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Ani Difranco is one hell of a woman. I remember one day I was sitting at home watching Television. I was flipping through the channels and I decided to watch MTV2 since we only got it free for one hour. This band came on (which was Ani) and the song was called 'In or Out'. At first I noticed how cute she was and I really liked the drum beat. I was lucky enough to see the video again later that week. I really listened to the lyrics. I wondered if that song was about bisexuality b/c I was dealing with figuring out my own sexuality and I would have those days where I felt like I was totally gay, then the next day I'd tell myself that I was straight and it's just a phase then another day I'd say I was bi, but enough about that. I went to the store with my father and I was looking at the magazines and I saw Ani Difranco written really small on one of the covers. I picked it up and I was like..'Omg! That's the girl I saw on T.V.' That was back when I called Ani (Annie) cuz I didn't know that it was pronounced Ah-nee. I bought that magazine and read the article. They said she just released a live album called 'Living in Clip'. A couple of days after I got the magazine, I went to Best Buy (a store that I totally despise) and I could not decided which album to get b/c there were so many to choose from. I stood there for about 5-10 minutes and finally decided on 'Living in Clip'. I remember that day. 'Cuz it was the day before our 4th of July parade and we got some KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken..u ppl who know me and are reading this, YES I did once eat meat). We were all sitting at the table and I put in the CD. Actually I listened to 'In or Out' about 10 times that night. The next morning, when my parents so rudely woke me up at like 8 in the morning for a very boring parade that we always go to, I played 'Living in Clip' very loudly on my cheap ass boom box. Ever since then I've gotten every one of her albums. I've gotten a couple of her bootlegs and I've seen her in concert twice. Once when she was opening for Bob Dylan and once by herself. The day of the concert was June 27th 1999, it started at 7 p.m. and was in Chicago at the Aragon. I went to that concert and I just felt like I belonged somewhere. The fans were just so nice. It's like you've known these ppl all your life and your not afraid to be yourself around them. It was a general admission concert, meaning there was no assigned seats, and there was no pushing at all, unlike when I went to the Fiona Apple concert they were pushing like crazy and I couldn't move, but at the Ani Concert people were just very nice. By the way, that Ani concert kicked some major ass. The girls there were sooo my There were some girls, after the show, that took off their shirts. Woohoo! Thank GOD I was hanging out of the sun roof and got some pics.

Well that's about all I can say about Ani b/c I don't wanna sound like I'm obsessed with her. The only thing I'm obsessed with is her music and lyrics. She's just another woman trying to make a living and doing one Hell of a job.

OK I'm gonna grip for just a sec. I've been surfin' the web and I went to at least a dozen Ani sites that said they weren't fans anymore b/c she supposedly 'sold out'. I don't understand why people act as though she shouldn't excel in the music business, if she's gonna excel, hell more power to her, isn't that the whole Womyn Empowerment thing..anyways... I don't see the big deal a/b the whole NFL commercial. I must admit, it kinda made me a bit mad when I saw the commercial but I'm not going to let a little thing like THAT stop me from listening to Ani's music. She's still one hell of a singer/songwriter/performer and you all know that. All of those who 'sold out' themselves by leaving just b/c an artist got some recognition are the real hypocrites. Like someone b/c of their music NOT b/c they're not well known or even if they are well known. Like what u like. If u like their MUSIC then like it, don't go by what an artist says b/c EVERYONE is a damn hypocrite...*breathes*
Oh Yeah, there's another thing too. Ani got married b/c she fell in love with someone. She didn't do it to 'betray' the queer following, she just did it b/c she fell in love. I myself am a 'queer/dyke' what have you and when I first found out she got married, I was mad but after awhile I saw that she was much happier and that her music was flourishing. She's grown and I knew she was eventually going to get married. Altho I wasn't ready for it then but I am now. I just hope that Ani is happy. If the 'lesbian' following think that she's some kind of 'Lesbian Icon' or something and then u get pissed at her for doing what she wants then I suggest you get ur ass up on stage and do something a/b it if you don't like her anymore just b/c of that!!...*done gripin until I see another damn hypocrite say they don't like Ani anymore just b/c of that NFL commercial! geez...

Well, it's me again, I went to another Ani concert at the Aragon yet again, Novemeber 18th 2000. I went w/ my gf, Mandy, my best-friends, Anita and Libby and Libby's friend Laura. It was awesome, as always. Altho it seems like Ani was distancing herself from the crowd, meaning she barely talked at all, u know the chit chat she usually does, altho I don't think I'd wanna talk to a crowd that were complete assholes. I hate it when ppl at Ani concerts yell during a slow song. Some asshole was yelling during Providence, I mean come on! But I heard Marrow, What How When and Tamboritza Lingua live which was amazing. I can't wait until her new album comes out, anyways.

Well, it is me yet again. How you love these talks, I know ;) I went to another Ani show at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. I can't remember the date, but anyways. I went with my Girlfriend Mandy, My 2 best friends, Anita and Libby and Libby's friend Laura (she's a riot), we got there kidna late, there was a very long line, but we got pretty good spots to stand. Bitch and Animal were the opening act, they were some funny shit, I almost liked 'em better then ANI!!! They were more entertaining I guess, but anyways lemme tell you what happened at the concert. So, we're waiting for it to start and its hot as fuck, my dumbass goes and buys a shirt and puts it on. I already had two shirts on, so now I have 3 on. Good Idea huh! So, I started to smoke a cig.(Newport Box, great for me health eh!?) now with me, I tend to get light headed when I smoke, but I didn't this time..well at least for now, then me and my friends smoke the 'special' cigarette and about 30 mins later, I was sweatin' my ass off. I couldn't even focus on Ani performing, I just wanted to go to sleep. I kept laying my head on my gf's shoulder. Then, I couldn't hear and my sight just went, so I motioned to my gf to get me outta there, we had to push through the crowd and I remember one chic saying 'what the fuck' just cuz we were walking out of the damn crowd, stupid bitch...anyways, I collapsed by the bar. I think I passed out, I don't really remember but right when I left that's when Ani did her new 'WTC Poem' I heard people yelling and clapping and whistling but I didn't hear any of it. I just wanted to leave right then and there. Anita said the poem was awesome, mind you she's still in the 'Ani's a goddess' and 'She's my idol' stage. I found a link one day for the 'WTC Poem' and it wasn't all that great. It has its good points but overall, I think it's shitty, it's like she tried too damn hard to write it. Hmm..I think I'm beginning to be Anti-Ani, well anyways. I did have an OK time at the Concert, but I doubt I'll be going again if she comes back to Chicago.
I just wanted to meet Bitch and Animal...but I didn't *cries*

Well, currently Ani is not touring because of tendonitis,which is very severe, so hopefully she will be back at the touring game in the summer of 2006. You can check out more news information about her and all other RBR artists at Righteous Babe Records

I was going to put ALL of her lyrics on here but that would take me forever and a day so I'm just gonna put a link up for them...

Click on the album cover for the lyrics

Non Album Lyrics

Some Ani Pics
Ani's Tour Date's
Ani Desktops


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