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SYNOPSIS: Trapped in a crashed elevator, BENJAMIN APPLE discovers
that his dreams are apparently affecting reality and attempts to
use his newfound ability to escape the elevator.
STARS: Benjamin Apple, Will Norrid
LENGTH: 16 minutes (Plus Out-Takes: 5 minutes)
NOTES: This was my first attempt at film-making. I completed THE UNFOLDING
during the spring of my freshman year at FHU (2004). It is closely based
on a short-story I wrote ealier that year.

SYNOPSIS: On the final day of his overly boring summer vacation, ALAN PITCHFORD
forces his daily routine to be... different.
STARS: Alan Pitchford
LENGTH: 20 minutes
NOTES: I created this film in August of 2005 along with Dylan May (who
handled cinematography). It was my first (and only) attempt at acting.
It was also my first effort in self-composing music. Coming off of a
rather complicated, year-long film project (LATENT - a 40-minute
film not available for download), I intended for STOP THE SAME
to be refreshing proof that film-making 'can' be done quickly
and simply. It worked; STOP THE SAME was created in 10 days.

SYNOPSIS: Two random short-films that I created for course credit:
CAN'T SHAKE WELL showcases the frustration of DENNIS GUINN as he attempts
to open a milk carton after being misled by rather unfair instructions.
REVISION focuses on the importance of perspective in understanding a
simple chain of events.
STARS: Dennis Guinn & Marcus Hayes (CAN'T SHAKE WELL)
Jeremy Crowe & Jonathan Newberry (REVISION)
5 minutes (REVISION)
NOTES: Both of these shorts are intentionally random and conceptual.
CAN'T SHAKE WELL alludes to the hesitation of youth to accept imparted wisdom.
REVISION emphasizes the value of seeking out alternative perspectives.
Both were created as class projects for my Creative Methods course.
I composed the music for each, using a xylophone and percussion
for CAN'T SHAKE WELL, and a guitar for REVISION.

All of these short-films were created by ALAN PITCHFORD.
If you have any comments/questions regarding any of these short-films,
simply send an email to APITCH@HOTMAIL.COM with "SHORT-FILMS" as the subject line.