The Smith Family Reunion


Possible show at DePaul frat party, it's gonna be a battle, I'm waiting to be contacted by the guy that asked us to play

It's a little late for the update about the last MoJoes show, but ya know, better late than never. A fine show it was, lots of fun. Thanks to everyone who dug our music we really appreciate it. Terry and Dave are away at college doin their thing right now, but they will be back occasionally and we're all gonna rock when we get the chance, and possibly record a few new songs. Peace. - Kev

AUGUST something'th, 2002
I'm sittin here, wonderin why we played a show at 1:00pm when people are still sleepin. Summer's almost over, people are goin to college. Yep..... peace - Kev

JULY 24, 2002
Mojoes is ill, they don't let asthmatics go outside for some fresh air cause people are smoking inside. -Kev

JULY 22, 2002
So yea, like I said we're playin Wednesday at Mojo's I think. We might be recording or somethin again so I'm sure you are all tickled pink with the though of that, um.... I dunno what else is goin on right now so... yep... lata. - kev

JULY 13, 2002
Hey, we just played some underground house party and it was pretty cool, don't miss out on Monday we are playing at Prarie Trails Library check out the shows section for full info. We are gonna be in another battle comming up so check up for more info. - Kev

JULY 6, 2002 (about 5 minutes after the winners of the show were announced)
We are now just givin out our cd's out of pure love for each and every one of you, and boy are they popular now! Everybody wants a piece of the action! - Kev

JULY 6, 2002
Well we just played that battle of the bands, and the winners are as follows : 1st place, the fabulous Bedroom Enjoyment, 2nd place, Boxset or somethin I forgot, and 3rd place, yes, us, THE SMITH FAMILY REUNION!!! Now considering we went on last at around 10:40pm, Terry broke a string, and my amp broke, that's not half bad, that's just how hard we rocked you. We are the winners of 3rd place, and you can't beat that! - Kev

JUNE 10, 2002
Our little cd is finished, some of you may already own it. It is titled My Pants for Your Head, and we are in the process of making more cd's cause the demand is huge. I would say it's about to go gold, but thats just me. If you don't own one, you can e-mail me and we just might be bored enough to go and give it to you, or come to a show and look for a huge crowd of rowdy people, cause we'll be in the middle of that crowd. - kev