
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot. Blah, blah, disclaimercakes

Author's Note: This is a short fic I was inspired to write out of the blue; it's pointless and fluffy, but it's all good.

Dedicated to my fellow Truth Seekers, but especially Rachael; because she and I will always feel Chloe's pain.


Chloe had driven them to Metropolis, but instead of going to a ritzy restaurant, she led a mystified Lex to the ominous stone steps of the art museum. The scattered, dim street lamps and the moonlight provided the only illumination.

Lex rested his elbows on his knees (mirroring her position) and asked, "what are we doing here, Clo?"

She smirked and flipped her head to get blonde curls out of her icy eyes. "In due time, Lex," she said crytically.

"So, what, you graduate from Met U, and suddenly you speak in riddles?" he continued with a smile. When the locks of hair wouldn't obey, he gently brushed them behind her recently pierced ears. "You're something else, Chloe Sullivan," he said softly, kissing her cheek.

With a sigh of mock exasperation, she grabbed his shoulders, slid off his suit coat, then kissed him passionately. "If," she gasped when they broke apart to breath, "you're going to be sappy, at least get off a hot kiss while you're doing it." She returned his grin.

"I wasn't being sappy. Luthors aren't sappy, damnit! Not even when with gorgeous, talented, witty women that make them aspire to be better men! I'm appalled that you would accuse me of such a travesty!" Lex ended his little soliloquy by making a face at her.

Her own deadpan expression faltered, and she laughed. "My mistake, Alexander." She rolled her 'r', making his full first name sound much more formal than it was.

Lex glowered, and began tickling her mercilessly. They were lucky the museum was closed, else they would surely be getting odd glances from entering and leaving patrons. "You're a lunatic," he said with a grin, his hands speeding up until she was laughing so hard she almost cried.

"And you..." Laughter "are guilty by..." Squeals and she tried half-heartedly to fight him off "association...enough already!" She grabbed his hands in hers, then laid down on the step, pillowed on his jacket.

He was gazing down at her, and his breath caught; it scared him how beautiful she was. What made her even more so was that she seemed to have no idea. "You're amazing," he whispered, licking his lips.

Chloe smiled and slipped her arms around his neck. "Am I, now."

His mouth descended on hers, and she met his kiss halfway. He shifted so her head was resting on his arms, the kiss deepening. "I love you, Clo. So much that it hurts," Lex confessed.

"I love you, too, Lex; you know that." Her eyes were sparkling, though, so he knew she meant it whole-heartedly. "I wanted to come up with a more unique way of doing this, but..." she trailed off.

"Doing what?" Lex wondered, slightly confused.

"Asking you to marry me. This'll have to do, I guess." She didn't appear nervous; just insanely curious.

His heart stopped for a second, he was caught so off-guard. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him? A Luthor? She was too goddess-like to be true. "What makes you think I want to spend the rest of my life with you?" he asked. He was testing her.

Her eyebrows raised and she smirked. "'The rest of my life'? Geez, Lex, this is ME; we both know I'll probably leave after a month or so."

It was their long-running inside joke; he'd made some jestful crack about her looking for another guy during the first month of their relationship, even though he knew she was hopelessly devoted. It had seemed funny at the time, and it'd stuck.

He sighed, then stared into her eyes. "Even so, I think I'll take my chances. Yes, I will marry you, even if you do leave me for some hunky former model with a motorcycle."

Unable to suppress a squeal, she kissed him with intense fervor. "I'm sorry," she insisted gravely when the kiss was done. "My airheady, teenager moment has officially left my system,"

Lex laughed, and helped her to her feet. Then, surprising them both, he picked her up and spun her around. "You know you have to buy me an engagement ring now, don't you?" Her feet were touching the concrete again, his hands were resting on her hips.

"White or yellow gold, Lex?" Chloe teased, covering his hands with hers.

His lips pursed while he debated. "White, even though it's more expensive. I'll end up paying for it anyway."

She laughed, then yanked him down the steps. "Only the best for you!"

"Where're we going?" he called while she plowed ahead.

His fiancee stopped, turned to smirk. "To the jewelry store to pick out your ring."

Lex gaped. "I was...joking."

The smirk turned into a grin. "As was I."

Of course she was. "Where are we really going, then?"

"My place, to celebrate."

That was all he needed to hear; he grabbed her around her waist and carried her to the waiting car.

