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ZJ's RPG World
White Wolf | Eden Studios | Indie Games | GM Resources | Essays and Fiction | Downloads | Links

Welcome to ZJ's RPG world! Here, you will find the best gaming resources for some of my favorite RPG's. I have spend hundreds of hours both designing helpful material and culling the best roleplaying resources from the internet and I hope it will aid you in constructing fun and entertaining game experiences. Please pick your poison from the links above.

This site is dedicated to the novice and fledging GM's out there. You've chosen one of the toughest, yet one of the most rewarding duties in all of gaming. From depths of your imagination, your players will experience bold worlds of adventure and wonder, colorful and engaging NPC's and moving and entertaining moments of drama. You should find under "GM Resources" a treasure trove of tips and tricks to help you survive those intimidating nights behind the Screen.

If you are one of my players, you should find that you have contributed much to this site. A GM, no matter how seasoned, cannot do much without players. I've had some incredible players of the course of nearly a decade of gaming, and hopefully, this will be reflecting in the content of this site. I also hope that this site will prove to be a beneficial resource for both former and current players, as former players can draw found memories and new players can discover and utilize new tools to help survive and thrive RPG world.

(Updated 3/14/05)

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