quelqu'un qui sait lire quelqu'un qui sait ętre impliqué sans posséder ou ętre possédé quelqu'un qui comprend l'artaud, et sait cela pour demander qui ne demande pas beaucoup. je sais que beaucoup de gens qui sont fičres d'ętre stupides elles sautent vers le haut pour montrer combien ils ne savent pas et ne détestent pas les knowers. c'est l'extrémité de leur ligne, se lever de porteur de l'eau.

but it is so real having her laying next to me drooling on my chest. she's soo...well smart amazing all the things you say at first.
we did it on the rain coming her a true story...almost anyway -- i am changing some facts and omitting names totally. just call her S.....
so right now S....... is out like a light, drooling asleep on my naked chest. what we did on the train?
what we did on the train we did it after coffee in the station.
the conversation...
'so this is finally LushForLife...i feel like i have known you for all these years...'
her toes are so wild! what she's doing is basically pushing her toes up the side of these shorts i am wearing while we sit here at the

train station cafe. 'uh huh, yeah... you're cute. i am so glad we did this...'
bjork eating watermelon -- from 'possibly maybe' video idon'

i look at her as she puts down her laptop and her purse on the dirty cushion of the regional train. i look cause she is shocking...

her miniskirt is old and leather. i watch her as she sits down and slowly pulls off the sweatshirt. (you don't think this is happening if you are's happening though, hard.) and then i see her, her chest is the greatest thing that ever travelled all the way across two states -- two big states -- to see me cause --

she is bending her finger in that 'c'mere' method...i do so...

she pushes my shoulders down. i'm to get on my knees in front of her.

then she puts the headphones on my ears...punk rock...that's cool..and she grabs the pack of my head and pushes between her legs...

so i am supposed to lick and suck this sweaty an orchid...while listening to whatever this punk rock is? i kiss her specialness, i start...mmmph! i am harder and harder...while she plays with my hair and does stuff to herself...i lick and lick and she...


it is august and i am suddenly dripping with sweat... she suddenly --

her mind changes quick!

she rips the headphones and pushes me backwards...i am sitting on my butt, she caught me off guard! "leave the rest to me."

she pulls off my shirt and pushes me backwards. the gravel from the flor of the train, the rubber carpet -- i can feel them does it matter? she undoes my fly and pulls out my nember which goes BOING-G-G! we both laugh. 'a kiss for luck' but she mouths the whole thing really de-ee-p ...

whoa..she looks up to see if i am smiling. 'hope you're ready. and she climbs up on topp uf me, straddling my lap like a cat...that moment i am inside her...
wjehere it's hot like a dynamo, llike a volcano...she stares right into my eyes and makes a smile...

she pushes ALL the way down, schooches into my lap....'don't try to get away..' she warns me...

all i can do is nod..i am ALL the way inside her...

she straddles me in the huge empty train car. she lays her kiss on me and rocks gently in my lap...

she moves really slowly, lovingly...laike a spiral dance...
'look at the sky,' she says softly into my ear..

we are under the train station, in a bridge...i look and the sky is pink and purple, the sun going down..

'it's gonna be dark soon.'


good,' she says, and she rocks slightly in my lap...i am in heaven or someplace like it 'that's great. i love to do it outside.'

but we came straight back to my place after that. we rode the train without talking...all the nervois conversation from the train station cafe is over we are holding hands..and smiling...her head on my wild she is!

the train ride lasted forever, five minutes, who cares?

now she is naked next to me, drooling on my chest, the tape she was listening to is playing as i just watch the computer screen...

she's so hot. the phone rings; i don't bother answering.

that's what machines are for.
back  next
'um, are we gonna get the train back to my house?'

i am smiling and trying not to show how into what is goingon i am. 'i mean we could do this all day.'

'oh yeah?' she smiles and it's so crazy, like she's been challeneged.


later we are sitting in the thunder of trains on the bench...i am fingering -- and she is kissing me and we are sweaty, covered, drenhced with sweat ! -- i can feel the sweat though her cotton sweatshirt as the rush hour peope are oblivious passing by us...

pretty soon we leave the station to walk. 'i can't wait anymore,' she says... i lead her by the hand -- it is august -- i lead her by the hand to under the station.
'these old cars...' they've been here for years, this is where the old decomissioned trains sit and are spare parts. the one we enter is wide open...

then we are alone, no one is around.

a part of her said -- we only get one life. we can't waste
moments, opportunities, love.

She was expert at tricking that part
of herself into leaving her alone
so she culd think.

She didn't know what it was, whether it was the
gestaltic fragmentation of her middle name,
 if it was her rage, her libido or simply her inward
insanity that had held in

She threw it a bone and as it ran into the meadow of her mind to fetch, she slammed the door and went back to balancing element weights for the hull of the next wave of starships.

Work to do, you know.

Down on my luck in Boston, Mass. How was i to know my whole idea of what sex was was about to change?

The tall leggy chinese looked down on me from way high. I was sitting on the corner with my head in my hands. "What's your problem, handsome?"

"What's yours?" I stopped short of telling her to fuck off, i wasn't in the mood!

"Well you look so lonely sitting there, handsome...I thought maybe you could use some company."

"Well, screw you," I said. I was dejected. Boston's a tough town, and i was down to my last few bucks.

Then i was surpised by a soft hand caressing my cheek...she was stroking my stubbly jaw. It sens a charge through my whole body. "Let me get a look at you. Aww...what a babyface. On such a rough character."

I looked into her soft brown eyes...there was a feral intensity there and also...i got the feeling she could see through me, she through my punk exterior to the man under my clothes.

"You want to fuck? Come on big spender, let's go into that alley." She smiled, a dirty, horny smile.

I smiled too. "You're a..."

"Whatever. Just let's go. You got twenty?"

I had it and admitted it.

"Come on, stud." She stood me up, grapping the shoulderflaps of my leather jacket. "Today's your birthday...I'm gonna blow out your candle for ya. Hey...what's your name?" I told her. "Okay...this way baby face."

I let the tall whore with the long black hair and the low key manner of dress lead me to the alleyway. I had to admit she had a really sexy way about her. I was rock hard staring it her sexy ass, her curvy legs...

We were in the alley and she was all over me like white on rice, humping, writhing against my chest, kissing me with an invading tongue that surprised me with intensity. Her fingers were like a thief's, undoing the buckle...sip! and my hog came out.. She squoze it in her right hand...
..then, oh, yeah, she was squatting in the alley, and she wrapped her lips around the tip, gently sucking, mouthing the head and providing great pleasure. I couldn't help letting out a little moan, i stroked the back of her head. In response she with a fluid motion, ugh, went all the way down on my chump, didn't gag just smoothly took it all in and then i moaned again. She worked me like that for awhile...i felt the pressure building...
Then suddenly she was standing, she was taller than me a bit and took my face in one hand, grabbed the other and led it to her pussy. Pushed my fingers up between the folds, she was soaking wet and dripping hot.

"You like the way that feels?"

"Oh yeah."

"Good. caus eyere it comes."

My rod was still swollen, bloated from the head job. She put her leg up against the walland pushed her cunt down slowly against my meat.

She pushed down with spicy aggression, her cunt was a steamy tight heaven...i was coming unglued.
i stood there stiffly. "Come on, motherfucker. Give it up. She stared aggressively."

"you know you like to fuck chinee girl." she stared directly at me. "come on, work it." She pushed her hips up against mine and smiled. I was under her spell.

I can keep an erection though. I drew it out and in in slow methodical strokes...for a few minutes.

:Oh yeah, tiger...that will keep me stimulated."

05:30 am - fatal blonde
waiting was her strong suit. wait, wait some more. stare. breathe. wait.

just because i am female he thinks he can push me around. mika stared horribl into thebathroom mirror and pulled her bra strap so that it hung out just a touch. so sex, she thought about herself, to herself. she smiled and the fangs caught the light nicely.

she had gone to the dentist that morning and had it doen. requested no anesthetic because pain was her lovermore than any pig of a man. the fangs were razorsharp.

i'm a stepping razor now baby, she said out loud.

a flush behind her. wow, there was someone in here?

the girl was wearing khaki pants with a matching satchel and a powder blue tee shirt. she had a pretty face; pretty nervous as mika caught the stare in the mirror. she smiled pretty to expose the new fangs; the girl left the bathroom.

and didn't even wash her wittle hands. mika loved nothing more than scaring people.

her date was waiting in the bar. she lightly washed her hands and walked slowly, damn, i'm cool, back into the small barrom with the ripped up black and white tile.

she was watching people. if she had beenwatching the room from the perspectrive of some other person, some watcher, she would have noticed that her torn black and white stcokings were the same as the linoleum tile floor, ripped up, black and white, elegant dirt punk style.

she was a reflexive master of being in her environment,was mika. and as she twisted her fireman's cap, with the blue pinstripes that the shovelers of coal wore back in the days when such trains were run, and truned the ironbacked chair around the assume a manly stradle and give maurice a good view of the way her too tight denim shorts stretched across the mound of venus, she was sure she was in command of her situation. she smiled, a broad hungry smile and showed her new fronts to maurice, who stared, in awe of her.

so what drinks are you buying me?

in a few minutes they were both drinking hghballs and he was gazing ito her eyes reciting some terrible goth lyrics about corrosion. she was bored but she was happy because she was going to kill him in bed, in hot blood, that night. she had it all planned out while the dentist filed and chizeled and the pain shot through her skiull.

what do you thin of that?

i like the way your mouth moves when you read, she squeeked, like a cigarette smoking mouse. it's verey, she lisped, sensual. i need another drink, don;t you?

he offered to buy her anoter but said he was okay.

great. that means the fuck thinks he's seducing me.

mika was one ofthose peopelle with weird chemistry. for whatever reason, call it magic, she had beenable to drink vodka for a long time and not even approach drunkenness.

once she had been at a superbowl party and she had downed an entire fifth of karkov almost by herself. the boys at Omega Chi had been happy to use her and she vaguely remembered the pounding, the sneers and spitting, as if she had been watching it on teevee. for some reason the next morning combo of morning after pills and hair-or-the-oghad only been partly sucessful; she didnt; turn up preggers after that, but her hangover didn;t go away 9immedialtely causshe--

he was rubbing his shoe with the square phaggy toes up and down her leg.

what a slime ball. this is gonn be fun.

she hooked her fingers into his belt loop. hey, look what i can do now.

she bit her tongue with her sharp new fangs until it bled. then she spat the bright fluid from the stinging wound into his shot glass.


he stared at her. he had picjed her up at a bar with 185 varieties of beer from around the world. she had been in that dark punk mode, but the fangs were new. but he was strung out from collisions with lsd and psychoactive chemicals meant to offset schizoaffective symptoms; reality tended to be dodgy in interprative weight in his life.

the girl with the fangs smiled and slitted her blue eyes at him.

he pucked the shot up and, while her thumb was pressing dwon into his stiffening penis, swallowed the vodka and the blood from her tongue all at once. then he grabbed her face and they kissed over the tble, he could feel the cazndle flame heating his throat, he could feel her tug suggesting that they move towards the door. yeah. finally i get to fuck her again.

in the foyer he opened his mouth to speak. she pushed him into the girls bathroom.

they stoo dthere, for a second, staring at each other.

you are the wildest goth girl i ever met.

she pulle dthe condom out of her pocket. sick mika had taken great pains to make tiny invisible pinpricks in the plastic wrapper of the household-name spartan warrior's helmetface logo and the latex sheath inside. here. take this!
then she went into the stall and closed the door. wait one minute.

what are you doing? but he heard the match strike, smelled the trace sulfur.

i'm such a bad girl, maurice heard her saying from behind the metal door. open it!

maurice opened to metal door to see mika sitting on the seat with her legs just barely parted. on the wal lof the stall somehow the red candle was fixed, burning. the inverted pentagram shocked him with the sugestion of evil, it was magicmarkered above the tank. she sat there, smiling impishly...the new fangs gleamed red with her blood.

are you hard enough yet? not too drunk to fuk are ya?

he wasn't.


an hour later they were screwing in his apartment, a Byronic scene of red and white candles, voodoo glow skulls and naked intercourse. red wine.

he was weak from draininghimself into her when she sank her fangs into his throat. he was limp inside her with a viselike grip as she aced him, sucking the seed from his loins -- the condom with the perforation had been unnecessary, he'd dumped load after load into her. and as his life gurgled from his throat into hers she thought, all men are pigs.

the end

(anarchists only.)

12:21 am
first: some time out to love myself.

i was awesome, as usual. i was real, i was hardcore,
rather than being either a fucking nerd or one of the garishly,
brutally lame average sickos who pretends to be punk rock on the
outside. she wanted me and wanted me and wanted me and the most
i would do is buy her cigs.  'boro's no less.

i feel like a GOD now for resisting temptation because: duh
i liked her too. but i didn't HAVE to think of the male chauvanist
pigs who would say robotically 'dude, fuck her and move on.' and that
is the living definition of what real hardcore integrity personifies.  sure,
it hurt my feelings. probably hurt her too. but all the thirty second guilty three
pump dumps in the world are not worth the sublime pleasure of maintaining integrity
in the time when punk is dead.  sleazy papadopoulous, just like norman and twisted
raj, hanging in west philly looking at seventeen year old girls with that fake sincere
hypnotoad stare, same as on his flyers.  no ethics at all, and THAT is what vampires scenes.

like scaly baily treating liz bell like dirt. she was a totally nice girl when she came to west philly
from KALISPELL of all places and i watched her slowly start doing the university city
'i pretend to be dumb to fit in' act, why?
cause baily like a troll fucked her, fucked her a couple of times and then said 
'i don't really care about you, let's break up.'

they are the real scene vampires because their behavior makes the cool people give up
and leave town, or become lame asses like them.  they make me glad i got those skinhead lectures
about integrity in 1985:

They are the real Reagan Youth -- not the band, but the conformist poseurs with the nazified
mores of the Victorian era: monotonous to a point, dreadful bores.  conformists. 

people like that deserve no respect which is why they push others around to get it instead of earning it
like real people.  shit stains.  i spit on them for how cool scenes were in 1987 compared to how uptight,
pretentions and lame they are now.
it's not scary. they are racist, chav, dull.  end of story?

not really,
"not quite."

now on line.

Bullshit, screamed the nazi mutants reflexively.
oh, yes, very VERY yes. like simon fucking lebon.

Current Music: The Reflex - Duran Duran

(anarchists only.)

September 22nd, 2007

03:17 pm - September 22 2007
    At least I can think for myself.
That much is overtly as well as subtly obvious.
although i feel bad about being abandoned by ananda,
i should have expected such.  on the other hand,
for the OTHER lying WITCH to say all that stuff and then tell me
that she was an atheist -- making all the talk about her beliefs obvious
lies -- it was so easy to walk out on the moron -- i feel strong about that...
now what.

(anarchists only.)

July 7th, 2007

08:23 am
Gmail mikal haley <>

[AltWritersFiles] NSA Lawsuit / A MUST read!!

Misty <> Wed, May 23, 2007 at 8:32 AM
To: Health and Healing <>, Armageddon or New Age <>, altwritersfiles <>, the_octopus <>

----- Original Message -----
From: leslie o
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:04 PM
Subject: NSA Lawsuit / A MUST read!!

They pretend that the current surveillance being done on Americans is a minor infraction. This is a bald-faced lie. 
You the reader, are probably under surveillance right now.
Please read all the way to the end to see how all the dots connect.
How The National Security Agency (NSA) Illegally And Unconstitutionally Harasses Law-Abiding Americans Everyday. How, you ask? Quite simply, actually. It's done by EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as "Remote Neural Monitoring". Haven't you ever wondered about that ringing in your left ear? Well, here are the reason(s). And just why should the NSA do this, you ask? To silence any who who dare to speak out against them or any other agency, or the Government or simply to think for themselves, and "outside the box", if you will. Think not? Then, read on..........

How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)

John St. Clair Akwei
NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA

Table of Contents

   Cover Page
NSA Mission & Operations

Communications Intelligence
Signals Intelligence
Domestic Intelligence
Independently Operating Personnel Target Citizens
NSA's Domestic Electronic Surveillance Network
Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance
NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation
Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM
NSA Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology
Table:  An example of EMF Brain Stimulation
NSA Techniques and Resources
Remote RNM Devices
Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas
Chemicals and Drugs
Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment
Further Resources

Cover Page

Evidence for the Lawsuit filed at the US courthouse in Washington, D.C.
(Civil Action 92-0449)

John St.Clair Akwei  vs.  NSA Ft George G. Meade, MD

My knowledge of the National Security Agency's structure, national security activities, proprietary technology,and covert operations to monitor individual citizens.

Table of Contents 

The NSA's mission and the NSA's domestic Intelligence operation.

Communications Intelligence (COMINT)

Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960's. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public.

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA's electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.

NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.

Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance
by independently operating NSA personnel.

NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.

NSA's domestic electronic surveillance network

As of the early 1960's the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft. Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology.

The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the U.S. by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all communications, irregardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.

The NSA's electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.

With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).

Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering

The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network.

The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC's. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare.

Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.

Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.

A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

Table of Contents 
NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950's, which included neurological research into "radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence," defined as "information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation."

Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.)

For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject's brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Table of Contents


Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940's. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject's brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, moods, and motor control.

Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.

Table of Contents


National Security Agency Signals Intelligence
Electronic Brain Link Technology

NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain.

Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials."

Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain
has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials." The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain.

NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level).

EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control.

Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain).

Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.

An example of EMF Brain Stimulation:
Brain Area
Information Induced
Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex
10 HZ
Motor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex
15 HZ
Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex
25 HZ
Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex
09 HZ
Phantom Touch Sense
Thought Center
20 HZ
Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible.

Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived.

The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plaintiff from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communications with the Plaintiff and have used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the Plaintiff from going to authorities about their activities against the Plaintiff in the last twelve years.

The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with to keep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that a private citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence operations method.

Table of Contents


NSA Techniques and Resources

Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location. inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country.

A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for millions of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.

Remote RNM Devices

a) NSA's RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals and can send messages through the nervous system to affect their performance.

b) [Information missing from original]

c) RNM can electronically identify individuals and track then anywhere in the U.S. This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security, and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare.

Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas

a) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel.

b) Agents working out of offices can be in constant communication with Spotters who are keeping track of the NSA's millions of subjects in public.

c) NSA Agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using RNM) any individual spotted in public whom is in contact with surveillance subject.

Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with
hidden NSA-lnstalled and maintained plastic plumbing lines.

a) The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing aiding drugs). This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology. (Already implemented in major cities)

Brief Overview of Proprietary U.S.
Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment Mentioned.

Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains and identify/track individuals by using digital computers. ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain) via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects.

EMF equipment that gathers information from PC circuit boards by deciphering RF emissions thereby gaining wireless modem-style entry into any personal computer in the country.

All equipment hidden, all technology secret, all scientific research unreported (as in electronic warfare research).

Not known to the public at all, yet complete and thorough implementation of this method of domestic intelligence has been in place since the early 1980's.

Table of Contents



These publications have only been discovered since December 1991, after Plaintiff had already notified authorities (Dept. of Justice, etc.) of Public Corruption by named NSA employees. When no action was taken against the NSA employees I researched the Intelligence Community electronic surveillance technology involved and discovered the following publications: The Body Electric

Electromagnetism and the Foundrrtion of Life, by Robert Becker, M.D.
p. 265/313/318. Monitoringeuroelectric information in the brain. E-M wave E.S.B.
Cross Currents, by Robert Becker, M.D.
p. 70, p. 78, p. 105/210/216/220/242/299/303 E-M ESB. Simulating auditory hallucinations. p. 274, "Remote computer tampering using the RF emissions from the logic board."
Currents of Death by Paul Brodeur
p. 27/93. Driving brain electrical activity with external E-M, Magnetophosphenes, Delgado.
The Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur
DoD E-M ESB Research, simulating auditory hallucinations.
Of Mice, Men and Molecules, by John H. Heller. 1963.
p. 110, Bioelectricity. probing the brain with E-M waves.
The 3-Pound Universe, by Judith Hooper
p. 29/132/137. CIA EEG research. EEG's for surveillance.
In the Palaces or Memory, by George Johnson
E-M emissions from the brain,the brain as an open electromagnetic circuit.
The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford
Signals intelligence, most advanced computers in the early Sixties
The U.S. Intelligence Community - Glossary terms at National Security Archives:
Radiation intelligence - information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic energy, excluding radioactive sources.
The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate," by John Marks
p. 327. Electrical or radio stimulation to the brain, CIA R&D in bioelectrics.
Secret Agenda, by Jim Hougan
National Security cult groups.
Crines of the Intelligence Commununity. by Morton Halperin
Surreptitious entries; intelligence agents running operations against government workers
War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
NSA computer supremacy, complete control of information
Alternate Computers, by Time-Life Books
Molecule Computers
The Mind, by Richard Restak, M.D.
p. 258, EEG Systems Inc., decoding brain E-M emanations, tracking thoughts on a computer.
MedTech, by Lawrence Gallon
Triggering events in the brain" direct to auditory cortex signals.
Cyborg, by D.S. Halacy, Jr. (1965)
Brain-to-computer link research contracts given out by the U.S. Govemment
Psychiatry and the C.I.A.: Victims of Mind Control by Harvey M. Weinstein. M.D.
Dr. Cameron, psychic driving. ultraconceptual communications.
Journey Into Madness: Ihe True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas
p. 127/276/116, 168-69. Intelligence R & D. Delgado. Psychic driving with radio telemetry.
Mind Manipulators, by Alan Scheflin and Edward M. Opton
MKULTRA brain research for information gathering
The Brain Changers, by Maya Pines.
p. 19. Listening to brain E-M emissions.

Table of Contents


This is unprecedented, because it shows that, as we all here have learned in our Hermetic Gnostic Order’s teachings, the so-called “Cave of Brahma”, Dr. N’s favourite “hang-out” (laughter), is indeed the magnetic and acoustic resonance chamber, its shape being a topological complex analogue of an ellipsoidal, prolate spheroid and a torus. In American lingo, I think that is called, a doughnut inside an egg? (Laughter) May I have the cine film strip please? Thank you. (Short film showing computer graphics is shown).

This shows a real-time plot of the nested magnetic fields around my own head. This piece of research was a little favour from a British colleague that likes to work nights. They call it the “Dracula Shift” (laughter). The white lines of the overall conto ur, the green the Hypothalamus plus Thalamus field, the red the Hippocampus plus Amygdala cycloid-shaped field (semi-circular), and the dumb-bell shaped blue is the Epyphisis (Pineal) and Hypophysis (Pituitary) combined fields. I wrote this algorithm myse lf with the help of Professor Penrose -- another unofficial favour -- to map the magnetic fields using both the SQUID sensor helmets and a special helmet designed by Dr. Z having Delta-T and Delta-Wye transforms, having specially designed magnetic coils a nd sensors. This way we could pick up Pico and Nanogauss fields (billionth of a Gauss). The combined information is displayed here in three-dimensional coloured graphics. Notice the external white-lined shape is like an egg. Inside, almost at the centre, is the toroidal shape of the Hippocampus-Amygdala combined fields, the red contours. The central tube-like “sausage with trumpet-like open ends” looks like what? Anyone? (Chorus: “An Einstein-Rosen Bridge!”) Right!

The blue-green combined field of the Thalamus-Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Pineal glands forms a sausage, like a mini hyperspace tunnel, about 7cm long. The screen image is magnified, but the actual side is about 7cm, (reflecting) the normal brain size.

Let me pause as minute. Can we replay that part? Thanks. Notice how the overall geometry is an ellipsoidal prolate spheroidal cavity containing a sub-space of a toroid traversed by a hyperbolic, non-linear Einstein-Rosen bridge. Again, in America n lingo, “an egg-shaped cavity containing a doughnut crossed by a sausage”. What do these nested fields look like to you, dear friends? (Cross talk and comments). A topological analogue of a relativistic, locally curved space-time locus around a solar system. Of course! What else? A space-time torus with an Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting its median points!
There, ladies and gentlemen...there is the scientific proof that the motto of our Order, the dictum of the ancient sages, “As Above, So Below ... As Within, So Without” is scientifically and neurophysiologically correct and precisely so! These shapes, wh ich you all recognise as hyperspatial four-dimensional plots, are indeed magnetic-acoustical resonance chambers. Notice that these amazing geometries are the synergistic effect of the magnetic fields of these six organs surrounded by the ventricles, under the roof of the choroid plexus and corpus callosum. Notice what happens if I subtract the field of even a single organ, let’s say the pineal gland. See how it changes the entire structure?13 And, if I add the contribution of the mamillary body, it only w idens the tube, right? And if we add the field from the reticular formation, the master circuit network, relay and switchboard of the brain where all waves are originated, what do we get? Next frame, please? We get a tunnel merging with the main ellipsoid al field. In the screen, it is the orange coloured grid.
The Phenomenon of Synesthesia
Ms Dr. C: Dankershen. Thank you, respected colleagues. You know, we may just be a biological black hole! ( more laughter) Now, let me go into the second topic of my talk. I wish for the lights, please. Thank you., Dr. B. This topic of brain research ver ges almost on paraphysics, the favourite topic of our CCCP colleagues. ( cheers) A Polish researcher, Dr. Richard Cytowic, has been researching an unusual phenomenon known as synesthesia, a condition where one sense overlaps with another, such as “tasting colours”, “smelling colours”, “tasting words”, “feeling sensations and emotions in vivid colours”, such as sexual orgasms (loud laughter). Background question - how can we do that? ( more laughter)

The phenomenology of synesthesia cannot be explained by the present neurological model of the brain that maintains that the cortical regions are responsible for most physical senses. The rational cortex is responsible for sensory perception. This view ca n’t explain synesthesia. Instead, Doktor Cytowic argues that it is the limbic system or “emotional brain” with its neural networks beneath the endocortex that has channels of communication with other parts of the brain via the endocrine and hormonal syste ms. It follows from his research that the dominance and pre-eminence of the cortex over the limbic system is not perfunctory, and the limbic system is not subordinate to it. It appears that it is actually the “central control”, the CPU, to use computer l anguage, of the overall brain function. This would intimate that functionally, the cortical functions and limbic functions are nested, or “multiplexed”, and that information and data acquired by the brain can be, or is, processed by parallel computation, ya?

The important implication is that this phenomenon of synesthesia suggests that the learning process could be directly linked to emotions, rather that to sensory stimuli alone. The common feature of so-called “synesthetics”20is that they have phenomenal memories, amazing visualisation abilities, like seeing vivid shapes and colours, and also remarkable psychic abilities, such as precognitions, deja-vu, clairvoyance, telepathy and remote viewing and sensing. But, unfortunately, these abilities are regard ed as “abnormal” or “strange”. So, they play these down and hide them. Ah, I forgot. These people don’t do very well in math, and they often get lost on the streets -- poor orientation. The experimental conclusions, conducted on subjects under controlle d laboratory conditions, forced Dr. Cytowic to make a courageous statement: “synesthesia takes place in the left side of the limbic system, deep in the temporal lobe.” This confused everyone in the neurological community. But, we know that what he is talk ing about is the so-called “hyperfunctions of the limbic system”, as yet unrecognised, unaccepted and non-existent to orthodox medical and psychological sciences.

Traditional neurology proposes a hard-wired circuitry of neuronal networks mediating neurological functions. The new view requires and proposes new electrical channels of communication. This has been dubbed “volume transmission” in contradistinction to the traditional “wiring transmission” mediated by the normal axons, synapses, dendrites and spikes. Some Eastern researchers, by contrast, regard that “synesthesia” is a “normal” condition we are born with, but culturally is “blotted out” of our neural f unctions. Only a few individuals manage to maintain this function as adults, who have retained this phenomenon as a conscious awareness - even if it appears strange!

Ironically, the purpose of training in transcendental meditation (TM) in the Siddhis program, the Magickal training in Hermetic Orders, like our own, and various types of Yogas, is to arouse these “synesthetic functions”, for they verge very closely with the phenomenology of “psychic powers”. These parapsychic functions, hitherto unexplained by physics, medicine, psychology or even parapsychology, fall, of course, in the realm of “brain hyperfunction”, or should we say pre-cultural “normal functions”, ya ?

With the research we conducted with Mrs. Dr.L discussed yesterday, and with this overview of today’s information, I think it is obvious that the present neurological brain models are in dire need of fundamental revision. Comparatively, we know more about the ocean that we know about the brain. We understand water, but what about thought?21

Dr Z: Comrade Frau Doktor C! ( laughter) What mechanism in brain do you suppose will explicate the phenomenon of seeing with the eyes closed, or blindfolded, like Yogins, also KGB and CIA special members trained to see in total black at night?

Ms.Dr.C: Is that a trick question? ( laughter ) You are the expert in that field, Comrade Ruski! ( more laughter) No? Innsbruck, Ich muss dich lassen (she begins to sing, and everyone laughs)

Dr Z: No! I am serious. I wish to compare theory, because one of my friends here has a different explanation!

Ms.Dr.C: Different from what? ( laughter and general pandemonium )

Dr D: Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to interrupt. I think we need a fifteen minute coffee - I mean TEA - break!

(Tea Break)
Ms.Dr.C: Now, we are all fresh. I wish to continue my lecture. I answer question later, Dr. Z. Did Dr. B pass the questionnaires? Gut. We fill them later. Now, I wish to explain the experiment. I wish for Dr. B to have the cine filmstrip ready for show. Thank you.

Psycho-Acoustical and Luminal Brain Entrainment
About five years ago, the topic of the effect of electromagnetic fields on humans became very notorious due to the books and articles by Mr.Paul Brodeur (22), who wrote the most controversial articles to this day in the very popular New Yorker magazine. Since then, he wrote other books and made video films. Simultaneously, but with less notice, researchers in CCCP and Germany were investigating effects of lights, colour and pulsing light, and colour flashes on the brain of animals and humans, as well as on the mind/psyche. I will not go into detail, because new technologies emerged from said endeavours, including the brainwave altering machines in France, Germany, and their American counterpart, like today you see advertised (Zygon,Voyager,etc). New te chnologies emerged, based on light and sound, based on the research of Drs. Thomas Budzynski and Igor Lozanov. I believe Dr.Z and friends know them personally. Anyway, the main theoretical construct behind the so-called “psycho-acoustical stimulation” an d “luminal brain entrainment”, the technologies behind those devices, was the new and revolutionary theory of the “holographic quantum mechanical brain”, or the “Bohm-Pribram Model”, for short. We have copies of those research papers if anyone wants them. 23 See Dr. D, ya?

The area explored by Dr. Budzynski was the Theta, or “twilight state”. To quote him directly, “the areas ranging between 4 to 7 cps and the hypnagogic state”, or spontaneous imagery that supposedly emanates from Jung’s “personal and collective unconsciou s” when the mind is suitably stimulated. Jung used active imagination and mandalas to reach the “unconscious”. Modern technology uses electromagnetic and acoustical stimulation. The fields of “subliminal psychology” and “psychology of the unconscious” postulated by Carl Gustav Jung are the keys to understanding this synergy of brain and psyche. To summarise the brain phenomenology behind these novel technologies of light and sound, brain entrainment occurred by (because of) the auricular and occular pieces of the machine, and the effect was the alteration of the (levels of the ) neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and beta endorphins by Alpha and Theta induced states. They published data, which we critically analysed, and found to be incorre ct and misleading. But, then, these are marketing endeavours, not scientific.

However, we did experiment using the very machines on the market and found most interesting information. We were our own volunteers, or “guinea pigs” - something all scientists should do instead of using animals. ( applause) After we recorded and obtain ed all the info we needed and plotted cerebral magnetic fields using the protocol developed by Mrs. Dr.L., we noticed that all three of us, plus four other volunteers, had the same dream for two or three nights in a row. So, we decided to investigate fur ther. We had the available data, so we gave the three devices to Herr Doktor G., the mad scientist with his electronic sniffers (laughter), and he analysed each device down to the silicon microchips! We will not discuss the electronic details. That stuff is beyond our scope of expertise, but what we did find is that there are multiple electronic functions being formulated by the machines that apparently were not in the original set of programs or functions advertised. Very curious indeed. Further resea rch by Dr. G revealed that these devices were powerful receivers for some form of signals that were not straight electromagnetic waves - perhaps higher order electromagnetics24, such as scalar waves. They seem to become more pronounced when these machine s were close to an operating TV set or computer VDT screen. Keep that info in mind for later.

Two or three days later, I had a dream about the DNA and RNA molecules dancing to beautiful music, but when a strange sound was heard, the music stopped, and the DNA and RNA molecules started to go crazy and fight amongst themselves. I awoke frightened, but I recorded the dream in detail. Later in the day, I read a paper describing a new technology of DNA and RNA alteration based on radio frequencies called “in vivo microsurgery” created by MRX, Inc.25 I did not pay much attention to that, but it was sy nchronistic about my previous dream, ya? But that night, when my husband and I were reading and listening to music of Mozart, his flute and harp concerto, I fell asleep on the armchair and had the dream about the DNA and RNA molecules dancing again, but t his time so beautifully, it was almost like a real-life ballet I was watching. Then, I woke up and realised the dream. Sound affects the resonance frequency of the DNA and RNA molecules. Certain specific frequencies, timbres, pitch, and characteristic mus ical themes create either harmonic resonance or dis-harmonic resonance. Naturally, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann and the old masters’ music is very beautiful and harmonious, where “modern music” is highly questionable.
Light, Colour and Geometric Harmonics of Brainwaves
In collaboration with Mrs. Dr. L, we found light and colour frequencies that were geometrical harmonics of the Theta brainwaves emitted during lucid dreaming. We used Fourier and Wiener transforms to create optical patterns and enfolded them in the colou r graphics showing the cerebral magnetic fields you saw in the cine filmstrip. We also determined some resonant vibrations of the sound corresponding to melatonin, the neurotransmitter secreted by the pineal, and responsible for sleep-dream cycles. We found it, and chose a harmonic in the near ultrasonic spectrum, and recorded it onto the soundtrack of the cine filmstrip. We projected it, and 50% of this group had the dream about the audio-visual stimulus that entrained your brain in about 6 minutes. Wonderful, ya? Of course, the implications are truly amazing, as this can be used for wonderful, non-intrusive, non-invasive healing applications, for it affects the DNA and RNA immediately and expediently, per our own research. The simplest and most immedia te application would be for a person to construct a symbol or mandala following Jung’s or Yoga instructions, select a musical piece that one truly loves, preferably harp or flute, like the ancient Egyptians or Greeks, contemplate it while listening to the music, and then go to sleep. Repeating this for a week or so will immediately affect the DNA, RNA and immune system, and healing will occur almost “miraculously”.

Dr. M: Have you tried this technique on sick people already?

Ms.Dr.C: Ya vol, we have indeed tried it on many people. Mrs. Dr. L, in her own medical practice, quite confidentially of course, has tried it with 100% success, both in China and the West. Of course, she used Chinese music in China and Mozart in the Wes t. We are using two pieces by Mozart as our control music. The harp and flute double concerto and the Clarinet Quintet in A, K581, which will be played here Thursday night. We are doing further research in this topic, but very confidentially, because of you all know who, ya? Ya! This may prove to be a blessing to mankind, because this simple process addresses the DNA, RNA and immune system directly, and according to Mrs.Dr.L, also the thymus and pineal glands. Interestingly, it is the locus of the Up per Tan-Tiens and Triple Warmer in Chinese ancient medicine, the Cauldrons and transducers of Chi, or Life Force. Fortunately, both Mrs. Dr. L and I have orthodox medical degrees, and wear the “white coats of medical approval” ( laughter).

What we do is to make sure our research patients “entertain” themselves drawing symbols of their dreams in full colour, admiring them before they go to sleep, and listening to the music tapes of Mozart or Master Ludwig von Fu-Man-Chu (roaring laughter). There are some patients in the research hospital to whom we can talk frankly about this technique. Most people respond quite enthusiastically about it, and of course, when they are healed, they tell others about their “secret”! We are collecting fanta stic information and feedback. We are also experimenting with monotonic harmonics, or single frequencies, that may be disguised as “background noise”. Very clever, ya? Any questions?

Dr. R: Are you exploring the application of magnetic fields directly to the brain for inducing cerebral hyperfunctions, like induced psychic powers, astral phenomena and time travel, besides healing?
Mrs.Dr.C: Absolutely! We know government agencies have been doing that for years, but we do have totally different goals. Of course, we are all bound by the strict rules of the Order of absolute non-interference. We can’t even help our own families unle ss they want to be helped. Remember, out Oath of Secrecy is absolute! Alateia Gnosis! (26)

One “pet project” we have is to help our young children to be “deprogrammed” from the influences of schools, TV and radio media, videogames, etc. We do this by inducing creativity in them to create their own symbols and mandalas by playing the music while they are going to sleep. We have four children - three of primary school age. I am sure most of you have children as well, so this may be of great benefit to our own siblings. However, the magnetic field research requires very special helmets, which Her r Dr.G is building for us. We only have one now, and we need at least two more. Our results cannot be discussed at this point. Last question?

Dr.E: What do you think of virtual reality helmets? What do you think of virtual reality as an emerging technology?

Mrs.Dr.C: Ya! Excellent question. Yes, we have researched it. That imaginary space is still very, very far from looking “real”. It also affects the brain and psyche very adversely. Stay away from it. Thank you. I see it is lunchtime! Gut!

1 In deference to government mandated electronic altering of brainwaves, since they want the only game in town. Too bad the NWO does not realize it will be the source of its own undoing. When the equipment is shut down and people awake ... wait and see.

2 Perhaps another reason why these agencies did not like “Pandora’s Box”, because it gave away details about the remote transceivers in televisions and other data.

3 Note: The recent linkup of McCaw Cellular, ATT, Disney (who is delving into virtual reality educational modes), Microsoft, the “information highway”, and classified developments in artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, bioelectronics, hyperfield elec tronics and implant technology all point to a concerted effort in this direction. Historically, this kind of process is an off-world one that has existed for millions of years. Those of you having access to Sector 9 Hubbardian material know.

4 Many of these protocols are detailed in Matrix III Volume One.

5 This very fact can also be examined in light of the book Celestine Prophecies, in that those involved in the NWO Mind Control and Domination program must exist as “energy vampires”, since they are unable to draw energy from the Universal Source and are firmly grounded in ego aggrandizement, power and control in an effort to maintain a parasitic “symbiosis” with the mass population, whom they view as having Dasein ohne Leben, existance without life. Extension of WWII Nazi Germany, etc.

6 Instead of “internal technology’”, which is infinitely more powerful.

7 If this is done, it will probably be done very selectively, since some devices that are marketed are themselves designed to “sensitize” the unknowing to existing or planned electromagnetic and scalar protocols. Best to stick with internal modes entirely , folks.

8 Thus, the rationale for agency trafficking in specific drugs that ground a person to lower brain states (opiates and derivatives, street drugs, etc) and form a neuro-chemical basis for sensitization for nested overlapping chemical and electronic paradig ms. See Matrix III, Volume One.

9Including over-the-counter drugs available on a common basis in society.

10Supplemented with public attention to Neurolinguistic programming, et al.

11Standard reference electronics for television signals nationwide comes from Boulder Colorado, at the former National Bureau of Standards, which interfaces with the rest.

12We have been advising people about this for a least two years. You know where to get these devices if you have been paying attention to your surroundings.

13 Of course, by injecting enough disabling co-factors into the environment, the power structure is making sure that the public does not have access to burgeoning psychic abilities and telepathic interchange. They’d rather you use your cellular phone.

14 Which lends itself to the notion that any scientist who is employed, on tenure or steeped in academia, cannot truly function as a scientist, since truth and revelation does destroy structure and provide novelty - the average scientist, afraid of losing funding and afraid of professional censure, cannot publically ackowledge any degree of developmental truth which would collapse a set of major paradigms upon which employment depends. After all, Penrose doesn’t want to be a Sheldrake, does he?

15 See Matrix IV: The Equivideum-Paradigms and Dimensions of Human Evolution and Consciousness.

16 Commonly, “hydrophobic” and “hydrophyllic”, water-hating and water loving, respectively.

17 See Matrix IV for further information and explanation.

18 Editor Note: Dr. Fritz Popp (see Matrix III V1) did research detailing the photonic emissions and electromagnetic interaction relative to DNA/RNA.

19 Which also lends a new view to the existence of pyramidal-shaped cellular structures within the brain - specifically, cells shaped like two pyramids base to base - exactly the same configuration as the Delta-T antenna. Get it?

20People who experience synesthesia phenomena.

21 The paradigm in Matrix III V1 proposes a model for thought, brain attenuation thereof, and processes where thought descends into particulate mass.

22 See New Yorker magazine for 1989, June 12, June 19 and June 26. Paul Brodeurs’ three-part article entitled “Annals of Radiation”, about EMF hazards.

23 This has been discussed during the past year in the Unified Field and Consciousness series in The Leading Edge.

24 See Matrix III for a review of higher order EM functions and discussion thereof. My own personal opinion is that you should put your light-sound machine on the floor and jump on it, or hit it with a hammer and get rid of it.

25 As synchronicity would have it, we received data on MRX technology just before receiving the data for this presentation. Some of the MRX data is in this LE issue.

26 Truth and knowledge is foremost!

III. History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control.

- Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, secure courier duties, and reducing fatigue. Also research into effects of primitive drugs like barbiturates and cannabis as far as drug-assisted interrogation goes.

- George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as the be-all and end-all of manipulating peoples minds. His book, 'Hypnotism', published in the early forties, has been decried as too fantastic and improbable in terms of describing the capabilities of hypnosis with certain very suggestible subjects, but his arguments and examples remain valid to this day.

Estabrooks admitted in 1971 to creating hypnotic couriers and programmed multiple personalities for Military Intelligence purposes in this 1971 Science Digest article. MUST READ!!

- Start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a big boost to mind control research with the emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term. Supposedly a development of the dastardly Chi-Coms, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an agent of influence. Postulating a 'brainwashing gap' The CIA got the go-ahead for research into countering communist mind control efforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.

- Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.

- One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves a famous model of the late 40’s and 50’s named Candy Jones. In the book, “The Control of Candy Jones” the author reviewed hours of tapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic program to create and manipulate alter personalities as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue.

- Research continued into early 70's by CIA's own admission during the Church hearings. John Marks, author of the best study of CIA mind control experiments, makes the subtle differentiation that the CIA congressional witnesses might truthfully say that all research done by the TSS Directorate had ended, since the programs were moved into other areas once operational techniques had been developed. Many of the names mentioned in reference to mind control research turn up in the few references to supposed dead-end research in ESP.

 There have been persistent rumors of Navy research involving attempts at telepathy from submarines under water, the Nautilus being the most famous of these. Detection of enemy submarines, and communicating with our own, has continued to be an important area of conventional research for the Navy, so it is no surprise that researching the use of ESP for these purposes would be of interest. Communicating with a submerged submarine is the only kind of communications where the very act of receiving puts the receiver in danger, since submarines must normally stick an antenna out of the water for high speed radio traffic, or rely on trailing a long wire antenna under water relatively near the surface to receive very slow speed traffic using ELF radio waves. Newer techniques may involve the use of blue-green wavelength lasers, but evidently penetration to any depth is still a problem.

 If you look at telepathy as a problem in the transfer of information in a very noisy environment, then certain existing solutions suggest themselves: There have already been experiments in the transmission of five distinct symbols via telepathy, namely Zener card symbols. I suggest that there is already a way of transmitting information using two symbols only, namely Morse Code. Current ELF or VLF radio transmission methods for communicating with fleet ballistic missle submarines to issue them their launch orders involve very low data transfer rates, on the order of 3 to 30 bits per minute, if I am not mistaken. Messages are very short, consisting of pre-formulated action or targeting codes. I suggest that telepathic 'Zener Morse' is an operational technique for information transfer under severe signal to noise conditions. In fact the use of five Zener symbols would increase data transfer rates, but at the expense of a higher error rate due to the problems in discriminating between five and just two symbols.

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good luck. please wake up and love yourself.

fight fascism, racism, sexism and homophobia

(anarchists only.)

July 1st, 2007

03:35 am - None Dare Call It "kuntspiracy"
some people want to live together and share things.
other people want a military police work state to rule the world
with utter obeisance to the system of rule.
one group is communist
the other group
are people who would enjoy communal living.
one group is totalitarian and full of lies and well, we know that.
the other group is less defined...
there IS NO SUCH PERSON AS J. R. "BOB" DOBBS. they made him up
so there would be a foundation for a certain type of surrealist humour.  that's what it means.
to 'praise "Bob"'.  there is no such person.  if there is one, he is NOT the same as that grinning
head.  it's always been that way -- the face was cut out of a pamphlet entitled "HOW
TO BE A BETTER SALESMAN." it was meant to echo the time the pamphlet came from,
the 1950s when the area 51 conspiracy started. Stang is just a funny bitter guy who
likes to hang out with friends and complain about organized anything -- emphasis religion
and politics.
people talk shit about her. 'LOVE ME,' she says, and, we do.
NONE DARE CALL IT 'CUNTSPIRACY.' "Hole...oh, i get it now. like pussy airplay."
i know what cyberpunk means -- cyberpunk is not necessarily
having a cell phone jammed up your ass.  cyberpunk is just actual
anarchism in the information age. not swastica weilding totalitarianism
or the secret nazis of the GOP obviously.  the Illuminati went to great pains
to decieve the masses -- the demos hated by Plato and all tyrannical
sycophants -- and now the cover is blown and a new age is beginning
and the emptiness of the poseurs is deafening.  aside from totalitarian
propaganda they have nothing to say. means thinking for
yourself.  you can go there.  maybe someone will say something to you.
i'll be there.
or maybe here where you can also post.
it is reagan/bush why 'pimping' is so trendy right now.
it is still slavery, demeaning and capitalistic, it is still
like all of capitalism the dehumanization of flesh, the commodification
of life force.
that is why shaft could slap superfly all over the place.
women can use whatever terms for self empowerment that women choose.
that is why it is self empowerment.
but if there are still the frozen rage women who see all men as the cause --
that's counter feminism -- that is the divided and conquered sort of feminism
that the Establishment and the Man -- the REAL misogynists always wanted feminism
to degrade into.  "all jewish men are pigs," said Adolf Hitler.
see how mentally degrading socialism is?
no thinking allowed, it's all there in the manifesto, training
new chavezes, and new castros, new pol pots
new hitlers and new bushes. 'tomorrow the world.'
punk means thinking for yourself. the communist manifesto is harsh
toilet paper.
seth green SHOULD actually die...
that's just unconscious knowledge.
yep, we were punk rock, sort of.
who is hypnotized. who is intimidated. who is afraid to quit her job and slack off.
who invited poets to the white house in 2002 but when they started criticizing her husband
and his policies she shooed them off the rose garden.  because she is SCARED and schizoid
in the way that Deleuze and Guattari discussed schizofactors and capitalism. anarchism
is not doing what the communist manifesto says. that was just a lie they told -to own people's brains.
so obvious.
yeah, all this way down and just one laosi picture.
oh i am a photojournalist now because it is nicer to look at.
ow_on_the_toilet.jpgthe geeks?
the geeks are being organized socialists at go there?  those geeks go and start
fights with cops, get dissed, get their shit impounded because they hate themselves --
partly because the world is sort of sick in places and partly just because it's a trendy pose.
fuck punk geeks worst of all, ORGANIZED punk geeks? they are not cyberpunks or cypherpunks,
they are the counterculture pose that pretends it started it all.
they stink. they're not punk they are just dirty.
most socialist punks are so classist and racist they can't OPEN THEIR FREEGAN HOLES
without talking about race, gender and class. socialism is totalitarian. it has always and only been that.
when chavez says he wants to put a human face on socialism
punk means THINKING...grrrrr.....
i like real intellectuals, people who have a sense of art and fantasy and the real world,
people who are trying to turn hate into a badge of honor are no fun
and tend to fuck up and freeze up mentally when it means the most.
at least with discordians i know that BITCH means something Dr Paglia would understand.
anti intellectual punks are just the pose.  emma goldman is older than punk and always
anarcho feminist.  i always remember that. poseurs are where the lame party blows even now.
double for holocaustal subgeniuses. pussy is pink, retards.
pretty obvious right?
you, me, jeanne dixon and jean grey.
when you told me how scared you were, i was scared too.
when you apologized without words i took it to heart.
you know -- i know you wanted to be taken seriously in the heart.
i like it when YOU turn my brain off. those  machines are bullshit.
that's SUPPOSED to turn my brain off.
that's the meaning of life.
i like that fine.
shooby doo!
how the sun is the center of it all!
drinking spring water, laughing
making love more and fucking less often,
going solar...
these are ideas that point to the future, to the 22nd century
while some are screaming BULLSHIT as loud as they can
or under their breaths others are gradually awakening to this.
you know what i can do with my opinion. i can slip it
under the pedestal.
if you can do math or look at a house
you can see as madge is explaining how the square builds character.
without it - -people decay and rot, blaming everything but themselves
and denying the most beautiful truths of reality. it's sad.

(anarchists only.)

03:00 am - what i thought we had in common did not fail tonight.
tonight you felt my feelings, heard my thoughts,
understood my TOTAL lack of jealousy, understood UTTERLY
what I was up to, gave me a chance. tonight you saved my mind.
my soul is utterly saved, but you saved my MIND tonight
just by not being a snob, not being elitist, just being good,
just by being open hearted. so is THAT what we had in common. i thought assmuch.
it is the real love that goes along with -- bliss, sensuality and sensitivity
real love real spiritual desire, without which the body never lived, ever.
and when i turned to the insight i needed much and screamed
despite evil magic and delusion, you could see beyond the lies.
that's what it's all about, the things that people have in common
with angels, and God, things i need to live.
i have seen the lies the government forces people to tell
like reaching into their heads and bending their fingers back until
they scream SIEG HEIL.  i have seen it and i see it
other places. 
but (blank) means thinking for yourself. 
stinking john is a liar, he hates himself so much
but refuses to stop lying. i know what the bottomless pit is
he digs it for himself by repeatedly lying. 

(anarchists only.)

December 23rd, 2006

09:15 am - The Taming Of Descadar III
Welcome to. . .
Little Washu's Character Descriptions
Over the years, Little Washu has been observing the odd behaviors that happen on a daily basis in the Masaki Household. With the latest technology and the scientific genius that only she can give, she has compiled data on everybody. Even through the fabric of time and space into other realities, she knows no limits. Just remember that some of what you read might be revealing. Have fun kiddies!
Dr. Clay

  Back to the Main Page  
- Powered By WashuOS -

(anarchists only.)

November 9th, 2006

05:53 am - i'm flashin bak
litany (life goes on) guadalcanal diary
love is the slug -- fuzzbox
slip it in - black flag
nirvana -- lithium
cocteau twins - heaven or las vegas

(anarchists only.)

November 8th, 2006

04:10 pm - just to see some changes
the leaver's quest.i am going to forget who i have been -- almost completely. i am giving myself room to evolve personally, to accept this New Age that is upon us.

it's painfully obvious that so many are "staying behind." this way is more fun, less boring and "Normal".

Meaning SubGenius definition of "Normal" -- stagnant, short sighted. what i desire is a heavenly life...

Heinlein describes the anarchist as the one who seeks to live perfectly in an imperfect world.

(anarchists only.)

June 23rd, 2006


eww, yucchy Hitler!  That's
a problem

it looks like you have International Socialists.  that's a
problem.  that's sort of a vermin not unlike Satanists or DIRECT
ENERGY WEAPONS.  i think you need ChipTruth.

Yeah, you could use a healthy balanced dose of ChipTruth.  that
stuff works WONDERS -- it's miraculous.  especially when You;ve
Got poseurs.

when you've got Poseurs, you can bet they'll be liars, and obvious
disturbing liars with a Evil Agenda that they will deny with key words.

here are some things to look out for

Horse shit!

Bull shit!

Horse wash!

White wash!

Just no, and denials in general. also SATANISM, as in, well they have
no problem with Satanizing you, and you don't want to be

You need ChipTruth.

thing about ChipTruth is - it's near INFINITE. and of course, the
Poseur problem you got, well, it's easily explained.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
So anyway, how do you feel about
Soviet America.  you know, Soviet Washington, the Soviet Pentagon,
Soviet Cheney, Socialist Bush, National Socialist Cheney, Illuminated
Satanist Kerry and Internazi BrainWashington in general? You say that's
lies, slander, easily denied, inadmissable conspiracy horsewash?

yeah... gimme dat ChipTruth."




Don't slap that person who is freaking out. They just became aware of
THE CONSPIRACY OF LIES and of course, they are panicking.  They

what to do and they just realised that THE GOVERNMENT IS A LIAR THAT

they have finally heard the lies and seen that they ARE lies -- in a
way it is as if they JUST WOKE UP and they are SCARED SHITLESS.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
"take that." cancer.what the fuck?

what to do...what the HELL do you DO?
international socialism: the
sick and overt
connection between socialism and naziism is TOTAL - there would have
been no vehicle for Nazi aggression and collectivization of resources,
including human resources, had it not been for socialist ideology and
action. what else did the NAZIS have if not for socialism.

 betrayed by such connecxion
to the very administration that SEEMS to rule the planet.

 fully devoted to opposing all existing foms of bolshevik

to sinerely oppose the forces of global
industrial domination that currently dominate the news and the
international theater of military operations.

it's almost impossible to "start at the beginning" -- when you are
dealing with such a huge education gap as the disinform that has been
perpetrated -- you just dive in.

instantly, though if you WANT to see it you SEE...

Then in November 1932; the conspirators achieved
their greatest
coup; they landed
Franklin Roosevelt in the White House,
crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience.
That charlatan
traitor turned the trick for them. Without even asking consent of
he unlawfully proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime
. That did
it. And exactly as the conspirators figured; the whole world did follow
our lead. Automatically that squelched the previously growing
movement of the Russian people. That automatically launched the
menace the civilized world has ever known. The rest is too well known
need repeating.

Remember Lenin's statement: "give me just one
generation of youth and
I'll transform the whole world."


PRESENTED AS THE WHOLE OF EDUCATION -- TO SIMULATE AN ACTUAL MIND be fomented by using the so-called controversies,
the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name, as are
now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders
the Moslem world.
That war is to be directed in such a manner that
all of Islam and political Zionism (Israel) will destroy each other
at the same time; the remaining nations once more divided on this issue
will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion;
physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.

Now, can any thinking person doubt that the intrigue now going
on in
the near Middle and far East is designed to accomplish that satanic
Pike himself foretold all this in a statement he made to Mazzini on
15, 1871
. Pike stated that after World War III is ended; those who
will aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest
cataclysm the world has ever known. Quoting his own words taken from
letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is now catalogued in
British Museum in London
, England; he said:


"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists
and we
shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will
clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of
and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced
to defend themselves against the world minority of the world
and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the
disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment
without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without
knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light
the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought
out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general
reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity
and Atheism; both ! conquered and exterminated at the same time."

In the final phases of the conspiracy; the one-world government
will consist of the king-dictator; the head of the United Nations, the
CFR, and a few billionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved
their devotion to the great conspiracy.Resistance and teh actual
asertion of good human nature is what they cannot actually account for
-- and as such is their downfall.  they have ablind spot and of
course in that blind spot is what THEY in their reversed, backwards way
of seeing call "horrible, abomination, the worst, disaster," but they
are LIARS and so a truth -- and a truth that enables something
beautiful and better for them all to take place" is something they
can't VISUALISE.  it is a HUGE GAPING BLIND SPOT -- a weakness
that they, of course, in their determination to create a Hell on Earth
-- couldn't allow themselves to admit.

My only wonder is: "what will it
take to awaken and arouse our people
to the full proof?"

If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire
menace of communism
was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy right in our own
city of New York; I will cite the following historical fact: All
show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the capture of Russia;
operated as heads of the Bolsheviks party. Now "Bolshevism" is a purely
Russian word.

The masterminds realized that "Bolshevism" could never be
sold as an
ideology to any but the Russian people. So in April 1918; Jacob Schiff

dispatched Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin,
Trotsky, and Stalin
change the name of their regime to the
Communist Party and to adopt
the Karl Marx "Manifesto" as the constitution of the Communist Party
Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin obeyed; and in that year of 1918 was when
Communist party and the menace of communism came into being.
All this is
confirmed in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition.

In short; communism was created by the capitalists.

what it shows is that LIES have been stock in trade since the russian
revolution.LIES. and of course those who have been taught to repeat
lies repeat lies -- and it all funnels back to serving their conspiracy
-- and it was and remains SATANIC in orgin.  as in Luciferian. as
inpeople posing -- POSING as Christians! -- WHILE SERVING, IN THEIR
without their conscious consent.


The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.



(anarchists only.)

May 22nd, 2006

11:07 pm - "it rocks out!"

The Fiction of Robert A. Heinlein

The Complete Heinlein

what you'll need to read all of Heinlein's short fiction:

  • "'Let There Be
    Light'" in Super Science Stories (May 1940)
    and a few other places such as some editions of The Man Who Sold
    the Moon

  • "Beyond Doubt" in Astonishing
    (Apr 1941) and three anthologies

  • "My Object All Sublime" in Future
    (Feb 1942)

  • "Pied Piper" in Astonishing
    (May 1942)

  • Assignment in Eternity

  • The Menace from Earth

  • Orphans of the Sky (1963)

  • The Past Through Tomorrow

  • Expanded Universe (1980)

  • Requiem and Tributes to the
    Grand Master

  • The Fantasies of Robert A.

And the novels:

  • --For Us, the Living-- (1937)

  • Sixth
    (aka The Day after Tomorrow) (1941)

  • Beyond
    This Horizon

  • Rocket
    Ship Galileo

  • Space

  • Red

  • Farmer
    in the Sky

  • Between

  • The
    Puppet Masters

  • The
    Rolling Stones
    (aka Tramp Space Ship, aka Space
    Family Stone
    ) (1952)

  • Starman

  • The
    Star Beast
    (aka Star Lummox) (1954)

  • Tunnel
    in the Sky

  • Double

  • Time
    for the Stars

  • The
    Door into Summer

  • Citizen
    of the Galaxy

  • Have
    Space Suit, Will Travel

  • Starship
    (aka Starship Soldier) (1959)

  • Stranger
    in a Strange Land

  • Podkayne
    of Mars

  • Glory

  • Farnham's

  • The
    Moon is a Harsh Mistress

  • I
    Will Fear No Evil

  • Time
    Enough for Love

  • The
    Number of the Beast

  • Friday

  • Job:
    A Comedy of Justice

  • The Cat Who Walks Through Walls

  • To Sail Beyond the Sunset

Midshipman Heinlein

From the
Naval Academy annual

This is an illustrated list of Robert A. Heinlein's published
sorted by publication date. Click on any of the PIC icons to see
the pictures.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"well, fuck you, ya fuckin' robot, so am I."

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Name: Bobby Bishop

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.




ACT: ha, ha, ha...

Occupation: Freelance Reporter, Hokkaido Herald, Washington Star,
NetScope, other pubs.

Hobbies: Basketball, beer, attending high profile snobby Government
dinners, eating free with the lords and ladies of international
intelligentsia, flirting with ex girlfriend

Ex Girlfriend: Haruka Gibbons.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.STR:




 Dual citizenship Japan, UK.
journalist, switch hitter. major league tomcat. specializes in
entertainment and glamour and also beginning to be a competitive voice
in international politics. doesn't care who she annoys, gets a bad rap
as being a meddler and a busy body. Has a couple of reputations.

the location:

Cafe SHOCK, a interactive cafe in the center of Megatokyo, year 2012.

What is going on in the "game": In Tokyo journalists, criminals of
various types, 'wirebrains' or what they call cyberspace junkies and
hackers, political activists and at least two The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.'gangs' of monks have
centered on MegaTokyo for what they call the Tokyo Clean Oceans accord.
The Government (on July 5, 2001, Japan suffered its equivalent of the
WTC disaster -- a giant tidal wave event, comet based actually
submerged all of Metropolitan Tokyo for half a day. the world pulled
together to assist Japan in the reconstruction -- the temporary
government of Japan was the Hague, at the International Court of
Justice office.

There, the President Pro Tem, Ami Mizuno Anderson (she was
"battlefield promoted as most of the minsters of the gov't were drowned
as was sixty - five percent of the then residency of Japan) earned a
Nobel Peace prize and several other lauds for succesfully,
intelligently and with great humility designing and facilitation the
reconstruction of Tokyo - Now called in some circles "Tokyo-Chan" and
in other places "MegaTokyo"Wink.

you begin the game at Cafe Shock.

why you are there is up to you.

what are you wearing?

what are your skills?


Madam Ami Mizuno, President of Tokyo-Chan

Invites You to the celebration dinner of the Clean Water Symposium


July, 2011.

casual attire is prohibited. formal attire (black tie) REQUIRED.

you are anyone you want to be but you are at Cafe SHOCK where the
cyberpunks are known to convene. Famous netrunners, wirebrains and
console cowboys from all over the world are here -- as the drama of the
destruction of Japan by natural occurrence ("The Mother of All
Tsunami," the July 2001 disaster was called,) attracted worldwide
sympathy for Japan, as the heroic rally and reconstruction of their
cities by the japanese people attracted universal admiration.

You are at the terminal in cafe shock. you are drinking something
called Chai which tastes like milky cold tea. Music is playing, some
sort of new punk trance stuff from America. and your screen is glowing
black and green with the invitation to the big dinner that everyone
will be at.

chai is really good tea.

also good *thanks ne) is ching wo.

tin square can from twinings

taste, musky, domestic, very asian as opposed to orange pekoe.


(it's just a game. don't be an otak') asks:

'i wish that the blogs were the place where undesireables were
funneled to. in the one mind that i alone have, that is what actually
happens. it saves me a lot of time...culling the inane and verbose
but..not very hip or in the know.

it mindblows how much such people can spew and yet lack one bit of
a hard cool trick to REALLY save time...meaning that the computer is
actually smarter than the user/loser...

also it is so choice that you mention princess ai...where i come
from we know her intimately, and our friend longshot was thinking of
actually suing her today.

he is punk...he toyed with siccing the police on as they have no propholactic devices to stop the
under eighteen fr0m going there and reading the dull smut.

which is bad because if minors are to be shown smut a) those who
show it should be shown the pretty little jail of our tax paying
burden, servers impounded and assets frozen which is why mss love
hacked her own site...she loves who hate her and ignores who love her,
she IS the love, after all...what a druggie, miss burroughs, ne?

so cool they were hacked? my friend has been saying for years, you
don't have to suck to be a sucker, hack not lest ye be hacked, and
other printable curses...

so anyway, brava, the print 'zine is go.'

far from moot -- what is moot is competition. capitalists...don't
understand synergy and of course 'half of the staff of their brain is
on vacation.'

toko are you listening?

this is the email that is cut and pasted with headers and footers burnt
out that Bobby Bishop gets in his mail from Gibbons, his most reliable

(contacts, meaning not lenses but people you know that can help you
-- or hire you, supply you with weapons) are integral to this sort of
game, which is a URP (universal roleplay scene) generator...

(*when it is in a BOX and for sale and ConFusion 'o7 you will be
glad you playtested. cause i'll give you a fair one. pricewise?)

the headers are burnt.

as you are checking, Bobby Bishop, you are pleased by the way that
the punctuation errors are highlighted -- and also by the burn.

it's like -- it reminds you of someone having their fingerprints
removed via laser. very expensive in more than one way but --

so you look over the note again...

this person doesn't like 'blogs'. you know why.

huh...princess ai is gonna be here...the great
cares about clean air. what a lush figure...

you swallow a laugh out loud. it is known that the team known as
"codejammers" meet at this cafe and you want to make a swell
impression, and get to be part of their world.

you wear your 'shoot hoops with the bullets face.' a cop walks in,
a japanese defense regular post flood style in the street armor --
w/flotation devices.

president misuno has made the japanese police tougher than a lot of
regular armies of many countries. you are not nervous because you
aren't breaking any laws.

you wonder why none of the shady looking wirebrains and obvious net
runners here aren't nervous either.

must be a 'regular'

the cop sits and has adimre the armor.

new orleans in '05 was a quick shower compared to japan last year.
the recovery process is going great though. everyone is glad to see the
cop who happily is smoking off duty.

meanwhile you are getting 'communiques' pretty regularly.

you are depressed cause this is the worst time in world history.
you should communicate with me cause i know where the boobies are and
appreciate them with adroit compassion and the massage skills that make
the geisha count backwards and do obscure breath holding....

posey hara

black interstart

"black interstart." you made it in washington inner circle politics
-- all the way to waving off a chief of state nod like a hot pitcher
shaking 'no' to a dull and uncreative catcher's signals...

"black interstart." there are two rumors being served about that

you look at your time to go bar. there are twenty hours until the
tokyo-chan clean water protocols, why you and all the other people are wonder if the island will sink? all the people...

it's best in cafe shock. it has a way and a rep of turning away
geeks at the door -- and the sidewalks as well as the 'slidewalks' are
all utterly densely packed. the whole island is like bullet train are glad at least one notorious freak is in jail.

THAT thought gives you gooseflesh for a second. a hot clammy flash!

kids in the corner are playing an old machine. the manager comes
and sits down at your table and offers you galoise with his eyebrows.
'hi. my name is crazy wandaba...are you being served, mister gibbons?'

'oh, wandaba, stop. that's so funny though. we're not married - yet.'

'still,' and wandaba relaxes, 'congratulations. another feather in your
cap. flying high again,' he sings.

wandaba's eyebrows are doing a caterpiller tango at varying altitudes
above the top of his eyeshades.

he is wearing Conflicts with a green light right between the eyes
-- a sign that he is not a wirebrain. you knew that anyway -- he is
fierce about unecessary invasive surgery. 'so how much were those

'well i am in the back room with haruko and usagi if you want to come
chat. friends only?'

'okay, only chill with the eyebrows. i'm about to lose my yakitori.'

'THAT is funny. come , let us go to the otaku-free zone. i am
not on duty now.'

'ah, wandaba, wandaba...' you say, regretfully, as to hang out with
haruko haruko san and usagi tsukino as well as crazy is your idea of a
fun way to waste an hour or three, 'you know she's coming.'

'she called me. man she's...cute. and she knows to just come in back.'

again, with his eyebrows like performing caterpillars doing a Olympic
tango. freak.

'freak.' but you close your little communicator and step to the back.

the funny thing about these days, this is the last year before the
'terrible teens.'

the previous years are called 'the nothings.'

(anarchists only.)

April 24th, 2006

03:50 pm - IRRATIONAL PIRATE RADIO CLEARS ITS PIPES: Now This! [protected post]












I'm Brian Unger


I'm A. Whitney Brown

I'm Stephen Colbert Craig looking a little bit like John Tesh...


"Um Craiggles...about
your, uh...piehole..."



1998 year end









I'm Beth Littleford











A commercial...

starring jon stewart and craig kilborn AS...Craig:secret hero

"Scoop Ranger"IS NICE TO TALK TO.





okay actors:  your
director will be:

hello actors.  here is the premise of our feature

on july 4 1998 you learned that the
world would end on

september eleventh, 2001.

you struggled to alert the world.

you failed.  it was not your fault.

the world ended. the UNIVERSE

you saw universes you didn't know existed.








somebody liked my spunk

Registered: Dec 2001


Posts: 822

Style: Red

i concur

i rarely speak. still and all it is good to have one's own opinions and
the race to speak them slowly and clearly so that everyone can

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Old Post 05-21-2003 02:58 AM
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Registered: Aug 2003

Location: Seattle

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Thanks for this. Everyone
is so smaaaaat, it CAN BE intimidating, especially for a newcomer like

Mr. & Mrs Frank Decarro will NOT BE STARRING IIN

the fall of the prime movers




pies wide open

come u
masters of war

the fall
of the prime movers:

the return of the objectivists

"The Daily Show"
Created by

Madeleine Smithberg 

Lizz Winstead 



The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


Current Mood: [mood icon] disappointed

(anarchists only.)

April 21st, 2006


anyway scala bal, you and me.  see: sorrow can be for others.

as in the ones who
don't have any idea that meditation is ALL THE TIME. AS WE DO. not
making us superior...rather keeping us out of the bottomless pit.

chris is also used
to being ignored. i don't WANT him to let his shields down. if it
doesn't make sense to him in the morning it doesn't matter, i love true

but also the
words, need reclaiming.

being mutable i
can speak without turning into a monster of mindless burning -- in
another person's language so that naoko can understand of course i want
to be friends.  of course, JUST friends. i am allergic to all of
naoko's choices. i am allergic to people who give up their freedom to
fit in and they are blind to me. it is a perfect marriage and the only
one thank GOD that i/we need.  you know by now.

and the best part
is -- the timidity of earlier sid gem to trop sco conversations is
replaced by a sorrowful happy.

"i am joyful
sadness" as in that is my chinese name.

one of the first
books i ever loved was called spring moon, about a chinese princess.

yes, china, korea
and japan are the same place. feudal kings in the asiatic romance
period made them different. obviously one look in the mirror at your
mongol outer lining and you know you could be a chinese princess.

a han. or a
american indian.  too.  american indians are asian, via the
bering. one big happy family...sorry fuckers. i am sick at their

versus my
gnosis...which is gnosis...well "i have already overcome the world."

and of course they
ignorantly refuse to -- well there is the reason for the name, joyful
sorrow.  lars knows what i mean.


yeah. it is a
magic spell to help us stay sane in direct moonlight!

because of the
earth's tilt. no, it doesn't compulse us together. i reject such
willlessness. which just might attract us to each other. let me see.

but time? 
astrology IS a big clock. but i realise mercury and venus don't rule,
saturn once ruled but is deposed by jove and uranus.  uranus

but proserpinas
are still slaved to hadeses by the score.

you worry and it
is about being pluto ruled. and i am so disgusted by people who divorce
the genitals from the heart -- i want them not, says juno in capricorn
starring me, me, me.

i know that god
loves me in part from my sun conjunct lilith (currently my progressed
sun is in virgo, so nyaah) and juno in capricorn/sag.

so the lotus
position. and those pictures!

scannarchy needs
pictures of lotus lovers. 

pretty soon i go
back to doing what i was doing before i let brother cabbage convince me
that he really wanted to be a rocker instead of a whiner. never will
another brother cabbage not be obvious. paul mccartney is not a cabbage
head. he looks like one but there are, well he has a resume, a tune
here and...

...The Lord of the
Flames is a video game.  Evil men die and le Chat Names NAMES.

the rock star is
dead but that is what makes rock stars.  madonna has always been
marilyn.   the literary star has yet to really emerge, though
because so many writers have gone the path of salinger, twain...i will
be the gemini/scorpio writer, who writes frankly of love and sex. 
and caring, i will will remain the obscure cancer/capricorn musician in
love with, well the same things...

ani wei...

puns? the
wei  ting is the hardest part!

show off? they
would call dali a show off. a conceited show off, that
assured they would not stop until they thought they'd convinced him
that he was and then...yeah, you sure do love me!~

you know what i
mean -- we love the same things. and yet the bitter, burning...linda
said: this is original ancient sadness.  knowing and yet not
quite...believing gives way to knowing, that is this cusp
pisces/aquarius period.

i will say it with
pictures, eh? since i know you will read this. why not?  You are
mama dada...miro...well you are immortal, but YOU KNOW IT NOW and you
are...well Dada can ONLY be revived by US sharing our vision. 
Jesus is well and good but he has already overcome. he leaves us cause
he loves to see us do it, excite and shock and tease jesus. yep. 
it is religion that paints a bleeding weakling.  it is him who is
strong in a heavenly lotus throne...

watching and NOT
judging. he knows better, like year of the cock people.


The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains
small parts, only small actors, sidereal gem
heavy theory

hello doctor rollins.we're doctors yeah

we gut sluts

we're doctors, yeah

we cut nuts


and where he goes he's FUCKED!  i say, FUCKED! i
say, FUCKED!

we're doctors

we cut your butts

and you pay pay pay
pay pay.

revolver? yeah there's
the door.

oh my god, i'm Doctor




 159 56 4752 IS















Henry Rollins Genuflected On With By Cyberpunk Legend
Doctor Whore

Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins

photo courtesy Sgt. Gregory Heath



like for example...his "Weird Hardcore"..."Post-Hip"...a conceptual
artist in the 21st century?

I odn't know if there is a place for that. He says he cares too much
about other things to worry...about whether or not --

Look: Weird Hardcore, Weird Taoism...whatever, look, Bjork, Maxwell is
just Weird. I think he doesn't hate you.  He says he hates the
but loves the earth.

Most people would say: what the fuck does THAT mean?



 (so he says.)


so we can sneak up and kiss Mama.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains is supposed to be more than

a little impressive, sid IS supposed to be more than a little perfected. see...Mama
is perfect. in fact...

she dumbs it down for most of us
every day. she says all of us are her love babies and people laugh and
they call her,

well, everlast says.  but
she can do this cause, well...

she is showing you how she sees
with her eyes clothed and is older than parsley sage rosemary and

i could put it another way...i
made my vows of celibacy and poverty thinking of 2012.  then: wait
and see!  perhaps.

i saw kat today.  she is an
aquarius. she humped me while ray of light was playing singing 'om
shanti' along with Mama.

she farts, sometimes. but there
is more to do for my end.  as well, as the son of the Sun. 
and there's always gonna be more.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.but let's say goodbye, gemini
sidereal, to the old system and remember

no bodhisattva

no bowl

no saffron robe

no bhumis

no chakras

nothing but dao, expanding

live wei ting for dao

it's because i know i am as good
as you i don't need to compete like johnny stinking and his satanic
negempathy constantly beaming white hot

hate in all directions for his
twisted comrades.

it's about understanding that
the nirmanakaya dhamma always vanquishes the asuras in every
generation.  and that in aquarius, well they are defeated UTTERLY
-- as in negated, thevoid.

this is why charles luk's master
says 'the void is not empty and to say that the void is empty is
wrong.' the denial spirits go there so that astarte/here/ashera can be
free and well,

naked, can we face it?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.SHE

she is doing this for everyone.
this vexes the ones who scream BULLSHIT as soon as we say GOD is SEXUAL
LOVE, and has always

been innocent. they are the
unseen role of denial -- they scream no, horseshit, bullshit, no way
=-- that asura has travelled from

corpse to corpse. then it tries
to rape you. then the bottomless pit if you know the secret of
joy.  you know it now.

alisa didn't and that is why she
killed my heart and went away.  she was imprinted by her parents
that her genius was illusion and she

is calmly pretending that she is
not full of hate -- and that the apostolic eye of understanding --
MARK'S gift to it all from Logos -- is nothing.

that's not cause she is a Jew --
it is because she has scorpio negativity like -- well she could be just
as good as you, sidereal gemini.

she is 11/18 and i love the shit
out of her. when she and i are in a room together -- i am the only one
that loves alisa.

dig me?

cause of beatings. she is an
indigo abuse horror story and in a way, the feelings didn't survive.
she would go about as Nepthys the Egg Carrier,

looking for a slave master and
insisting that emotions are bullshit and shooting some hindoo babble at
me. wrong cause she is so abused she can't

be with her divinely good
scorpio self. and well, asura ehergy is NOT ASHERA energy.

this is why O. R. was a zen
disciple and seeker. because: It's Confusing.

Kallisti Yogi Hudson

Had an email from some people who are
(hopefully)organising a Yoga retreat with Hudson Leick for next July in
Scotland. They are trying to gauge interest right now, and see who
would be interested, and willing to cough up about £500 for a 4
retreat. The price is just a guide, but would include all classes,
food, accomodation etc. There might also be some sort of
meet-&-greet for non yoga-inclined people.



your doctor

(the K is for Kwality)

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

(anarchists only.)

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