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Rogersville HxC Show

The Show will be Nov. 30 and there is a list of 11 great HxC bands all around this area. I'm dedicating this show to the memory of Chris Talley and Todd Reeves 2 of my friends who died in a car wreck on Sep. 29, 2002. I miss them both and this show will be dedicated to their memory.. Everyone should come out and help start up the HxC scene in Rogersville, Al. The show will be at Lauderdale County High School's Cafeteria which can fit around 400+ people plus it has a stage. We have already reserved the room for the show.. This is a final list of the bands that will be playing. You can email me and i will send you a sample flyer and u can print it out and help hand them out in your area.. We will have more details as the show gets closer just if u need anything email me at thanks and keep it real people and hold it down haha.

11/03/02: Update ACNA is playing now and there are a few open spots for a few bands... My computer has been down so i haven't been able to update like i would like but i have it running again so updates will be probably every other day... if any bands are interested in playing on the open slots please email me.. well thats it thanks.. brandon

11/09/02: Update new time schedule.. final schedule for the bands.. get to the show at 3 and the show starts at 3:15 with 5 minutes to sunrise.. this is final list of bands and schedule.. pleace come and enjoy..

11/10/02: Update on price has changed from 10 dollars to 7 dollars.. so now people can't bitch about the price thats a reasonable amount so come out and support your local music scene.. thanks

11/26/02: Update.. The Show has been moved to a new venue: Elgin Skate Center.. just get on 72 and get to rogersville if u are coming from huntsville and if u are coming from florence just watch for posterboards with X's on them coming either way and follow them... any questions on directions please email thanks

Bands (no particular order)

More Info. and Message Board

Time Schedule for Bands
Directions to the Show
Links to Some Bands Playing and Other Cool Stuff
Message Board
Memory of a Friend
