we sellout, so you don't have to





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September 2nd 2005

E-mail interview with metal band, Gauge.

"with labels talking and hype starting to weigh in their favor Gauge is ready to pounce on the larger metalcore scene. With darker and deeper sounds they have something to offer the oftentimes monotonous sound of the genre. With songs as original as they are thunderous, clever drums, and with thick blood-thirsty vocals, Gauge is ready to set the bar a little higher. perhaps just moments before they take over the world of heavy music... i got a chance to get an e-mail interview with them..."
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CD review of Avenged Sevenfold's "City of Evil"

"Just a short word on A7X's latest. This band has been on the covers of a lot of magazines lately, and they have been getting a lot of press for their new CD and probably more for what they have had to say about their recently divorced scene: metalcore..."
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CD and show review of As Cities Burn

"As Cities Burn could be called emo-core or heartcore, or something like that... labels aside, this group plays their hearts out, rocking as hard as they can, and they throw some melodies and soft parts in there to mix it up..."
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CD review of Bloodlined Calligraphy's "They Want You Silent"

" I first heard of BLC when i saw them at a small show at Solid Rock church in Plymouth. Then, they were totally sweet, and they're debut CD, "The Beginning of The End" was amazing. However, something is lacking on, "They Want You Silent".
it has all the makings of a sucessful metalcore band: breakdowns, uncompromising lyrics, blazing riffs and that tough-guy... err girl metal attitude that has become a staple..."
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Cornerstone 2005 Survival Guide

"once we began setting up, a massvie gust of wind gathered a few hundred yards from our site... we all stopped what we were doing, and watched as a small funnel cloud of wind formed around some large dumpsters picking up bits of trash and debris, and moved towards a cluster of tents... and to our dumbfoundedness uprooted an unoccupied tent and caried it 20ft above the ground, across a long feild at increditable speed and smashed it into the woods at the edge of the feild..."
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March 22nd 2005

Reveiw of Norma Jean, Unearth, Atreyu and Scars of Tomorrow when they played at Clutch Cargo's March 10th.

"Very shortly after the release of their new CD "O God, The Aftermath" Norma Jean came to Pontiac opening for headliners Unearth and Atryu. Clutch Cargo's being an old run-down church building made the perfect setting for Norma's chaotic ground shaking christian metal-core..."
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Unfortunately for local music fans, Daysrping is calling it quits.

CD review of Norma Jean's newly released record, "O God, The Aftermath".

"Ever since September 12th when i saw the Jean at the intersection in Grand Rapids, i've eagarly been awiting the new material from Norma Jean. With the departure of Josh on vocals, many have been skeptical of the prospects that "O God, The Aftermath" would be as groundbreaking and amazing as "Bless the Martyrand Kiss the Child"..."
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CD review of The Casualties latest hardcore punk rawk offering.

"On the Front Line is one big 14 track orgy of energy and rousing street-smart punk rock rocket fuel. On The Front Line is chock full of anthems sure to get those circle pits going something viscious..."
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Sellout Magazine's newest sponsored band, Remember Arlington have released a 4 song demo, "All Will Return To Ahes", here's the review:

"Remember Arlington was just recently dubed an officall Sellout Magazine Sponsored Band... The ferocity and shere rage and beauty of This 4-song CD definitely played a role.
All Will Return To Ashes is a nice blend of rXa's sound as a hardcore band not afraid to go completely nuts on stage and at the same time write techincal parts and riffs..."
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CD review of STAPLE's "Charge The Gates Ye Proud And Strong, Are We Not Invincible?"

"...Staple seamlessly combines the kick of hardcore, the thash and speed of metal, the soul of rock and roll and what comes out is something i havn't anything like. This CD is deep and heavy-hitting like Project 86. But its smooth and seamless and has real rythm like Lucerin Blue..."
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CD review of Anti-Flag's "The Terror State"

"Anti-Flag's recent offering is definitely the most politically concentrated efforts put forth by the band. This is the album they put out intended to get Bush out of office. The Terror State was released in October of 2003 so it had plenty of time to circulate and try to convince listeners Bush is bad news. Also, they played 2004's Warped Tour and were wildly accepted and celebrated (based on the date i saw them in Detroit)..."
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Febuary's Show Reviews: Luke Bones

Luke Bones reviews a handful of punk shows that went down in Michigan in Febuary.

Movie Review of "Super Size Me" a quasi-documentary about fast food.

"in this neo-documentary, Morgan Spurlock leads the veiwer through a look at the fast food industry. Morgan also to prove a point undergoes a 30-day McDiet, where he eats 3 meals a day from McDonnalds to show the negitive health effects such a lifestyle can have on a person..."
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"I Wish I Could Tell You The Truth Like I Used To"
a poem submitted annoymously, we liked it so here it 'tis

An e-mail interview with Indiana's finest metal-core-thrash-n-bash-emocore-screamo-take-no-prisoners band.

"What have you learned or changed since July when you played the sellout show?
Danny - We've progressed a lot with the band musically.
Geoff - We rely on the Wendy's Dollar Menu more now. But umm... I feel we've changed our musical style, even though I wasn't in the band at the time. I was with these guys a lot. But now, I see that Remember Arlington has changed styles, and most musical taste..."
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January 7th 2005

Remember ArlingtonRemember Arlington

" Last night at club triune Indiana's finest hardcore band, Remember Arlington bestowed their presence upon us. If you were one of the few to catch them at Sellout's first show last July 30th you're familiar with their unrelenting style of hardcore..."
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Bloodlined CalligraphyBloodlined Calligraphy - "Beginning of the End"
check out the review of Bloodlined Calligraphy's recent demo.

"Ypsilanti's own Bloodlined Calligraphy has released a 5 song disc on their new label, Face Down Records. Aside from the demo-quality recording sound, "The Beginning of the End" is an intense fist of fury for all 5 songs. ..."
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UnderOathUnderOath - They're Only Chasing Safety
UnderOath has gained massive popularity in the hardcore and alt. music scene. With "They're Only Chasing Safety" they've managed to create a massive loyal following. Check out this review of one of the years best works of art.

"UnderOath's second CD with a new vocalist has redefined their sound while remaining unmistakibly UnderOath. Weighing in at 11 songs, They're Only Chasing Safety is a worthy offering put forth for all to enjoy. ..."
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The Chariot The Chariot - Everything is Alive, Everything is Breathing, Nothing is Dead, Nothing is Bleeding
With former Norma Jean vocalist Josh Scogin, The Chariot have created a poetic massacre. The thing about The Chariot, you'll either love or hate them.

"The Chariot gives the word "hardcore" a whole new meaning. They live up to every imaginable grungy thought "hardcore" provokes and still refines the genre into something solely their own. For this CD The Chariot decided to omit any computers or anything digital in recording. So every sound you hear is straight out of the guitars strings, drum sticks, vocal chords and the accompanying feedback..."
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The Yeah Yeah Yeahs The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are a really fun indie band. Fever To Tell is a worthy experiment in noise, feedback and dillusional sounding songs.

"The Yeah Yeah Yeah's "Maps" has been getting a good deal of airplay on radio stations like 89x. "Fever To Tell" is an indie rock masterpiece. While the single, "Maps" is very mellow and melodic, the rest of the CD can be quite abrasive at times. The 3 piece consists of: Brian Chase on the drums, Karren O singing and Nick Zinner playing the guitar and doing the drum machine. ..."
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Hope For August Hope For August, Astetik, Dayspring
Club Triune hosted these fine Michigan bands a while ago. I must thank the kind folks at Triune for my "Photographer's Pass". Check out the show review and picutres from these bands.



Rest In Peace Dimebag "Dimebag: a tribute to the late Darrell Abbott"
It was a sad day in music when a lone gunman stormed the stage at an Ohio nightclub.

"Darrell Abbott was only 38 years old when a crazed fan shot and killed him. As one of the most influencial guitar players of the 90's. Dime took a part of heavy metal history down with him. He has been described as "warm, loving, nice, caring and a great drinking buddy" by those who have met and toured with him..."
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Adam Flanagan Adam Flanagan
Check out some amazing artwork by Adam Flanagan.



A visual poem by Matt Judge


"Religion" - Chelsea Lonsdale
A very personal essay by occasional Sellout Magazine contributer, Chelsea Lonsdale. Read the essay she's written about God, religion, life.

"when i was little, i prayed the same prayers every night
the ones i learned in catechism (i remember learning how to spell that word)
and i never said amen
because i didnt want god to go away while i was sleeping
amens came in the morning
after i was sure that i had woken up
when the prayers seemed routine, i changed them up a bit..."
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"Virginity" - Laura Holmgren
A poem... you'll like it.

Open Mic at The Bean Open Mic Night @ The Bean
Check out this article about a coffee house open mic

"On Monday nights in Plymouth, a handful of poets, musicians, singers and other revolutionary people young and old have been congregating at a little independant coffee shop called The Bean. This open mic night is host to anyone with a desire to express themselves. All one needs is to show up and put their name on the list. Religiously, there are a few people who show up and read or sing their art every week. ..."
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Hi everyone, this is Matt the editor, writer, phtographer, HTML coder, publisher, promoter, PR person and the team mascot.

If you've been reading Sellout for any amount of time, you might have noticed a massive gap between a lot of the updates... especially this update and the one before (3 and a half months!).

Part of the reason for this is that running Sellout is an extreemely time consuming job.
From going to shows and paying to get in, to contacting bands to interview and transcribing the interview from cassette tape, to preparing photos and graphics in Photoshop and coding the pages, to simply writing the articles... Sellout Magazine takes a really long time to pull off.

So, i want to thank the guys from Remember Arlington and Dayspring for encouraging me to keep working on Sellout Magazine.

So, what i want to say is, i need other people who are interested in writting articles, coding HTML, taking pictures, and doing all the things i have to do in order to make Sellout happen.
With more people involved, Sellout can get bigger and hopefully make the transition to an actual printed zine.

Anyone who is interested in joining Sellout, please e-mail me:

October 16th 2004

The Used The Used was in town for a free show. check out our review to hear about venue change dramma, waiting in line for 5 hours, seeing and meeting one of the most influential bands around today.

"So we waited outside the building of St. Andrews's with all the other Used fans eagerly waiting for the best band in the world to play. It was really fun meeting all kinds of cool Used fans and just hanging out and goofing off... and just terrorizing pedestrians."

[read more...]

The Used's 'In Love And Death' The Used - "In Love And Death" CD review.

"This CD has been one of the most anticipated releases of 2004. From Utah's The Used... fans worldwide have been waiting egarly for this sophmore release. With their self-titled CD and the "Maybe Memories" CD/DVD releases The Used have carved out a name for themselves as a band defined by overcoming odds and making dreams come true. "In Love And Death" is no different."

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Norma Jean When Atlanta's Norma Jean came to town... we were ready to catch them... even if it involved a 4 hour drive to Grand Rapids.

"and finally the reality set in that we were going to see the best hardcore band in the world...... NORMA efin JEAN! "

[read more...]

left interview with a local photographer, Eliza, about her new buisness.

"Christian Bookstore" by Chelsea Lonsdale
a short little cute story.

September 7th 2004

Sellout's 1st Show

Sellout's first show in Livonia went great. This is kinda late news... but it was A Public Hanging, Rememeber Arlington, and Dayspring.
First, i wanna thank all the bands for playing and for being cool. And thank you to Trinity Church for letting me use the building.
Thanks to the kids for coming out that made it a great time even though there weren't a ton of people. we still had fun. Check out some of the pictures i took at the show.


Interview with Remember Arlington
i get the chance to sit down with Remember Arlington,
the best hardcore band from Indiana i've seen. Check it out!

The Cure
Luke gives us the scoop from The Curioso Festival at The DTE Energy Music Theatre.

    3 New poems:

  • "My Box Full Of Sharp Objects" by Nicole
  • "To Fill The Void" by Kyah Feldes
  • "Once Upon A Dark Night" by matt judge

  • AFI - Sing The Sorrow
    Read a review of AFI's "Sing The Sorrow"

    Ripped Heart Outdoor Show

    - The third review of this wonderful festival.

    ZAO's New disc, "The Funeral Of God" gets high marks and sparks controversey!

    Ripped Heart Outdoor Show

    - The second review of this wonderful festival.

    Punk Goes Metal
    Dallas gives us the scoop on this compilation of punk bands covering metal songs.


    A look at this cult classic film.

    25th Hour
    This isn't exactly a new movie... but its worth checking out the review for it.

    Warped Tour 2004
    The 10th Van's Warped Tour - Check out some awesome photos and a little review on one of the year's funnest events.

    Death Row
    A new essay from Luke explores the death penalty and whats really at stake in capitol punishment.

    The news came like a punch in the stomach, for my wife. She had just found out that an exboyfriend, whom she had lost touch with, has been in prison for the past two years. To make matters worse, not only is he in prison, but on death row. Convicted of a double murder that few who knew him could believe he orchestrated. Meanwhile, the accomplice that has been linked to another separate similar murder, they’re not seeking capital punishment for him...

    July 28th 2004


    - anyone who wants to help out sellout, we have a flyer you can download, print up, and make copies of to hand out.

    (PC users) Right-click on the thumbnail, and click "save image as..."
    When printing the flyer, you might need to make sure that it fits on the page.
    (some people have said that it tries to print very large).

    Pass this flyer out at:

    • Concerts
    • Church
    • School
    • Skate Shops
    • Clubs
    • Coffee shops
    • Record Stores
    • Snowboard Shops
    • And anywhere else...
    Its a bonus if you can get people to let you post the flyers!

    If you do pass these out, please send us an e-mail so we can thank you,


    - We finally have some merch available for anyone interested.

    STICKERS - These brand new stickers are really cool, they're about 1.5 x 1.5 in.
    Sellout Sticker

    BUTTONS - These 2 button designs are in very limited supply, they're the standard 1 in.
    Sellout Button

    Send S.A.S.E. and $0.50 for each sticker or button to:

    Sellout Magazine
    c/o Matt Judge
    4099 North Territorial E
    Ann Arbor, MI, 48105

    Cornerstone 04 Cornerstone Festival 2004 - a review by Luke.

    " Bushnell Illinois- The chance of a life time for myself and a time to remember. Lots of bands, lots of people, and lots of heat. To start, let me say that I had no intention of ever attending Cornerstone. Personally I felt it to be way overpriced and overrated..."

    Check out 2 poems from one-time, Ohio contributer, Nicole:
    "Bleeding Eyes"

    Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge - a review on the new MCR album.

    "thankfully i don't regret that choice and own a great CD because of it. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is a really highly entergetic post-punk masterpiece for this band's sophmore release. "

    Moral Relativism - Arnie comes back to us blazing a path with this deeply thoughtful article on moral relativism.

    "Moral or ethical relativism's alluring qualities lie within the commonly held belief in Western culture that to purport to be a possessor of such convictions is to appear as a tolerant and non-judgemental individual. Many definitive statements are now qualified with, "But, that's just my opinion." Tolerance is an understandably attractive, frequently necessary and arguably fashionable quality to have (or to claim to have) as part of one's character. However, it is neither satisfactory nor correct to discredit all common ideas of good or bad behaviour, or absolute truth with this method. Here, I will attempt to explain why. "

    The newest member of the Sellout writer team,
    Steven Mozug, has given us two movie reviews on "Dodgeball" and "21 Grams"

    Dodgeball 21 Grams

    The Ripped Heart Outdoor Show 2004 - i take a look at this year's "Punk Rawk Woodstawk",

    Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster - Dan O'Malley gives us a peak of the new rockumentary.

    Avenged Sevenfold - Waking the Fallen
    Waking The Fallen Dan O'Malley brings our attention to, "simply the definition of hardcore."



    June 15th 2004

    Bloodlined Calligraphy
    Check out a concert review of Bloodlined Calligraphy. Ypsilanti's hardest hitting hardcore outfit. Also, reviews for the bands opening incluing: Green Means Go, Three Times Life, Dayspring, Rememberence and A Public hanging. Don't forget to check out the photo's we took at this show last satuday.
    (OVER 30 PICS!)


    Theroy of Life - by Dan O'malley, a look at death, and the meaning of life. A touching article that you should read.

    Pick Your Battles - by Luke

    2 new poems - In the art section. (1 from a reader, 1 from the editor)


    (check back often for updates)
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sellout magazine
copyright 2005


Any questions, comments, requests, concerns, love mail, hate mail, can be e-mailed to: editor@selloutmagazine.cjb.net