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2006 Summer Workshop - What Participants Had to Say


The brochure promised" Bigger, Better, More" and it certainly was exceptional! The

conference was packed with information, and so well organized. There was a nice

balance of authors, editors and agents, and they were clear and open in their

presentations. I heard some really important tips I had never heard before. Each of

the breakout session I attended could have been a day-long workshop, they were so

informative. I would certainly recommend the conference. On the strength of the

quality of it, I would like to attend other events sponsored by your chapter. I was so

energized, I spent all week after the conference rereading all my previous writing

and the copious notes I took. - Merri Nelson


Congratulations again on a fabulous conference. - Paula Zeller


I attended Janice Repka's breakout session, and she was full of helpful

suggestions. I used to feel guilty if I didn't spend more than 2 or 3 hours a day doing

actual writing, but Ms. Repka made me realize that a writer's day consists

of any number of activities: reading relevant books; reading books on

writing; critiquing friends' works; sending out materials; entering

contests; organizing writing files (see above!); looking into agents, etc.

Now, thanks to Ms. Repka, I'm less guilt-ridden... and more productive!

- Naomi Milliner


I attended the conference and what I took away, and use daily

with my writing, is the words of Bruce Colville. He said that every

good story makes you laugh, shed a tear and have a really big surprise

for the reader. He also talked of how to craft a descriptive paragraph

in which at least three senses are utilized. He was phenomenal and inspirational!

- Mary Ellen O'Neill


Thanks for planning such a great event. I learned a lot, was very inspired, and met some great people.

- Deena Lipomi


Speaker after speaker had such helpful things to say! It’s pretty awesome to look at

how the region has grown, all the vitality and excitement and so many people

attending now! I was amazed to suddenly find myself sitting and speaking with an

agent who had great interest in the work I’d submitted.

- Nancy Wahler