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Courses by Dr. S.K. Saha


Course #

Course Title



Facilities Used

MED811, 812 (Thermal)




(Industrial) MED881,882 (Production)

Major Projects:

      Part I: MED811,831,861,862

     Part II: MED812,832,862,882


[For all specializations, download: Deadline/Submission guidelines (9.7Kb);

Report Writing/Presentation guidelines (10.6Kb)]




M. Tech 2nd year

ME Department labs./software


Mechatronics Product Design


M. Tech 1st year

DFA Lab., DFMA software


Design for Manufacture and Assembly


M. Tech. 1st year

Mechatronics Lab., ADAMS and RIDIM software


Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines



Mechanisms Lab., ADAMS

Before Course Curriculum Reviews in B. Tech and M. Tech


Major Projects


M. Tech 2nd yr.

ME department labs./software


Automotive Design


-- do --

Mechanism/Th. Sc. Labs.


Dynamics of Multibody Systems


M. Tech/M.S/Ph. D



Design Practical


-- do --



Mechanical Engineering Design


B. Tech 3rd yr.

TK Solver

*3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 2 practical hours per week; 

$Download the in-house developed software: (3MB), install.txt (1.87KB); (8.5Mb)


ME301N: Mechanical Engineering Design, 3-1-2 (5 credits)

This course is offered to the 3rd year Mechanical Engineering students of IIT Delhi during the 1st semester of the session (July-Dec.). It is a compulsory course for the students of Mechanical Engineering Department and taught when they are in their 5th semester.

Taught earlier: 1996-1998, 2000-2001

2002-03 (1st Semester, July-Dec.)

Schedule, Instructors, Text Book, Course Contents: Click Here

Tutorials: 1. Simple Loading (tut1_01.doc); 2. Complex Loading (tut2_02.doc); 3. Power Screws (tut3_02.doc); 4. Journal bearing (tut4_01.doc); 5. Bolts (tut5_01.doc); 6. ; 7.; 8. Gears (tut8_01.doc); 9. Helical Spring (tut9_01.doc); 10. Belts, Chains, and Rolling Element Bearing [Home work only] (tut10_01.doc)

Practicals: 1. ; 2. Disassembly and Power Screw design (pra2-02.doc)

Handouts: Typical uses of plain carbon steel (tupcs.PDF)

ME304P: Design Practical, 0-0-4 (2 credits)

This course is offered to the 3rd year Mechanical Engineering students of IIT Delhi during the 2nd semester of the session (Jan.-May). It is a compulsory practical course for the students of Mechanical Engineering Department and taught when they are in their 6th semester.

Taught earlier: 1997-1998, 2000

2001-02 (1st Semester, July-Dec.)

Schedule: Practical: Tu,Th 1-5 WS209, F 1-5pm III363

Instructors: Prof. K.K. Pujara, Course Coordinator, Dr. S.K. Saha, Room II419, x1135;, Mr. Vasudeo Bhangale, Mr. Tariq Ansari, Mr. Metri, Mr. Srikant, Mishra: Teaching Assistants

Course Contents:

Project: Design a stair climbing machine

ME738N: Dynamics of Multibody Systems, 3-0-2 (4 credits)

This course is offered as the M. Tech/M.S./Pre Ph. D elective (normally in the Jan.-May semester) to the students interested in the dynamic modelling, control and simulation of mechanical systems, e.g., Robotic manipulators, Vehicles, Machine tools, etc. Since its floating in 2000, M. Tech students of Mechanical Engineering (ME) [Design of Mechanical Equipment and Production Engineering specialization] and Applied Mechanics departments, and the ME Ph. D students have taken this course.

Taught earlier: 2001

2001-02 (2nd Semester, Jan.-May)

Schedule: E-slot; Lecture: M,W,F 11-11:55 III360; Practical: F 3-5pm Mechatronics/CAGI Lab

Instructors: Dr. S.K. Saha, Course Coordinator: Room II419, x1135;; Mr. Prasad Bhangale, Teaching Assitant: Room No. II-420, x6320

Text Book: Shabana, A.A., 1989, Dynamics of Multibody Systems, John Wiley & Sons, NY.

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction: Definition of multibody systems, Reference frames
  2. Kinematics: Kinematic chain, Generalized coordinates, Kinematic constraints, Degree of freedom, Pose of a rigid body, Rotation matrix, Homogeneous transformation.
  3. Dynamics: Virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, Lagrange's formulation, Lagrange multipliers, Euler-Lagrange equations, Newton-Euler recursive equations, Decoupled natural orthogonal complement approach.
  4. Simulation: Numerical mthods in the solution of algebraic equations and differential equations, Stability.

Practicals: 1. Review of Linear Algebra; 2. Introduction to ADAMS and MATLAB software; 3. Pendulam modeling in ADAMS and MATLAB and compare their results; 4. Modeling of a moving block in a massless rod using ADAMS and MATLAB; 5. DH parameters identification of a Cartesian Robot (available in the ADAMS based Virtual Robotics Laboratory) + Derivation of its dynamic equations + Inverse dynamics [2 weeks]

ME758: Automotive Design, 3-0-2 (4 credits)

This course is offered to the M. Tech in Design of Mechanical Equipment students as Design Electives. It is offered in the 2nd semester (Jan.-May. The course is open to any other M. Tech/M.S./Pre Ph. D students.

2001-02 (2nd Semester, Jan.-May)

Schedule: B-slot; Lecture: M,F 9-9:55, W 8-9 III360; Practical: Tu 9-11 III356/Thermal Science/Mechanisms/Mechatronics Lab

Instructors: Dr. S.P. Singh, Course Coordinator: x1136;, Dr. S.K. Saha: Room II-419, x1135;

Course Contents (For S.K. Saha):

Lectures: Suspension systems; Steering Systems; Tyres and wheels; Brakes

Practicals: Dismantling and study of an Maruty Gypsy Engines + Recognition of a FIAT cut-section model in the Thermal Sc. Lab; Study of gear box, suspensions, steering gear in the Mechanism Lab; Presentations on contemporary topics; Design of Maruti 800 suspension systems [5 hours]

ME800: Major Projects (12 credits)

This is a six month duration 12 credit Major Project taken by the M. Tech students in the Design of Mechanical Equipment specialization of Mechanical Engineering Department.


Software Used





·      RIDIM: Recursive Inverse Dynamics of Industrial Manipulators (RIDIM) is a software developed at IIT Delhi for the inverse dynamics of serial robots. This is available free of cost for education and training purposes. (3MB), install.txt (1.87KB)

Enjoy the Courses!

Last Updated: February 11, 2005