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Sarah Silverman sucks!

What up son?!?

Hello and welcome to Sarah Silverman's homepage. Sorry this page has to suck to hard, but I can't really afford to get anyhing else other than this. Anyway, please enjoy your stay here and um... if you're nice, we'll leave a mint on your pillow! Click on any of the links to learn more about my music, about shows, dates, finding lyrics, merchandise, etc. Thanks for visiting and for supporting me!

To contact me, try this:

,e-mail address:
:AIM: punkymonk69



Something's up with Angelfire and the whole system is down and totally messed up. Needless to say, in a moment of severe frusturation, I karate chopped the computer several times. Let's hope that can kick Angelfire's rear in gear.


Well, today I started recording my demo at Dave's recording studio. I was so stoked and nervous... you wouldn't believe! I played Dave a few of my songs and he really liked them, but his favorite out of the bunch was Prince Charming. He changed some stuff in it (added extra choruses, a guitar solo), but it sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear the finished version of it. Right now, all I have is a copy of the finished guitar and vocals, so I'll be working on it to perfect it and add harmony. I am muoy excited, yo! It's going to be great. I'm going off to school here pretty soon, so other than recording, there won't be shows or anything going on. Ithaca has a great music scene, so I'll be playing plenty of shows down there. Gotta advertise the merchandise if you know what I mean... Stay posted and for my info about recording, visit my live journal.

Music, Info, and Other Crap

My Lyrics
Contact & Booking
Live Journal
Blood Red Roses
