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the holy slow train

The Origin of God

by: Fixable


... you see, according to the Christian tradition, such events as are, and were, deemed worthy of record – hence “recorded history” date back merely to an arbitrarily designated “beginning” commonly referred to as “the Creation” [of the heaven and the earth], [by: God], according to the following documentation from The Holy Bible; King James Version; Old Testament Book I: Genesis [1:1-1:5]:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.


that wasn’t the beginning beginning ... it wasn’t the beginning of everything, or, really, anything ...

[let’s start a little bit further back ...]

In the beginning,
there was


[Don’t ask “what was before even Chaos?” because it’s not an askable question ... you see, Chaos didn’t “come from” anywhere; there is no such thing as “before Chaos” or “after Chaos” or “aside from Chaos” ... Chaos, simply, IS ...] Eternal, infinite, greater by far than time or life or God or history or anything or everything; all that is or ever has been or ever will be or ever could be all together is not so much as an infinitesimal fragment of the totality which is Chaos. Chaos embodies not only everything which is, or has been, or will be, but also all that might be or could be or may be ... Chaos is the realm of infinite possibility; Chaos is the infinite possibility itself; Chaos is, itself, each and every infinite one of the possibilities, each discrete & distinct from every infinite one of the infinite others; Chaos perpetually & continuously makes manifest all the possible ways in which order might be invoked anew by yet another/yet a further arrangement of any the infinite, various, possible elements; eternally, she spawns the very fabric of reality, the very faces of truth ... the faces, the forces, the facets, the flavors, the fevers, the facts, the faith, the fate ... and, eventually, even the Father ...
inevitably, this orgy of birth, this continuous manifestation of new possibilities, WILL, [and DOES] give rise to its own self-consciousness ... and what becomes then conscious of it’s SELF, [thus self-creating] is, of course, the thing which ACTS ... The rest is simple. When a thing defined as that which manifests reality in all it’s infinite possibility, AND as that which possesses the intrinsic impulse to do so, becomes conscious of ITS-SELF, the impulse to create becomes, instead, the DESIRE to create, and “that which manifests reality, etc. ...” becomes, instead, “that which possesses the POWER to manifest reality in any way it chooses, according to its desire”.
And Chaos [the Goddess, the Great Mother, the Alpha & the Omega, etc. etc. ...] thus gave birth to Logos [God, the Father, the Creator ... also “that which is self-referential”, i.e. “The Word”] [In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God ...]

“I am that I am.”
- God [OT]

-- to be continued

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