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F E B R U A R Y 2/02

Quick update: new Jettingham doll for the copy and paste quotations! everyone do a happy dance!
I can't stay happy with the cool notebook of sorts layout! New table layouts for all!

J A N U A R Y 27/02

There are actually not a lot of updates that I can tell you about. New Cool Notebook of sorts format, which isn't a whole lot different than the old format, truth be told. Who knows why I did it. Must have been that old bagel i ate yesterday. I wanted to go onto blogger, and actually created an account, but i didn't like the layouts, and decided not to bother changing it, as that would entail more work. I don't like the way my site looks right now, so be prepared for a new layout within a month or so, or whenever I can be bothered to change it.
may the sporks be with you

J A N U A R Y 8/02

New Horrorscopes at last at last! I was going to trash the old horrorscopes and just link you up to some other ones that I found at a random site, but after searching the web 'horrorscopes', they were all very horrible. Mostly girly ones like "you'll find lettuce in your teeth if you don't brush them!" and crap like that no one needs to read. I did find a highly amusing one, but it only inspired me further to write my own. Who knew [parakeets ate my condo] were so amusing? Check them out, it is so worth the extra point and click!


Please take note of the new link CAN YOU REPEAT THE QUESTION? which consists of crazy internet tests to waste your time. And you know that we here at Chloe's Soundsystem are very good at wasting time. homepages too. Check us out, we got ourselves a domain name baby!
Also, I should tell you that angelfire kind of is screwing around, so the page might have to be refreshed several times before all the information is allowed to be shown. Seen a lot of hosted by sngelfire stickers though, hope the copy and pasties are still up and running.

D E C E M B E R 31/01 I guess I'm supposed to say something that will enlighten you all to the very depths of your soul? Don't count on it. Anyway, another year come and gone, and what have I accomplished? Nothing. Same as last year, actually, so you must be impressed with my consistancy nonetheless. I have to work at my job (the job will most definetely generate some interesting notebook entries of anything) until 9:30, so not bad, but still I would rather bring in the new year somewhere else, instead of asking inanely drunken people if they would like fries with that. Anyway, I promise the updates will be here tomorrow. I have also finished the third and final installment of the Lemon Lime All Stars Trilogy "The Tragic End" so look forward to that soon (ish). Gnomequest is done, and the finishing touches are just being put on it, if you can wait that much longer. The Message Boards (of death) are up and running, as is the 3 Chicks And A Gnome chatroom which you can find in jenellabean's attic. Aren't we just getting so freakin technical