Rim Job Productions

The links ya fuckin retards!

The History of Rim Job Productions
The Crew of Rim Job Productions
The CD's that are out and a synopsis of them
The Videos
Our Myspace

Rim Job Productions: just the name of it can give a man shivers right down the center of his colon, or even worse, his balls. Back in the days of yore, it was genrerally decided against all of Will Smith's mental ass power to create the greatest piece of trash this world's ever witnessed; compared to this, Hitler was a god. Behold the unfathomable combination of dorks with recording equipment, guitars, sound bytes, and very perverted minds. From the abcesses of men's urethra's comes the violence-laden, racist marxism that creates hatred with each long minute you withstand, if you withstand any at all. If you were to be given a pink sock and adopted by Rosie O'Donnell at the same time, this would be worse. When drinking a homeless man's puke makes more sense than most of the things we do. Like the stingray that killed the croc hunter, like a wild storm of angry woman on their period, like how the Easter Bunny is just Jesus in a bunny suit shitting colored eggs, like when i stick my finger up my ass and then give myself a moustache, whose influences include When your mother puts her used tampons and period juice in a bucket of vaseline. When phlem and sperm are mixed together into a batter, which then makes a cake, to which you eat. When someone takes a dump in a public toilet and then wipes their ass on the seat. When a rockstar O.D.'s on drugs while on stage and the groupies still come up and fuck his brains out. When a gay man gives aids to a cop, then the cop pulls a murder suicide because his wife found out, but who also sound like The fecal extraction of a crippled hemophiliac who cuts themselves while on an acid trip on the streets of San Francisco while giving a bum fellatio on top of the over-aged hippies of the 60's. A yuppie wallking by, completly unannounced, witnesses the whole thing. He takes out a video camera and tapes the entire ordeal; he then goes on to post it on Myspace and gets arrested for child pornography because the crippled hemphiliac was only six. Whilst in prison, he gets raped on a daily basis, and becomes a serial murderer within the jail system until he is finally taken down by a shift in a gang war.