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oldass pictures
Behold. I have found a beautious collection of pictures from many years ago. Enjoy them...
This is me on Christmas Eve as a youth pissed off because I was being dragged to church. Even back then I knew it was all a crock of shit.
Here we are on some relatives little sailboat thing in Lake Michigan.
This is a little more recent. Junior year in high school on my favorite "ride" with Neelotch and "the coach."
Me and the siblings on a double decker bus
Me as a sweet, innocent, unjaded, seemingly harmless and totally clueless baby.
Me and one of my birthday cakes. Not sure how old I am.
What a joke
Ohhh how I long to be that skinny again...
Oh my god my hair is so cute. I envy myself.
Eh. At that Mountain Lake place on some Easter.
Me and Neelotch at some wedding
Me and Neelotch hanging out on the rocks in some forest in Tennessee.
Me with Uncle Tim and Aunt Sheila at Mountain Lake again. Notice the fucking SADDLE SHOES (!!!!) on my little feet!!!
Me and the siblings with Uncle Tim and Aunt Jen back before she became "Aunt" Jen.