Smallville Links

Links to Various Smallville Sites

This page should be self-explanatory.

Important Note: It has come to my attention that the banners don't show up on most servers. Until I fix the situation, I've included the actual links.

'Shipper Sites


Between the Lines Meanwhile--the post-ep/coda fic site

Clark and Chloe


The Reporters The Hallway

Lex and Lana

Envision The Talon: Lex and Lana ... Legend Begins ...The Talon

Lex and Chloe

Irresistable Fire & Ice Lexcite

Truth Seekers Corner Clandestine

A collection of stuff from the Truth Seekers threads at

Chloe and Lana

Smallville Ladies(one of my favorite sites devoted to the girls)

Smalltown Girls


Slashville Smallville Slash Archive


The Smallville Crows Welcome to Smallville

Smallville Online Scarecrowville

Smallville Music

Smallville Quotations

Lana's Parents are Dead?

Leafy Little Hamlet

What Makes Michael Rosenbaum So Hot?

Everyone, fan of Michael's or not, must go here. I can supply drool buckets.

Everything I Ever Needed to Know in Life, I Learned From Smallville

I love this site.


Lex Luthor Fan Listing Girl Friday

Tom Welling Online

Eric Johnson Web Kristin

Michael Rosenbaum Online

I adore this site, as much as--or more than--his official. Visit, even if only for the really gorgeous photos.

Take No Prisoners

More Than A Sidekick

This is a great Pete/Sam Jones III appreciation site.

Michael Rosenbaum's official site Allison Mack's official site Allison Mack com

John Schneider's Official Site

Other Fic Sites

Smallville Improv

Smallville Fic Resources

One Red Hot Mama(Martha Kent fiction)


Click on a picture to support any of the following

Hug Lex! Kick Lionel! Smooch Chloe!

Click to joinSmallville Estrogen Brigade

Take the quiz.

I love Lex!
Find out who your Smallville Lover is!

Brought to you by Juliette Torres.

Fanlistings and Such


My Sister's non-Smallville siteVisit it, or I'll sic Lana on you. *******************************************************

Thank you to Michael for the 'Sorority Boys' pic that I used for my link!