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the stripe >>
Allison. 18. Oregon. Soon to be a frosh at SOU. Should be living in the 1940's, but alas am not. <3 Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and vintage meat. And?
my fanlisting!
<3 Holly!

extraneous >>
Feeling --
Loffing -- Romy!
Chatting -- Junee!
Reading -- ATTWN!
Watching -- GPark!
Drooling -- Ryan!
Listening -- Billy!
Awaiting -- BBVD!
Amusing -- Strong Bad!

creative >>

my collective

eventually >>
03 July -- Blood Drive
04 July -- Independence Day!
05 July -- Fam to MT
08 July -- Save My Soul

contact >>
email me talk to me via aim sign my guestbook sign my guestmap!

hostees >>
ADINA @ Clouds In My Coffee JUNEE @

persuals >>
[?] Family and Affiliates
Amanda; Amy; Andrea; Anne; Cam; Cassie; Courtney; Emma; Holly; Idolslash; Jen; Jen; Jina; Junee; Justine; Kelly; Molly; Nay; Queenie; Romy; Roo; Snog!; Susie; Tiff

linkage >>
[?] more?

legal >> © 2002+ Allison. Individual credits and disclaimer here. Steal and you're a loser.

welcome >>

This is where the blog and contents usually appear. The iframe to the left is usually where my tagboard appears, but as it's hosted on my domain, it's down as well. I'm sorry my domain is down right now, I'm hoping to have it up and running again as soon as I can figure out what's the matter! Thank you!
