Indy Christian Singles

Bringing like-minded single Christians together for fellowship, growth and missions.

In existence for over four years, ICS sponsors many activities that foster friendship, personal growth and a better understanding of yourself and your single life. A diverse group, there are no age limits and members include those who have never married as well as those who are divorced or widowed.

Members are not required to attend a specific church but it is asked that that they are a Christian in the Biblical sense of the word. Indy Christian Singles meet to foster friendships, a sense of belonging, and to encourage a strong and ever growing faith in God.

ICS has four regular activities that are planned each month: Bible study, Missions, Book club, and Dinner club - one scheduled for each Saturday. There are also many other group activities, frequent get-togethers and special events like Canal Concerts and other "happenings" in the Indianapolis area.

Attendance at individual events is optional with many singles choosing to attend only those which appeal to them. Generally after book club, Bible study and missions, a group goes to a local restaurant to continue the fellowship. There is ample time for fun and conversation and many lasting friendships and personal relationships have been formed through ICS.

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Bible Study ||| Missions ||| Book Club ||| Dinner Club
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