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Why did I ever agree to walk like 6 miles up the lakefront wearing these?
That's what I got for it.
And this...
These pictures don't even capture the depth of these things. You should see the liquid that's inside. Owwwww.
But I scored when I got these for TWELVE (count em) BUCKS!!!!
Ahh we got class
This is a random one. This is of my father figure last December. Rock.
Ooo La La
Ice Cream is good for you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
So is smoking!
And it's also addictive! But hey, so is chocolate!
Because THEY know something the rest of us don't...
Yeah, this is REALLY going to spark my interest in religion
Another one from Jordan's trip back to Chicago. Just like old times, takin a shot of the Jack at a party at Jamie's. Wow and you can see her in the picture too. What an ethical hostess. Free keg. That was a fun night...
Jordan, Maciej and Shannon outside Jamie's rockin apartment
Don't know when or where, why or how...
My boyfriend thinks this is the sexiest picture of me to date. Haha.
It's coming off!!
Mmm soft serve...
Especially when it's from a mexican ice cream truck with all espanol written on the side that drives around really shadily at 10:30 at night. This is about when I got hung on the fence when we tried to chase the guy down. Viva!
Megan, Shannon, myself and Maciejjjjjjj
Sounds like a deal to me
Yay a picture of Shannon, Jordan, me (the reunion of the 3 of us!) and Maciej when Jordan was in visiting in Juuuuune!
Alycee and Andrew watching the its rock out at the bottom lounge (LOOK IT'S BJORN IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!). god we made a mess on the table
So cool
cubs game on july 30th
mother and sis were in from virginia! yay vacation!
sis at the cubs game
sis...notice the nets. haha.
urban cruising