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Word: Brainstone

Pronunciation: brAn-'stOn

Function: noun, adjective

1 : A concretion of earthy or mineral matter found in the central nervous system (2): A term used to describe random, irrational thought stemming from an overative mind.

Just What is a Brainstone?

A brainstone typically refers to the occasional (sometimes more occasional in some people) spurt of childlike, irrational thought. For example, if you find yourself wondering why we call oranges oranges and not pears greens and apples reds, you could have been said to have had a Brainstone. However, Brainstones can also refer to anything that is off-topic or irrelevant, but quirky or funny enough to merit mention here. In this page, you will find some gems gleamed by Shian from his friends, the internet, and sometimes his own imagination.

Now, are chicken lips fun to eat?

*All the articles you may find on this page are purely humour. Abbet, some politically incorrect humour. Take a laugh!

The Brainstone List

Quotable Quotes
These people were passing a major Brainstone when they were talking. All recorded for prosperity.

Questions to Ponder

Questions you really shouldn't waste your time on, but can't seem to ignore.

Useless Inventions
Somebody, quick get a patent before our our idea is stolen!

Useless Short Stories with a Moral
Don't tell these stories to your kids at bedtime.

All Your Bases Are Belong To Us

What was that all about?

The Bin Ladens
Oh no! Have my friends all joined Osama?

Upcoming Blockbusters
The latest blockbusters...or so we think...

Rex Unplugged
One of the best gigs you can ever attend...

More Upcoming Blockbusters
More of the latest blockbusters...

Strange Happenings Around Here
Whoever said Singapore was boring?

Brainstoning Articles

Yes, some people did really bother to write full-length, in-dept articles on issues that don't really matter! Read all about them here!

The Darksucker theory

What if there was no such thing as light?

Is there a Santa?
Let's apply physics to this question!

DIY Atom Bomb
It's really quite simple after you get the hang of it.

The temperature of Heaven and Hell
Another physics-applied solution!

More to come soon!

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