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My name is jeff, howsit? some people think i'm crazy, but.... maybe i'm just so sane, that i blow their minds?!Here are some innocents having a few!!!!!, I will incriminate them by saying im in the shot but thats it. NEW NOTE: a few of my "friends" have given notice of there displeasure of NOT having a pic of THEM!!! Well that was 5 months a go, and guess what??,...not one forwarded pic, jpg, gif, or scanned file??!! .....figures.....


when there's not enough wind for windsurfing, i seek fulfillment aboard my boat a 22 foot Hunter Formula One .

my first love, but a jealous mistress. seeking the perfect conditions has taken me away from my wife, but she doesn't mind being a 'wind widow'.

My Dad passed away Oct.18th 2005 from stomach cancer. Well before his time, his loss has saddened the many people he knew. And that was alot of people. Everything a good father should be, no saint but a damn good man. As one person said "one of the good guys" This spot in in the stages of construction for a dedication to him on the web.

the book beyond great, a masterpiece, the movie? suprisingly good... a small quiz and my favourite LOTR Human

Some pics and thoughts , under construction

Strange longings and quaint fancies, and a husky named Angel .....yea right!!!

click icon to e-mail jeff

wifey's wind widow web works 2002.