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Sophomore Films


Yeah, sorry about the overall shitty nature of the site, we're just really getting this company started, and since I have to do everything, the site has sort of been left for the last minute.

7/1 A day to remember. The death of one of our automobiles has left us distraught for the last few days, he was a good car, and will be missed forever. .

7/16 Yeah, I know the site is still pretty shitty, but there is not enough time to do everything at this point."One of Them", is still in pre-production, and doesn't seem to be leaving that state anytime soon, due to the fact that no one is replying to the casting call. I doubt that it's going to be completed for the September deadline, or even started by that time. The mocumentary "One Derailed Nut" is also in pre-production, but that's ok, because shooting isn't suppose to start until September, anyway, so yeah, I don't know.

If anyone is interested about the documentary, please send us your information.


We just finished up two shorts, one was an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart", and the other was an original story entitled "Message In A Bottle". Both will eventually be able to be seen on the site,or at least I hope so. But at least, for now there are some stills below.

Our next two main projects are both documentaries. The working title for the first one is "One of Them". We're trying to get the tattooing one off the ground very quickly, because we're trying to have it done by September for the Woodstock Tattoo Festival, but I'm not quite sure that's going to happen. We still need people for the doc so if you have tattoos and want to be on film, notify us.

The other is more of a mocumentary. It's titled "One Derailed Nut". It's about model railroading and how this hobby, goes pass the boundaries of it being just a hobby, to the point where the "hobbyist" gives up everything else in their lives, just to eat and sleep toy trains. My dads one of them,thats how I got the idea.

Our next short has something to do with lawn gnomes, and how they're incredibly evil. Also, we're having a big party in August, you can come if you want, so we'll definately be shooting that event.

The recent death of one of our cars led to the short "Funeral For A Friend". It is our way of thanking him and letting him live on forever.

Since the passing, and the "Funeral For A Friend" skit, we haven't shot anyhting, the ideas keep coming in, its just that we're at a big standstill due to the documentary, and its deadline, but believe me,the new skits are hilarious. I would like to tell you about them, but someone might steal the idea, and then we'll be pissed off, and shit like that, so, you're gonna just have to take my word for it.

<=== Not Just Another Sleazy Filmmaker.
