On a dark, cold thanksgiving evening, they were all gathered in the dark, cold apartment. Brad, the hired hand, sat in his corner, taking a drag off his cigar. The Porn Star Vogue idly flipped through one of his numerous cartons of smut. Parole Officer Steve kept a close eye on the bunch. Al Capone lay bleeding on the floor. Somewhere, a certain Snooty Bitch and his cronies Bob Stein and Out-of-Work spokesmodel Chris were plotting. And in the big orange chair sat Rob Hein, brooding on his status as a career criminal.

As the men grew weary of one another's presence, the light was snuffed out. "BRAD!" screamed Rob. "STOP THIS SHIT!!" An eerie green radiance emanated from the door. Steve grabbed his gun and took cover. The door flew open and there stood a pale man framed with black hair and leather walked through, holding a camera. Rob motioned for everyone to calm down.

"Not a big thing, guys. It's just Satan." The lord of hell stepped across the doorway and put the camera on the floor. He smiled and walked out. And that night, the Rob Hein Show was born...

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Plot descriptions for seasons one and two.
The men of the Rob Hein Show
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