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Members' List

~squees~ i was the first! If your name is not on here...but you wish it to the Join button!

Schi Violet | sc401 | Gryffindor |

please, Cwish! <3s i would love to hear you sing. i'm sure you are wunderbar and it is only proper, being a MOBster that i hear how my Lord sounds. ne? ~tilts head~ 

Professor Morgaine de Avalon |Slytherin HOH

"I lovoo, Christopher!!! I told you I HAD to join!"

Caitiln Caretis

nickname for Chris: Wundershon
CHRIS HAS TO SING! A Chris always has a good voice, its like, if you want your kid to be a famous singer, name him Chris!


President: Schi Violet

Vice President: Emily Johnson Treasurer: Nagini Black