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Name: Taren Alyse Nichols
Age: 23
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 3rd

Date of birth: January 1st
Particularities: Werewolf, bitten at the age of 12.

Family Information if applicable:
-Parents ~ Robert Adam Nichols [father] wizard and very wealthy, due to family interest in the cauldron making business, former Slytherin (deceased) Annamarie Siobhan (Sullivan) Nichols [mother] Muggle (deceased) Family was living in the Cotswolds, near Bath. Parents were killed in a car accident, driving home from a Christmas Party. drunken driver slammed into their car, killing Robert and Annamarie on impact.

-Siblings ~ Alayna Michele Benton (Older sister) older by two years.

Brief Description: middle back length auburn hair, more coppery than carroty. Deep brown eyes. Height 5’7 weight 129lbs. Full lips, long lashes. Has several piercings, six in her right ear, seven in her left. Belly piercing, etc. Nothing too extravagant. Long limbs, seems almost too skinny. Very ugly scar on her right side where her shouder and neck meets.

Personality: Taren is a tomboy, through and through. Really spunky. She does like some girly things and loves to flirt with men, one can say that she is just one of the guys. Likes to crack off colour jokes, to see a reaction. Taren says basically anything and everything that comes to mind, whether proper or not.

She likes making some people uncomfortable because if what she is, and does not hide it. How could she when she changes forms once a month?

History: Taren's history begins with an unlikely love story. Robert Nichols was a young wizard, sorted into Slytherin house while going to Hogwarts. He was a terror to most of the Muggleborns and halfbloods during his time at the school.

Being fairly wealthy, Robert spent his time after Primary and university traveling to many different nations, and getting to experiance many of the local magical communties and Muggle settlements first hand. It was while traveling to New York City when his life was about to change drastically.

Annamarie Siobhan Sullivan was the eighth child out of a family of thirteen (there where three sets of twins. :o ) and a Muggle. She was waiting tables in a little cafe in the Village, and met Robert, who had stopped in for a few drinks. For Robert, it was love at first sight but once he knew of her background he had to reconsile the idea that lovely redhaired Annamarie was a Muggle to the part of him that was supposed to have despised any and all things Muggle. It was the way he was taught by his classmates, and the blonde haired wizard knew no better in spite of his former Ravenclaw parents trying hard to break him from those beliefs.

But, sometimes love has a way of changing someone, and Robert pretended to be a Muggle to get the Irish American girl to date him.

It wasn't until after they had been married a few months and living in England when Robert revealed his lineage to his pregnant wife.

Annamarie was surprised and at first thought her husband was pulling her leg, until he began revealing things like wizard photos and the like. then she fought with him about keeping secrets.

Both Alayna and Taren were born with magical abilities and both were accepted into Hogwarts, Alayna as a Ravenclaw, and Taren as a Gryffindor.

But it was in Taren's second year when disaster struck in the form of a werewolf attack during the summer holidays. Taren had snuck out to take a walk in the woods behind her family home. She usually did this, but she had no knowledge that something dangerous had recently moved into her neighborhood.

The creature could have killed her, but for Taren's quick thinking and panicked strength. she beat the creature off her, then stumbled home to her parents, bleeding heavily.

It was a month later when the Nichols family learned what exactly had attacked their daughter. Taren's transformation was a tempered by the influence of her family dog, an Alaskan Malamute named weirdly enough, Wolfgang or Wolfy for short.

They feared that Taren would not be re admitted to Hogwarts, but Dumbledore simply would not allow Taren not to have her much deserved education. She also had the benefit of the wolfsbane potion, which had been discovered around that time.

After Primary, when Taren was 18, both her parents were killed in a auto crash after a Christmas party thrown at a friends home. A drunk driver slammed into their car, killing Annamarie on impact, Robert died a few weeks later.

Alayna had been married already and living with her new and somewhat boring husband. Taren took over the running of the Nichols home, though she lives in a little apartment in Soho.

Likes: going out on the town, meeting new people, teasing, men, teasing men, flirting, sex, telling naughty jokes, sex, dogs, dancing, gorgeous men and women.

Dislikes: Christmas and all it's trappings, boring straightlaced people, cats, ribbons and bows, snobbery, people who refuse to bathe properly.

© Copyright 2005, Taren Nichols (Eileen)