
Some links to my friends webpages:

Tracey's Webpage (a variety of wacky things from Spam to Poetry)
Shower Enema (Sean's Noise Metal Band)
Everyone But Dylans Webpage (Awesome Band, Good Friends)
Spyder Vein (Cool straight rock band)
The Bingo Kings (Hardcore Metal Band)
Undefined (Bad ass metal band)
B.W.A.N.L (Cool website ran by some avid local scene peeps)
IMPALEMENT!(awesome metal band)
Burning State (my fav rock band; they're outta St. Clair)
Femmetone (Bitchin' all-girl rock band)
Arizing (totally righteous band outta roseville)
Cakmadams (They like to rape boys)
The Boldness (Port Huron based rock band)
Leghounds (Uhh they're from Wisconsin.. And they're the strokes the sequel)