Welcome to the offical site of Smokin' A Foty Records

Keep an eye out for GreeD's poetry, and any question's comments, hatemail's, spam, bulk-mail, and all other wacked out internet e-mail stuff should be sent to the hyperlink at the bottom of the page.  Written requests for work or other should be sent along with a SASE to the address below.  Thank you, and beware the sperm covered monkey.


Last Update: 1/8/02

"Smokin' A Foty" Records was created by myself (Angus Vassago) and a very good friend of mine (GreeD). This label is run out of my house utilizing the crappiest 4-Track known to man. The term "smokin' a foty" derives from an incident in which GreeD stepped outside for a cigarette and someone (for whatever reason is, I gather, here and forever known only to those possessing mental prowess far beyond that of mortal man) asked if he was stepping out to "smoke a forty". We now use the term exclusively to describe instances of vast and utter stupidity.

This is an underground label run out of St. Louis and Carmel Indiana by GreeD and Angus.

Praise for Garage Bands Suck! from the Paradoxical Goddess:
"i listened to ur tape. i'm just going to say i really liked let's make the water turn black, who'll stop the rain, interstellar overdrive (cept it was waaay too long, lol) and garage bands suck (especially the ending). i LOVE isis the whore. that is your best song. i think i listened to that song more times on repeat than your whole cassette. that song kicksass! and i don't even usually like songs like that."

This label is also a vehicle for my personal sonic and lyrical ventures (which are forthcoming (and serious)).

Garage Bands Suck! is available for free (due to the fact that we covered some songs that wouldn't be considered public domain by a longshot) sending Angus a SASE to the address below.  Keep in mind this demo is a CONCEPT peice; it's meant to act only due to the fact insomuch as the title suggests. It's a joke (a satire of not only all garage bands, but of ourselves after the capacity that we ARE in a garage band). Be prepared. Also keep in mind that the lyrics are in and of themselves (as far as original material goes) a satire of average garage band "sentiment".

Direct all orders to:
"Smokin a Foty" Records c/o Angus Vassago
5930 Bunty Lane
Carmel, IN 46033

And don't forget to pick up a copy of The Bleeding Prison EP ($5 + $1 S&H).




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Email: angustheanarchist@juno.com


This page and all other pages contingent to this website are Copyright © 2002 Neuroplay Productions Inc unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved, any unauthorized use or sale of this work is strictly prohibited and punishable by law, so like, don't mess with it, homey. You can, however, use it as toilet paper if you can digitize your ass.All work on this page is the property of the Author and may not be altered or sold without the express written permission of said Author.