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The 2005/2006 Winter Picture Book Workshop

Here's what folks had to say:


The conference was wonderful! My table was truly inspired, dreaming of our own story in print and fully illustrated.

- Dayle Dabney, Towson, MD


I attended the PB workshop, even though I've long ago given up the notion that I'm the next Dr. Seus and my most recent attempt at a picture book could be considered psychotic. However, it gave me an opportunity to network with other writers, and during a chat with Pam (Smallcomb), she helped me figure out what's wrong with my psychotic pb.

- Laura Bowers, New Windsor, MD


I just wanted to take a few moments to thank you, and all involved, in the wonderful workshop presented last Saturday in Westminster. I met many interesting folks and heard many wonderful ideas. I’m looking forward to the next workshop.

Annie Rehfeld


Thank you for the conference on picture books. All of the speakers were excellent, with good advice and books to illustrate their points. Larry Rosler was generous with his critique of manuscripts, giving helpful and realistic advice. I'm now busy working out adjustments to my manuscript re his suggestion. I enjoyed the interaction with all of the other writers and those of you who worked so hard to put the conference together. You never know what useful information will find its way to you and in what form, so for me it was a totally worthwhile day well spent.

– Judy Sasmore


There were several moments during the day where little light bulbs went off...and I found myself scribbling notes. I came away with a great respect for illustrators (man, they work hard!), and I even teared up (okay, you read Nancy Patz¹ book ³Who Was the Woman That Wore the Hat² and stay dry-eyed, I double dare you!).

– Pam Smallcomb, Gaithersburg, MD


What a glorious day it was! We had three author/illustrators and each one presented something totally different. Marcy Dunn Ramsey spoke to the illustrators, Nancy Patz spoke to the writers, and Sally J.K. Davies shared the process illustrator/authors go through. Larry Rosler was an incredibly considerate editor. Many said his manuscript critiques were the best critiques they'd ever had. His talk was inspirational and informative.

- Lois Szymanski, Westminster, MD


Here are a few pictures of how the day evolved.

Pam Smallcomb and Laura Bowers manned a busy booksale table.

Marcy Dunn Ramsey spoke about illustration.

Nancy Patz talked about the importance of the written word. For her, the words come first.

When Nancy Patz read the room was silent.

Larry Rosler, Editorial Director of Boyds Mills Press gave us a picture from the editorial side of the desk.

Sally J.K Davies enthralled the crowd as she showed how she makes a character come to life by drawing layers of detail on sheets of tissue paper.

Sally J.K. Davies had lots of hands on art and demonstration materials to share.