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Now don't go thinking that just because of the title of my page, I'm gonna' try to put you to sleep. Although this may happen, it's not really what I intended. When you are in a deep sleep you tend to dream and a lot of people can find out things about themselves that would, otherwise, have remained hidden. I know some of my best ideas and thoughts have appeared in my head while i was not in a state of awake. I hope that by taking a look around my page you will be able to better understand the inner workings of my mind. haha.

First of all, a little bit about me. I'm a girl living in Western Canada that has recently acquired the permission from my province to drink... legally. I like it here, Canada is a wonderful place to live, however... I don't much like the snow. I'm pretty sure that I am more of a sun person (aren't we all) and would like to, one day, learn how to surf. This would require my relocation (temporary or permanent) to some place with a beach. Perferably some place warm.

I am currently in my first year of University and doing pretty well so far. I wrote my finals for first semester. (All except physics which I missed due to a dumb ass mistake on my part. Gina enjoyed the situation and all it's hilarity.) Honestly though, I like school. I know that it's not really something that most people like, I think I would probably rather stay in school for the rest of my life. I like being able to be with my friends all day, and being able to goof off all the time without being fired. Kind of makes you feel safe (not finacially of course). I had originally planned on going to university to become a vet which wass good because that meant I'd be in school for another 6 years, at least. I'm not so sure how I feel about that anymore, since my bio mark is suffering a little bit, comparitively speaking.

Althought it IS hard to do when typing, I hope to make my website more interesting with my witty use of sarcasm (you'll notice we're good friends) and by taking a look into the mind of me (try to see PAST the fog). To do this, I have included some journal entries, none of which, I'm afraid, are quite as juicy as the real thing, but will give sufficient detail of the goings on of my life. Go here if you're nosy, or just 'interested'.

Sometimes, I don't quite like the circumstances I'm in, whether it is just temporary (like having a test soon) or something that isn't gonna' change for a while (me hating cold weather). And since there really isn't anything I can do to change these types of things, I try to 'escape' by listening to songs. I'm kind of a music freak. Music is like chocolate, there's plenty of different kinds, and they're all equally delicious. I like almost anything... almost. This hereis where you can find out how I'm feeling and what song I wish I was listening to at the moment and why, as well as my thoughts of the day.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm usually a pretty easy going person who likes to use sarcasm a lot and listens to music quite often. And while I hate writing essays and stuff (they're too structured), there is the odd moment when I have an urge to write poetry. Very odd. Now keep in mind that by reading these , I would like it if you would refrain from laughing as much as possible and keep and open mind. I am not, by any means, a pro. (Look at me. Pro.)

I think, by now you've had enough of me talking, so I plan on putting some pictures and stuff that I drew here.I wouldn't expect it any time soon though.

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