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Shadow of the Bat
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Posted by Christopher
Greetings! Pre-production has officially started on our film. There won't be a lot of content here until production begins, but we hope to keep you updated frequently on the progress of the movie. When I can't check in, Ryan (the webmaster) will. So between the two of us we should provide plenty of reasons for you to keep checking back.

The first entry in the production journal is up. I've also answered a lot of the questions I've been getting on the FAQ page. Both of these can be found in the 'misc' section. There are also some short crew bios (more will be added as we go) if you're curious.

Lastly, feel free to contact myself or Ryan with any questions/comments/etc. I love talking with other filmmakers and especially with other Batman fans. And with a project this huge, support is going to be essential!

Till next time, take care.

Batman: Shadow of the Bat is a fan film and is not affiliated with Warner Bros. or DC Comics
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