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How to: These are for anyone's use on AOL Instant Messanger. They can also be used as computer icons, if you want, but they were designed for AIM. To use them, right click the image you want, click "Save Picture As..." and save it. Then open AIM, go to "Edit Options" --> "Edit Preferences" and the the tab or link (depending on the version of AIM) titled "Buddy Icons." Hit the "Browse PC" button and select the file you saved. The icon should appear in the preview window.

Notes: If an image appears to as broken, right click it, and select "Show Picture". All images are uploaded, so they should all load correctly. If several attempts at the "show picture" doesn't work, please e-mail me and let me know. Hover your mouse over the icon to get the character's name (in case it's hard to tell.. the icons are small!) Also, the "other" section is mostly Jpop/Jrock artists.

Last Updated - 9/24/01 - page up... more icons will be added so check back, and feel free to make requests!

Arranged Alphabetically by Series:

~AIM Icons A-L~

~AIM Icons M-Z~


~Request Icons~

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kirei janai - collective