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Welcome to the official website of ;, the most cutting-edge, whimsical band on the market.

News for 2.24.02
Oh! Oh! OH!
So, ; rocked serendipity last night, the first time in quite a while. But, it looks like ;'s gonna begin to take over the white house again. 333333333(chor)

a guest entry on 10.6.01
hello! should i redesign?



love from the webmistress

News for 9.5.01
Bobby and I did a free concert today on his front lawn.
Love, Dylan

News for 8.29.01
Well, it's sure been a while.
; just finished recording the songs for our tape. It came out really well(I mean, as "well" as ; can wind up sounding), and it should available for the taking soon. The songs on it are(though not in this order): The Moo Moo Farm, I Love Robin Carine, Hit Me Baby, Mr. Plummer, I Eat Babies, Kibbles & Munchy Morsels, Runnin' From The Mob, Preggers. You may have noticed some new lil' titles there... well, yeah. They're new.... Yeah. Kibbles is actually a cover of a song our great friend and token guitar-totting hippie-chick rural-livin' acquaintance Britt wrote. Preggers is the greatest song ever written in the history of music.
So once we have info on how you can find a copy of the tape, we'll let you know. BUT DADDY, I DON'T WANT TO PLAY SAXAPHONE.
Love, Dylan

News for 7.21.01
We played at Serendipity last night. The shows was at the Ampihtheatre, which meant the usually small 'Dipity crowd looked alot smaller due to the enormous space. It was alot of fun, even though there seemed to be a majority of the audience who hated us(someone estimated that it was about 90% hate). Plus the microphones kept electrocuting me and Bobby. Not the best performance atmosphere.

Since Tuz is in Boston, we got Ben "Iron Chef Japan" Slovis to fill in on drums. He did a really good job, especially considering he's never played with us before, and he brought lots of fun costumes for us, which made it fun. I also locked myself out of my house earlier in the day, so I had to borrow a guitar from Darryl from Circumcise Me Twice, which was nice.

Set List: Moo Moo Farm, I Eat Babies, Mr. Plummer(I swear, we're going to play this song all the way through eventually if it kills us), Robin Carine

I think that's it for now.

Love, Dylan

News for 7.19.01
Well, I just found out yesterday that we were booked for tomorrow's Serendipity, which caused a little confusion, but we shall persevere as always. I think we were knocked out an official slot by The Sophisticuffs, which is understandable since they're great and we're, well, ; , but we will still play an open mic set since we're on the event flier. Tuz is still in Boston, but Lucas "Robin's Brother" Carine volunteered to drum, and last I heard we were courting the use of Ben from Redwood School District(a.k.a., Bobby's other band) to hit things. So, there will be a happenin'.
The other bands playing are Anatomy, Admiral Byrd, and The Sophisticuffs, and there's a ton of open mic, and cover is under $5, and there's us, so come by! It's at the MHS Ampitheatre, and starts at 7:30(click here for a map!).
That's all for now!
Love, Dylan

News for 7.12.01
Yeah, once again, not much has been going on. However, Dylan and I have decided to preform the entire Final Fantasy 3 soundtrack. Or, at least, lots of it. For most of the songs, though, we'll need something more than the three of us. We'll probably need a small string section and a few brass. But, any other orchestral instruments would do swell. If you'd like to play with us, and live in the essex county-ish area, e-mail me, and i'll see what i can do.
Love for all,

News for 7.02.01
Not much since the last update, but I thought I'd give some teeny tid-bits for the fans out there. We currently have two new songs, "Runnin' From the Mob" and "Lemonade Stand", being worked on. Both are relatively inventive by ; standards, adding some new wave/synth-pop and disco elements into our genre of "crap music"(a term which I've recently heard used to describe the band). The new songs are probably some of our strongest material to date, except for their lack of crucial lyrics. But of course, the lyrics to "Robin Carine" used to just be the chorus, so chances are everything will turn out good.

We might have another gig in September! A friend from East Hanover(whose band I, sadly, cannot remember the name of) clued me in on a potential ; show happening around the 16th of September. While everyone in the band seems to be gung-ho, not everything is definite. Plus, it will be for a gal's sweet 16 party, so we don't know if it will be a private affair or not. However, I'm sure we can find away to get some of our more die-hard(*laugh*) fans in. Stay tuned for details.

This Saturday, Tuz is going away to camp until mid-August, so expect very little to be happening in the way of ;-related activities. This will also delay the recording of our already-delayed-for-a-year debut release, but if you've really been waiting this long, another few months won't kill you. As for the Ween tribute album, I'm not really sure what's up with that... we might still get a song done, but I wouldn't bet your children on it.

That's all for now.

Love, Dylan

; drops BOWS on 'em!
; Is:

; Plays:
Your Mom

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